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  1. Hi Can you post a link to a Mr. robot armory with the BiS gear? Thanks
  2. Would appreciate some official info about tomorrow's maintenance.
  3. When you recommend 2 serenity relics, are the pvp or campaign ones?
  4. Not the appropriate thread, but would love if someone made this for BH gear (PvE)!
  5. After getting ear/implants (which i already have), which pieces in priority do you reccomend to obtain? A link to AskMr.Robot for a nice tanking setup with BH gear would be great!
  6. Thanks, now i know about augments. But still need to know about BH gear, what pieces people are buying and what mods are ripping.
  7. So i got a jugger immortal specced, in full columi, with some rakata pieces. My main is a BH merc, pretty straightfoward and easy to equip, but with the jugger i´m finding it a more difficult. Some questions: - What augments should i use? A guildmate advised me to use Might/end augments, because main stat is always good to have. - Black hole gear. In the Merc, i need to remod using mods from BH and put them in the Rakata gear. It´s the same with jugger? If yes, what pieces should i buy to remod? - Forgot to ask about relics. I'm using a Matrix Cube and a BM relic of shrouded crusader. Are there any better? Thanks for your help
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