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Everything posted by tufy

  1. Sorry bro, but I just don't see it and I've played WoW from release to january this year. In fact, when I entered TOR in Beta, the first thing I noticed was lightning fast camera turning, which annoyed the hell out of me, but either they slowed it down or I got used to it again. Other than that, it plays just like WoW in pvp and pve (other than lack of stopcasting, which gets kinda annoying when trying to interrupt something ). In before someone mentions the mighty Blink/Charge bugs that took two expansions of WoW to semi-fix (at least it didn't teleport you underground anymore ), the Fire Elementals that chased some random add on the other side of the room, the Searing Totems that won't fire at all, etc. Every game has its bugs and I can honestly say that I have experienced very few of those in TOR. Well, other than strange sorta light walls, which I suspect has something to do with my AMD card not being too friendly to certain games. (note to self: get an Nvidia again next time, AMD sucks)
  2. This. Such claims are often offensive self-defense. In order to not be pidgeonholed into a role, players preemptively attack others for not having that specific role they are trying to avoid. Simply throw that in their face.
  3. I have heard this claim before, but it's completely unfounded, other than having a ticking mechanic, Telekinetic Throw has absolutely nothing in common with dots and as such doesn't proc dot based talents.
  4. @JacynX: Shadows do not have heals. At all. Also, using a single bladed lightsaber on that advanced class is a suicide. If you want a single bladed warrior, go Guardian. If you want to heal, go Sage. You can't have everything, though. @Fox_McCloud: willpower does give damage boost to saber and double strikes. However, you lose that bonus when you choose Sage advanced class. Both of those abilities are there to help you get to level 10 and show you the melee style of the Consular before you choose your path. This really is nothing new - a similarly designed class, shaman in WoW, starts off as a sort of hybrid between a melee and caster, before deciding for a direction. Once that is done, some skills simply become redundant, yet nobody mourns them, because they don't fit one particular playstyle. Essentially, you have a preconception that a Jedi has a lightsaber and should use it at all times. Yet we have been shown time and again that this isn't true at all. In fact, the defining element of a Jedi is his ability to use the Force, which becomes obvious as early as A New Hope (everything from "these aren't the droids you're looking for" to relying on the Force in order to destroy the Death Star) and is reinforced even further in Empire Strikes Back (Yoda hasn't asked Luke to pull out his lightsaber a single time and one could argue that Vader defeated Luke more with his taunts and the Force than with his lightsaber). And why should a Sage rely on his lightsaber? His weapon skill is limited, his focus elsewhere. But his knowledge of the Force is unmatched and his powers vast - why not exploit this? I'd even argue that having a Lightsaber would not be needed at all (there ARE EU Jedi that never used a lightsaber, though they are rare), but I guess people would cry if Bioware didn't give them one. EDIT: come to think of it, there is one way I could see a Sage use his lightsaber - Saber Throw.
  5. i don't think you quite get the situation. The queues on Nadd are already over 2000 and it's only going to get worse. Even if Bioware increases the server load, I highly doubt they can increase it by hat much. For the next half a year or more, you'll have to log in half a day early just to get to play. Then what will happen is, the server will get a free transfer. By now, the community will have formed and people will do a mass exodus to follow their friends. The remainder, fearing that they may be left on a dead server, will follow them. The problem will transfer to the next server, while Nadd will be deserted. Thus when put into this perspective, 15-20 levels isn't that much, as long as it's just a guild or two - because, rest assured, getting the whole group to leave is much, much harder. How is any of this Bioware's fault? Just as those vast communities chose to invade one server, so too could anyone else move elsewhere. Imagining that Bioware could do anything to prevent is is delusional - it would only make people cry more, because they "couldn't play with their friends". No, if anyone is to blame, it's those communities themselves, failing to grasp what their presence does to their chosen server. As i said, the main problem wih Nadd is not that it was targeted by any particular one group, but that it was targeted by several groups at once. There's simply no reasonable way to prevent that from happening, short of locking the server down - and it's simply too late for that. Hell, I'd wager it was too late the very first day of he prelanch.
  6. Then you will simply have to live with 3 hour queues.
  7. Bro, trust me, I've most likely played this game more than you did so far That said, I agree with most, except the "world is not designed for flying mounts" part. That's nothing that couldn't be fixed, should one set one's mind to it. The thing is, it's waaay too much work for waaay too low a gain and a large number of losses. All in all, a no-no.
  8. No flying mounts. At all. It virtually reduces the size of the world, lowers amount of world pvp, destroys exploration and more. I don't mind open space battles akin to EVE, but flying mounts are a big no-no in my book. That said, I'd absolutely love Swoop Racing
  9. And it is, but the AoE's targetting another member and splashing the CC can happen. Usually, I'll put Qyzen on one side of the group, CC the other side and blast away, that usually solves the problem. If not, you need a sec to put it on/off, np.
  10. It's awesome. However, I personally opted for Cybertech (along with Scavenging and Underworld Trading), simply because it gives you grenades and a custom mount.
  11. Sages always had this range, they just nerfed it for Shadows. That's all there really is to it.
  12. Astral, Alacrity rating. It affects those globals that it reduces cast times of. Just refreshing your memory
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