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Posts posted by TheHeat

  1. I think we can all agree that this dude is either a terrible player or an excellent troll (or both). Let's move on. I think the OP was mostly venting: you're not going to convince morons to stop being morons, or at least it's not going to be fun for you to try.


    Agreed. BrooklynKnight/Quaylei is either dumb as hell or trolling. Either way, I'm glad the majority agreed with my thoughts. Gives me (some) hope for humanity.

  2. Please change the original post if you are indeed referring to Shadow Council and not Silent Council.


    Oh crap, I'm sorry about that. I got the names mixed up. Didn't mean to do that, my bad.


    As for BrooklynKnight, you're saying you'd /ignore someone in 49 greens in an attempt to avoid getting queued with them for HMs, but you think it's insensitive for people to complain about your obvious ignorance of how game mechanics work in pvp. It's totally okay to ruin someone's PvP experience, but you hold a higher standard to something you actually care about.

  3. Okay, look guys. I get it, this is an RP server. It doesn't have the biggest PvP audience. That's totally understandable, however, I'm so tired of people in the 50's Sith bracket jumping into Warzones with absolutely no (or very little) expertise equipped. We're gimped enough as it is against all of the Republic premades that have been running lately, you're not helping matters much by giving the enemy a massive dps boost against you while gimping your own damage against them.


    Last night I was in a Warzone that consisted of 6/8 of a premade from a guild that I will refrain from naming (let's say their name rhymes with Schmadow Mouncil). After my friend asked why over three of them had less than 300 expertise on we were told that we shouldn't judge how other people want to PvP and that if we want to PvP with team mates who wear proper gear that we need to be on a PvP server.



    Seriously, guys? People on RP servers don't only RP, just like how people on PvP servers don't only PvP. That should be pretty simple to understand, right? Is it really too much to ask of you people to put the correct gear on for a warzone? Would you try to run an Operation with a full group that's naked? If not then why would you basically try to do the same thing for a Warzone?


    Expertise gear is literally what makes or breaks you in PvP. You need to have it on pretty much no matter what. It's not even a matter of cost due to the fact that they give it away for free. Seriously, going into warzones naked only shows that you're willfully ignorant and also okay with getting absolutely shredded by the enemy team. Why do you want to lose. Stop trying to lose, Ebon Hawk Sith.

  4. *****This post contains spoilers*****


    There is one thing that always have kinda baffled me on Corellia.



    Where the flying goose is Thana Vash!!!?? If there is one planet she SHOULD be on it's Corellia. I mean Thana should be running around killing Jedis and Republic soldiers on the streets.

    I don't know how Gravus managed to keep her away from Corellia but it has irked me for a long time now. I doubt that even a force choke would keep her away from slaughter.


    You're talking about this Thana, right? I'm pretty sure she's not there because she's killable if you take the dark option at the end of the Empire Taris storyline.

  5. I don't know about making Cybertech mounts faster, but I'd certainly love to see more kinds of speeders that we can craft. Seems kind of lame that we can only make one type of speeder. I figured we'd be able to make a whole variety of crazy mounts when I picked up this profession.
  6. My Opinion On What Mercs Need To Be Viable For PvP:

    -We are interrupted just to easily and can fall behind in damage 1v1 very quickly, even with attempts to fake cast, we don't have much hope unless we use a knockback to run behind an obsticle and heal, then do 1-2 casts, knockback, run, heal. We are 2 much of a liability against players who use interrupts frequently.


    If you're actually serious about PvPing and you sincerely believe this then you need to go Pyrotech. There is absolutely no reason to be Arsenal in PvP right now for dps. As I've said many times before, the lack of mobility essentially makes you only good against players who aren't paying attention. Most players who have any idea of what they're doing will know how to shut down arsenal.

  7. Well to be fair, pyro mercs also get the armor pen on unload, which will be used often to proc RS. Also PT pyros are more visible being in the thick of things due to 10m range, while pyro mercs can fight from the sidelines and also use cleanse. Mind you, I'm not saying that merc pyros are better (indeed I prefer PT pyro), but it's not as bad as you think especially with the 1.3 changes. Overall a nice change for mercs IMO.


    The lack of interrupts is the one no-brainer thing that Bioware must provide to mercs. Also PTs excel in other areas like taunts and grapple. Overall they are both different playstyles. Another thing that Bioware could provide are knockbacks with roots for mercs... I mean just look at snipers!


    And BTW I do have a 50 merc, and an almost 50 PT.


    No, I totally agree with you. They are definitely two different playstyles and maybe some of the comparisons I made weren't fair considering how Powertechs need to be within close range to be most effective. I much prefer to sit at a distance and dps rather than being in the middle of the fray. That being said, you can't dispute the much higher damage output from Powertechs compared to Mercs.


    Bottom line, I think we'd be perfectly fine if we had an interrupt and an ability that had a 100% chance to proc CGC. The problem is without those two things there's absolutely no reason to pick a Mercenary over a Powertech for rated Warzones.

  8. I'd be really interested to know what kind of role the development team envisions for the Mercenary DPS class. From the available abilities I just don't see what unique role the Mercenary is supposed to fill. Snipers and Sorcerers can do everything the Merc can do, but a whole lot better.


    Right. I feel like they've been factoring in our ability to heal when balancing our class. That's a perfectly fine idea if it wasn't for the fact that, unless specc'd into, our heals are practically non existent in PvP if something is beating on us (discounting the occasional activation of Power Surge to cast an instant heal, which is really no better than using a combat potion).


    As said before, even with our highly mobile Pyrotech tree we're still more dependent on channeled/cast abilities than we should be. That paired with our relatively middle of the road dps and lack of an interrupt makes us probably the worst class in the game for PvP dps. We just don't really bring a whole lot to the table as far as PvP dps goes and I honestly wouldn't blame someone if they picked a Powertech, Marauder, Sorcerer, Assassin or even Operative over me for rated Warzones. There's literally nothing we bring to the table that those listed classes can't do better.

  9. You know, I actually like this change. I'm a rank 83 Pyrotech Merc with more than half War Hero gear and I'd much rather have a useful talent at the bottom of that tree rather than some accuracy. I know it sucks if you've already remodded your gear, but overall it's a big improvement. I've been messing around with it on the PTS and (though I don't have any numbers to show) it does seem to help much more than an additional 3% accuracy.


    What I don't like his how Powertechs still seem to get preferential treatment when it comes to talents. With this change we now have a Rail Shot that ignores 60% armor as opposed to the Powertech's 90%. The worst part? They have a first tier talent (in their middle tree) that requires the exact same amount of points as ours but gives 30% more armor penetration. It's little things like this combined with the fact that we still don't have an interrupt (and, as far as I know, the devs haven't even given a reason for that), we still don't have an ability that gives a 100% chance to proc CGC and despite its higher mobility our version of Pyrotech still requires you to stop and charge/channel Unload/Power Shot. This is why Powertechs with the same gear and skill will almost always consistently outdamage Mercenaries in PvP.


    So I guess this change is most definitely a welcome shift in the right direction for making us a class that's competitively viable in PvP, but we've still got a very long way to go before we're on par with most of the other dps classes.

  10. I leveled alongside my friend who rolled Sorcerer, so I got to watch most of his storyline. He basically took the same path that you just described. During that whole deal I couldn't help but keep asking "What is wrong with this bimbo?" and "Why is she doing this?" I seem to remember a few other bits of dialogue involving her that were also a little too out of character to be a reasonable part of the story. Ashara is just a dumb poorly written excuse to give one of the Sith classes a Jedi companion.
  11. ...and the overall nerfs are way more than just 10% to tracer.


    Such as?


    Arsenal is very viable, in the right hands, it's just that easy to counter when the opponent is > awake. if you don't get interrupted, Arsenal is great...that's a very big if, and a very bad opponent.


    Right, but why would anyone want to rely on their opponents being asleep at the keyboard? I don't understand why the people on this forum are so bent on making our PvE tree (which is great in PvE, by the way) viable in PvP rather than focusing on the hard fact that our PvP tree is what needs real attention.

  12. Arsenal was favored as dps in PvP because of its high burst potential.


    This always bugs me. Arsenal has always been second tier in PvP for dps. If you were dominating with arsenal pre 1.2 it was because you weren't fighting people who knew how to play. I'm not trying to imply that Merc doesn't need a buff in PvP, but I just don't see how a -10% reduction of TM damage suddenly warrants a whine fest about how the mighty arsenal tree all of the sudden sucks in PvP. It's always sucked and the longer you embrace a non-mobile highly interruptable turret spec for PvP the longer you're you'll get shredded by players who know how to interrupt or line of sight you.

  13. FIX THE DAMN SERVERS and let us PLAY AGAIN! Thus the forums will become a lot less QQ and a lot more PEW PEW.


    This guy is absolutely right. We just want to play the game right now. Bioware is preventing that from happening for a lot of us on low pop servers by sitting on their hands.


    Side note: don't call people morons when your post is full of misspellings and grammar mistakes. Just saying.

  14. Thanks for the input everyone. I'm going to start chipping away at my PT now (it will probably be pretty fast considering that I can safely spacebar through most of the story without missing much). I'm going to try to look at this as a long-term investment so that I will (hopefully) be more viable some day in a month or so.


    Warzones always need healers, which is something not offered by Powertech. Are you really willing to give that up?


    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I mainly heal. What I meant was that the fact that I can heal seems to be how they balanced my class despite the fact that my heals are really really bad unless fully spec'd into. I actually dislike heal spec on Merc. I'm Pyrotech on my Merc right now and I don't see switching presenting itself as an option any time in the future.

  15. So I've recently put some serious thought into shelving my Merc and rerolling PT. My main dilemma is that I have invested a huge amount of time on my Merc (Valor rank 81, several pieces of War Hero gear, maxed out companions/datacrons, fully augmented gear, etc) and it will be difficult to go from all of that to nothing.


    Another concern is that I PvP almost exclusively and, as it stands, the Mercenary is so flawed at the moment that I can't see it being decent without a major overhaul. Arsenal is absolutely second rate compared to Pyrotech in PvP (and not because of 1.2, it's always been this way) and Pyrotech on Merc is just so pathetic compared to PT. I don't think my terrible heals make up for the lack of Quell, Grapple, taunts, Flame Burst and 90% armor penetration with Rail Shot. Also, considering that, I don't see the mechanics of Merc ever getting buffed to the point where they can compete with what PTs can do right now.


    I've never been a FotM jumper and I absolutely hate rolling alts, but the imbalance between these classes makes me want to become a switcher for the first time in all of my experience playing MMOs. So my question is pretty straightforward: Is this going to be worth it? As Powertechs, do you guys think I'm glorifying the major flaws of my class or are these legitimate reasons to jump ship?

  16. I'm not sure if this has ever been clarified, but what is the planet that can be seen out of the windows of the Imperial fleet? It looks like it might be Korriban. I've also noticed there's another one not far from it (possibly a moon?) that seems to have water and plant life. Any ideas?
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