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Posts posted by TheHeat

  1. Hi there folks,


    I've got my eye on this and would love to see further reports or any additional details that would help us nail down if/when/where/how this is happening. Please be sure to tell us what server you're playing on if/when you see this as well as if you see it outside of the listed area on Makeb.




    Hey Amber! Thanks for giving this issue some attention. I've been seeing the same guy again and again, and he's still unflagged. I reported him and got a canned response email from a GM. After that he did actually appear red in open world, but a day or two later he was back to being unflagged somehow. What's the proper procedure for this? Should I report players who are obviously exploiting this for gain? Is there any way to get them flagged for PvP, seeing as it is a PvP server after all?


    Also, my friend who is currently on Preferred Status asked me to post this on his behalf. Same server (Prophecy of the Five), but totally different people who are using the same exploit. Photos here and here.

  2. I tell off the 3 idiots and they're excuse was "the game just started the imps won't come to West"


    Stopped reading here. Maybe learn the difference between "they're" and "their" before you call other people idiots.

  3. Over the past few days I've noticed that several players of the opposite faction have appeared blue/unflagged for PvP in the open world. Many of the Republic players I've seen around the Gravity Hook Seven area on Makeb have been taking advantage of this while farming the area. Was Makeb meant to be a flag toggle zone even for PvP servers? I don't see how something like this can possibly be intended for a server that's supposed to allow open world PvP anywhere.
  4. While I get that you are anxious to know the details.. from a practical standpoint... what would you do with the information if you had it?


    Sincere question. You cannot transfer until they enable it.. so what would you do with the information? Use it to pre-complain and QQ? That's what most advance information is used for in the forum.. so that is also a sincere question.


    In my case I'd like to know how it changes legacy. If legacies are being merged then there's not much I can do. If it's, say, taking the highest level legacy then there are a few legacy items I'd like to apply before hand.


    Also, stop looking for hostility when there isn't any. There's no part of my OP where I implied I'd be QQ'ing.

  5. Since we're seemingly still on track for a 6/11 release of patch 2.2, which (as far as the last Bioware posts go) will include a paid character transfer feature, can we get some information about the finer details involved with this feature? I'm personally very curious about this because I'll be moving quite a few characters and I'd like to plan ahead if at all possible. So anyway, here are my questions for you, Bioware:


    - How much is this going to cost?

    - Will it be done through the Cartel Market?

    - If so, will there be a physical item used to transfer (would be nice to buy these off the GTN if possible).

    - Will there be discounts offered for moving characters in bulk?

    - Will there be any restrictions or timeouts?

    - How will legacy be handled? Will it merge legacies if you already have one on your destination and origin servers?

    - Will there be any way to transfer guilds?


    Anyway, that's what I'd like to know before anything else. Please feel free to add your own questions.

  6. You're so right, waiting 8-9 months for some new content is highly selfish of me I am not sure where my head was at. I think they should probably make it at least every year, heck maybe every 18 months and throw some more gear in the mix.


    I'd be cool with getting new content every 6 months so long as it was exactly on time and no less than what was promised in advance. The last part is super easy too, if you don't have something, don't tell us to expect it. We're not asking for much here.

  7. I think a lot of the issues with Carnage come from the fact that it's almost entirely proc based for its big hits like the auto-crit Scream. Rage, on the other hand, can throw out an on-demand auto-crit Smash whenever needed, thus sacrificing utility and single target damage for a big hit exactly when you need it.
  8. Any dps is hard to kill with a pocket healer.


    I think this is what we all need to take home from this argument. Marauder defensive cooldowns are really good, but pretty much anything's defensive cooldowns are going to look frustrating when there's a talented healer backing them up.

  9. Still this question getting asked?

    Pve has a progression, pvp has not. You are automatically pitted in the top end of it (rated wzs don't exist), so you need a boost to level the field.


    Oh really? Try buying a full set of Conqueror gear before you get your Partisan set and get back to me on how that works out for you.


    Seriously though, I don't see the point in having a PvP stat if we're just going to give it out for free whenever you PvP. If the main PvE'er justification for the bolster buff is that PvP is supposed to be about skill rather than gear then shouldn't PvE be exactly the same in that regard? Is PvE not supposed to be about skill?


    The main point is that bolster is a really poorly implemented idea that sounds just as silly when applied to operations. The real fix here is taking out bolster and then bringing back the starter PvP set (except this time give it competitive stats). Not wearing PvP gear in PvP SHOULD get you curb stomped just like how wearing PvP gear in PvE will get you laughed at.

  10. Even the guy who posted about how the nerfs aren't that bad doesn't seem "okay" with them. I don't think anyone is "okay" with them.


    Personally I don't think this class (or the other BH class, for that matter) are worth anything in serious PvP anymore. I mean, sure, if you're skilled enough you could probably hold your own, but that could be said for any class you play if you have the skill. After spending the first 6 months of this game as a Merc, I'm not going to repeat the process again as a PT. Call me a FotM player or whatever you like, I'm done with being overlooked by Bioware's (literally) one guy doing the PvP class balancing.


    PS: Marauder is really fun and has two very viable PvP specs if you're into melee classes.

  11. Other than the size issue I think this thing looks great. It's a pretty fair adaptation of how the mask(s) looked in the original cinematics. I mean, it can't be 100% screen accurate considering the fact that the masks were slightly different in each trailer.


    All in all, fix this size (which isn't that noticeable on my body 2 male, just a slight bit too big) and it'll be fine.

  12. I more day until everythign change and everythign becomes perfect for the sith empire.

    So who ells is super hyped for this mask for 480 CC? i for one is very much so and of course to see what is inside the 2 new packs as well :)


    I've been waiting all week for this dumb mask. I'm lame.


    BW kind of messed up by releasing the coolest looking armor in the game already. I don't think I'll ever switch from Eradicator, especially considering what their newest armor models look like.

  13. ... a large number of people either didn’t ever acquire the Recruit gear or simply didn’t wear it while inside PvP. The result was a rather harsh introduction to PvP for fresh level 50 players into the established PvP end-game that resulted in a significant drop off in participation of PvP.


    So how is this in any way the fault of the people who take PvP seriously? It's not our fault that these people either sold or refused to wear their starter sets.


    The current bolster system (at 55) is a strange design philosophy on several levels. I don't understand why we can't just add a recruit set in a different way instead of keeping this strange system. You don't have a similar bolster system for boosting people to operation-quality gear. Most guilds who run ops will probably turn you away if you don't put in the time and effort to meet minimum gear requirements - and rightfully so - so why is it any different for PvP? Recruit gear definitely needs to be more competitive than it was pre 2.0, however, if you refuse to equip it then pvp probably should be a painful experience for you.


    Also, I don't understand the point of expertise at all right now. Why even have the stat if it's given out for free whenever you enter a PvP area? I know it's useful for open world PvP, but honestly how often does that ever happen in this game outside of the occasional Gree event. Right now it just serves as a way to partition PvP effort and PvE effort from being co-compatible, which is fine, but it's a little unfair if you can wear full BiS PvE gear in a warzone and be perfectly useful yet full BiS PvP gear would probably put you at a huge disadvantage in operations.

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