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Posts posted by Samurro

  1. You don't have to use it right away, literally your next Scream is free of charge. You'll want to use it often anyway, it's nice to have damage mitigation free of charge somewhere close to the beginning of a fight. What do you like more for Tier 1 talents, Quake?


    Yes Sir, as stated in other posts of me. Quake helps you with protecting your allies, Free Force Scream doesn't!

  2. Been in almost the same build through the whole game, except for a short run in lolsmash rage build to see what everyone's so excited about it. What I love about deep immortal is the amount of control you have. Sure, I got crazy numbers out of buffed smashes, but in Immortal i actually kill people instead of dropping the smash-bomb and dying.


    The only thing I'm not sure about is the points in shield chance or quake since both seem to be of limited importance, but there's really nothing else to take.




    I dislike Shield Spec...and even it has a marginal effect on targets affected by Quake, it still has an effect on people I want to protect.

  3. I never said it was impossible. I only said that the class is the most broken out of the other classes and needs to be looked at and hasn't since the Force push patch. That's all. Only making an observation, stating my opinion and asking harmless questions that seem to have offended you and put you into a nerd rage. Must be that time of month or something, because you are irrationally jumping to conclusions and looking for a fight.


    Did you play every other class there is, or who did you make this observation? Dont come with your stupid comparsion between you and your PT friend.. :rolleyes:

  4. Sounds like someones mad. Cause ya know, it's all about the PVPer's rigt? There is no other type of game play right? Go back to CoD and that other garbage games kid. If you even read what you quoted I said it was useful in PvP but hardly and if only situational in PvE. It's like the nerd rage just made you become American and just straight out become defensive of your play style over mine like you are somehow better then me.


    I agree with you, that CoD is garbage. :)

    And I missunderstood that you think Juggernauts are weak in PvE and need a buff in that aspect. May I ask what makes problems for you? Because I never heard of any Juggernaut that it is impossible to clear any content in PvE regards, so maybe you should put somewhat more effort into it or play something more casual like WoW tanking? ;)

  5. So let me get this straight,


    People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


    You only pvped for the gear? Epic fail....


    I got Battlemaster myself and I have no problems with these changes, because with my experience in PvP I am still better than a fresh dinged 50...

  6. That was quite a few patches ago and really could have done with out it. Only useful in PVP and situational in PvE and almost not at all in Ops.



    Did you know that Ops are PvE? No? And its tremendously useful in PvP. Go cry somewhere else PvE noob...srsly.


    So obvious proof that PvE players are just bad and have no clue about the game compared to PvP players.

  7. Game's only a couple months old. No one has been there for a "long time". :rolleyes:


    Personally I'd rather a new 50 have a shot at me, no matter how long I've been playing or grinding gear.


    PvP in which the winner is predetermined by gear is boring and pointless. I'm happy the Devs are making these changes.


    signed, not much to add there...everybody claiming PvP is about gearing has no clue about PvP.

  8. awwww... n.n i wish i made my juggy on your server ='( you look so fun! =D great vid! im running with your spec right now and i love it! ^^ your an inspiration to all the little juggs everywhere =D


    hopefully if they merge the servers ours will merge and we can duel sometime ^_^


    P.S.-dont mind the trolls talking about skill =P if they really do play lvl 50 warzones they'd know that you play your class above the mediocre level =) ive gone up against rage spec'd lvl 50's who can barely dent me >.>


    P.S.S- Lets marry our characters! <3 :p



  9. The Scoundrel has to be the least-played class in the game. Look at the forum activity in this forum compared to Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter.


    Since almost no one plays this class, shouldn't BW be looking for ways to encourage more people to play the class instead of nerfing our only viable spec into oblivion?


    Will be my first alt, after they implemented legacy system. So tell them to implent that right away... :p

  10. High Health and armor offer something def rating shield rating and absorb will never offer. These stats are entirely random where as having a higher health pool and mitigation will have consistency. High health and armor offer a consistency that stacking these other defensive stats wont.


    Did you know that those stats can't be improved by switching mods? Its only a matter of absorb, shield, defense rating decision...

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