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Everything posted by Samjuro

  1. Well I dont know about you guys, but for me that would be an epic battle, no one is to die, so all the number should be high... And this must be a rare matchup, I play on Jung-Ma and I rarely see more then 1 healer in a WZ, but its a matchup I would love to play !
  2. Well let me tell you this, most times I play a match vs the Republic, they have 3-4 healers, and while on my team I am the only one, I mean yeah 5 sages and 3 commando is a aweful combo to fight again... but it seem to me that almost no one heal on the empire side. I am a full healer (Sorcerer), I am hard to kill, yet if I am alone on the healing on our side we will lose the game. I used to love voidstar...but now its amazing, it so hard to win a match even with a premade because no one else is healing. I play on Jung Ma... and I feel I am one of the few healers on the empire side...
  3. Just quit... and dont bother the rest of us
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