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Everything posted by Baedwulf

  1. Section X is so 1.7 bro... get on my Makeb level.
  2. Speaking of star wars and dice... http://www.techdigest.tv/2013/05/star_wars_battl.html
  3. Varies from server to server and even time of day on any given server. Roll the dice and enjoy.
  4. I understood enough to know that I disagree that your claim that a sorc has an "execute" even though the PT has an almost identical ability, I mean if you want to get picky... you replied to me first and the only real difference is you named the classes I referred to as "some". Only you found a way to make an argument about it... one that didn't make sense.
  5. This I agree with. This not so much... you running a lot of annihilation in rated Seeng? Because you'd be the only one. Why not? It would HELP make it viable and even then it would need more. Right now carnage and smash are just better specs in every way other than survivability but that only makes annihilation useful for a 1v1 situation and I don't think anyone is running any annihilation node guards. A marauders job is DPS and right now and as long as I can remember.... both of the other specs are far better for over all DPS AND burst. In the end when burst rules all... DOT specs just need more to be competitive with bursty specs. Right now and for quite some time annihilation falls short of compensating for it's lack of burst.
  6. Google: SWTOR PT ability burnout. Not much different than the sorc "execute" if you want to call it that. And in my defense.... your post I replied to was hard to follow.
  7. In regs... over all the pubs do seem to perform better and defintely SEEM to have more healers PUGing it up. But that really varies depending on the time of day you play. It's very hit and miss in regs.
  8. I think you covered it... hence the word "some". I do believe that qualifies.
  9. Yeah... it sounded like a good idea but people won't pay nor do they want to leave. I loved the idea until I sobered up and realized it would never happen. But the east coasters will get their euros and the west coast will get the asians and the aussies and we should all see an increase in players. And thankfully a fair bit of players from those areas have skill. So there's really no need to argue... in the end we all know Bastion rules and will poop on every other server.
  10. Way to be nice and make me feel like a douche Sith... not cool man... not cool.
  11. Especially after 2.0... it amazes me how many people still don't break 100K. Most could spam a basic attack and do 100K... I've seen a guildie put up 65K using legacy punches while naked... some people can't do that with gear.
  12. I lol'd at "3am-6am" I almost pictured him peaking out of a sewer drain and his buddies behind him... "is it safe yet?" Honest question though.... have you guys tried... Not sucking? I don't enjoy things I'm not good at either. These include swimming, cooking, making the bed, cleaning, my job, and exercise.
  13. This positive attitude is what we need for true class balance. BTW they can still hit for over 7k, they just don't crit often enough.
  14. Burnout: More of an execute than some classes have. Pre 2.0 an execute wasn't needed. Post 2.0 an execute is not enough to help them.
  15. Pays $12 a month to go afk. Why? To collect coms for gear to go afk with. Makes perfect sense.
  16. 350K damage is probably a little generous.
  17. No no... you're OP... every one in regs is talking about it.
  18. I think it could be as simple as increasing healing back to pre 1.7 and increasing damage on melee attacks. I also think the predation buff being in the annihilation tree as well as carnage tree could help make it more viable obviously. I like the DOT on slash idea as well. Another idea would be to increase the damage of deadly saber attacks or even give another stack per use.
  19. New PT execute being intorduced in 2.2: Flame sweep now instant crits up to 5 targets for 7-9K each.
  20. This is very true... but at least other DOT specs such as madness have something to make up for it. Utility, off heals. What annihilation has right now can't even be called off heals. It's pitiful... it was hardly viable pre 1.7 or whatever patch it was and now it's just useless all the way around. Granted... at least marauders have to very good specs, but as someone who really enjoy annihilation... I would love to see it get buffed. But yeah... especially in this game DOT specs in general def need some love.
  21. Most of you post was about how other classes need buffs too. And trust me... I hear you. My PT is super sad in his pants right now. It just gets annoying when people bring other arguments into a thread that has nothing to do with the OP. Would you make the same comment in the sentinel/marauder forums? Because you might as well have. After work I'm going to stop by Taco Bell and complain about the burgers.
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