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Everything posted by Adut

  1. Adut

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I have to agree with the posters that say PvP is just a non-starter. 3 Buggy Warzones and a planet where everyone camps on or two laggy spots. I also have to agree with the poster who said the questing is first rate. Dialogue excellent. What we have here though is not an MMO. It's a single player game with grouping. I was kind of hoping this would be an actual MMO. Had I bought this game off the shelf as a single player game, I would have been quite happy with it. I've had fun, but got up to 50 and pvp queues take longer and longer to get a good game. I don't think SWTOR will die, it will just get down to a population of hard core fanbois, servers will consolidate and since the monthly income will decline, there won't be budget for the addition of a lot of new features. I do have to say though that I am seeing the trend. Most of the people in our guild have moved on to other games, light server loads, the xfire numbers would only confirm what I am seeing when I play the game. For me, it's just not fun anymore, and I'm out. May dip my head in from time to time, but I'll throw this on the pile with the rest of the also-rans.
  2. Hutball is one of the only warzones where strategy is more important than gear. A team that throws the ball can almost always win against a team that doesn't It's one of the only warzones that's not heavily gear dependant. It's not a question of balance or nerfing, or anything else. It's just my opinion. PvP was fun before 50 (for me) and now at 50 I just do not like it at all, and it's for the reasons I stated. Fun is a relative thing and what's fun for someone else may not be fun for another. For me I had a great time with the game in both PvP and PvE, until I hit 50, then when I hit 50 and went to Illum and Warzones and did some more PvE, I did not like it at all. That's my opinion for reasons stated. Doing X or Y may work for some of you, but I felt like when I got to 50, I was back at level 1 again and had a huge grind ahead to get my character to where he could PvP. It's kind of anti-climatctic to spend all your time to get to 50, and be fairly on top at 49, only to go all the way to the bottom again in one level.
  3. Unless everyone else in the group is likewise geared up, it doesn't help all that much. Not blaming BW, it's just not fun for me. It may be there is no solution. It may to quote one of my guildmates that "MMO's and PvP" don't mix. The reason is that at some point it is not about skill or teamwork, it's about how much time you spent in the game, either leveling or acquiring gear. In MMO's including this one, the 14 year old kid that lives with his mom and has no job will always win out over the casual player that actually has a life and plays less than 24/7. It may just be the nature of the beast, and I had high hopes that Bioware had come up with a solution. It appears the < 50 they figured out how to make it fun, but once you get to 50 it's just a complete grinding drag.
  4. I love to PvP, and I PvP['d my character all the way up to level 50. I played lots of warzones, and after BW, removed the level 50's into their own battleground, PvP was fun again. Now my character is level 50 and Republic (at least on my server) wins maybe one out of 10, if we are lucky. Also Illum is just a lag nightmare. It goes like this. 75 Empire standing outside the Rebublic base and 25 inside trying to pull them in with grapple. Laggy as heck and just boring. I've been keeping up w/ my gear and have purple mods in my weapons and armor, and I'm starting to get some expertise bits, but I figured it out and given that the just reduced the drop rate of expertise gear and you have to change warzone to mercenary to buy a backpack that gives you yet MORE tokens you have to save up. Long story short is, to be able to compete at level 50 in PvP you have to gear up, and in order to gear up, you have to PvP, problem is that until you gear up, you just can't compete, but you can't gear up unless you can compete. I figure to get decent gear to the point where PvP is fun again will take at least 1000 hours of getting repeatedly ganked. So I check back to see if they ever fix it, but it's a game breaker for me. And no you can't has my stuff.
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