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Everything posted by Entt

  1. I play empire, I just spent 1.5Million credits to unlock Miraluka on a toon i have on space slugs server, and I wanted to roll a Miraluka on another server with a buddy of mine. As far as I can tell the class UNLOCK only works for one the 1 server I unlocked it on. Can someone help me out? Do i need to level a toon to a certain level for the legacy system to activate and work across servers or am I just SOL? If so this blows beyond belief.
  2. Limit the number of accounts that can create a character per server. Lets say 140% of max capacity. I mean, you guys could have done something in advance. Not just leave every server open to everyone. Limit the people limits the queue when majority wants in. This isnt something that people are going to want to create a new character on a low popukation server just to not sit in queues. Alot of people are playing with friends. You should have done something about it. And maybe its to late unless you plan on adding free character transfers to low populated servers in a few months.
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