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Posts posted by Amp_

  1. I'm not a fan of cross-server anything. I prefer to have active server communities. That being said, it doesn't mean I don't understand the need for cross-server applications and SWTOR needs it for a number of reasons. I'm not selfish enough to say SWTOR doesn't need cross-server just because I don't like it.
  2. I can understand why people under lvl 20 can enter pvp and worst when most of your team is lvl 10-19. Bioware should lvl gap pvp between 10-19 / 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 in different wz.


    I'd rather have the lowbies on my team. Creating all those brackets will make queue times a nightmare.

  3. Anyone who has been involved in the MMO scene for a while has been around a situation like this. Even though it's just a game, sometimes temper gets the best of people. I'm sure we all have our fair share of stories.


    I'm not a fan of same faction warzones for a similar reasons. I've been part of games where there's bickering among same faction members and it sucks for everyone, even if you're not directly involved. Although that tends to be more of a problem with open world PvP games.


    That being said, it's a necessary evil until there are cross-server queues. It really can't work any other way. Even then there will probably still be a need for same faction warzones. Unfortunately it's just something you're going to have to deal with.


    Reminds me of the morning the local radio station said that smoking a cigarette while driving was now illegal (this was around the time the cell phone law had recently come into being). Lots of angry callers that morning. Although with the way smoking laws are going, can't say I blame them for being fooled.
  4. it is people like you that is going to destroy this game


    People like me are not going to do anything. Writing forum posts doesn't magically put things into the game. Are you really that naive?


    Then why play a healer?


    Because you enjoy it?

  5. I wonder why there are no "NERF TANK THREADS" around. You'd think people would notice the only reason the healer seems invincible is because he is guarded and they're being taunted by the obvious tank following them.


    Tanks don't need to be nerfed per say, but I think Guard should be looked at possibly being tweaked. I think the problem is that Guard is simply tied to a stance when it needs to be tied more so to the tanking tree.


    People should be able to Guard as long as they're in the right stance, but it should be reduced to 20% (for the sake of the argument). Then, if said tank wants the full value of Guard back, they're going to have to go deep into the tank skill tree to get it (20+ points).

  6. World PVP solely rests on the players. If people don't want to do it, they won't. Granted, some planets need more "PVP areas" if you will , IE quests bleeding into each other from both sides, but still, it rests on the players.


    People yell, we need more world PVP. There is an entire world where you can have just that. People don't go there for , hhmm whatever reason. I've heard that rewards aren't the issue and then I hear they are etc etc etc.


    Bottom line is, people will do world pvp if they want to and apparently not enough people are wanting to.


    When success or failure in a game is based on gear, then rewards definitely become an issue. Ilum has also been depreciated to the point of removing all incentive to go there because BioWare did such a bad job of it.


    There's also the issue with companions outside of PvP areas. Some classes can take them right out of the fight with CC while others can't, which is a losing battle. Companions are a detriment to Open World PvP, but they're a main aspect of the game.


    Lets not also forget how bad the client struggles with large group battles. Yes, every game will experience this to some degree, but with SWTOR it's down right appalling. There's no way Open World PvP can even begin to exist until this issue is resolved to an acceptable point.


    All of which does not rest on the players in any way. We're not out there because it's not fun and it certainly isn't practical. If you won't build it, they won't come.

  7. Post your server and main character name, healers would love to ignore you after this, it's better when you die after all right, as more dieing is good ??


    I guess your just another one of those players who have no complaints about getting saved by a healer, but complain when you can't kill one quick enough...


    Surely any increased benefit healers got with increased expertise would be more than matched with the dps also increasing the same way, but the difference is multiple dps who benefitted from the increase attacking you combined, would be far greater than any heal increase ?


    BW devs are succeeding in one thing at least come 1.2, far less healers, both from those who unsubbed and those who changed specs to dps or re-rolled, the loss of Comm/Merc healers more so :(


    For the record, I like healers. I just don't think BioWare has hit the sweet spot in terms of dps vs. heals. A team stacked with dps, not a problem to deal with. A team stacked with heals, they're a problem to deal with. Dying doesn't bother me. Especially with everything revolved around objective based warzones. I just think it's better for everyone when people are dropping on both sides. It creates more of a sense of urgency and an emphasis on playing better.


    I never expected and wasn't serious with the name and server comment, a threat wasn't intended ;)


    The point is that you get people who want healers to be easy kills, but it's ok being on the end of heals, heavily nerfing healers so they are easy kills, is at the same time heavily nerfing healers who play a selfless and team role healing you.


    Hving read a few more posts, as it turns out it wasn't a 'hit and run' type comment, at least he did explain himself better later as you said, so I agree and also that the first post should have been more constructive like the others.


    Sorry about that. I try to be concise. I have a bad habit of rambling and writing walls of text, even if I make valid points and try to be constructive. Even if it is constructive, I don't necessarily think my posts always warrant people's time. It's valuable. I could keep going on that topic, but I think it's best if I just cut myself short. :)


    Laevius, Ajunta Pall (RP-PvP West), not that it matters. I doubt anyone would recognize the name and I'm not affiliated with any guilds. I don't think I will be here to see 1.2 anyways.

  8. That's an interesting approach but I'm not sure that I would go as far as 80%. As a healer, I would feel a little bit like I was being punished for choosing a support role. I would also want to make sure that both characters had a good shot of winning each encounter. If most fights follow a "I slow down the DPS for a while, then I die" pattern, then I'm not going to enjoy PvP.


    That was just a random number off the top of my head for example's sake. Think of it like Resolve for healing.


    I wouldn't want it in such a way that it punishes healing, but rather makes healing a little more tactical than spamming.

  9. How is "making them live longer" different from "keeping them alive"? Are you looking for a specific cutoff, like after 20 seconds someone should die? What is the magic number? And who should die? Should it always be the healer? Should it be the person who is receiving the heals? Should it be the person who is attacking?


    If they live longer, it means they were able to survive longer, but ultimately died. Keeping them alive would imply that there is no death.


    If it were up to me Trauma would not be a flat debuff. It would build up diminishing returns over time until healing is at -80% (random number for the purpose of an example). It would expire out of combat of course.

  10. Booooo to cross server queuing. Very bummed that they're even thinking of this. Allow server merges first, THEN consider cross server queuing.


    They can't. BioWare did open a few too many servers at launch. However, server merging will always be received as the game is dying, even though that wouldn't be the reason for it at all. None the less, it's not the kind of attention any game wants.

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