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Everything posted by Ervashi

  1. Basiliscus is correct. Don't forget you can use the Magnifying Glass option in the lower left corner of your map screen to get a close up and more easily tell which vendor is where! That's how I found this vendor the first time.
  2. I'm currently sitting 1800 LS : DS 1550, and I have some hopefully constructive thoughts for you. Light Side smuggler is, to be honest, boring when stacked up with your Dark Side options. The DS choices and dialogue are much more fun, IMO, and I'm someone who ALWAYS chose Light Side in KOTOR. But I'm also role-playing slightly, which guides many of my decisions; my smuggler looks out for him and his, and if you cross him, well, gg. But he doesn't slaughter innocents. I don't want to spoil anything, but Dark Side choices don't often line up with the values of some of your companions. I've taken a number of negative affection hits for my Dark Side choices, and while these points can be won back it does slow down the affection process. So keep that in mind. I will say I get a sweet sense of satisfaction when I'm in a group of 4 players in a flashpoint dialogue and the other 3 choose the Light Side option and I choose Dark Side and win the roll. Generally the other players say "Oh man, thanks! I've always wondered what would happen if I chose that option but I don't want to tarnish my perfect light side score omg." Also never choose a Dark Side option simply for bribe money, even on Nar Shaddaa it's nothing more than a couple hundred credits. Pretty lame. Hope
  3. I got you! 1) You only get "full" protection when you are ducked behind cover; you are vulnerable when you pop out of cover to shoot. How much protection you get is based on the type of cover you're using, see below. 2) Real cover - that is, rolling into the "green gumby" positions - provides you with FULL cover. You are essentially 100% protected from "direct" ranged attacks, but you are still vulnerable to AOE attacks (e.g. grenades) and melee attacks. Edit: Meant to add, Portable cover does NOT offer 100% damage reduction - it only reduces damage by 20%, if I'm not mistaken. Same rules apply, though, as for when it actually gives you that protection. 3) Yes. Very useful in PvP and very useful against some mobs. 4) Yes to your first question, no to your second. The shield indicates you are receiving your cover benefit against this opponent; if s/he has a shield, you get damage protection and are safe from force leap. No shield = no protection and you're vulnerable to force leap. I suggest you read this thread for greater detail: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=4749
  4. I understand the need for server queues as a part of maintaining healthy server population over time. But I'm on Dark Reaper, with a queue of over 1100 people, and I keep getting disconnected. Yes, I could roll a new character on a different server, and not enjoy playing with my friends and guildmates, with whom I signed up under the pre-launch guild program. After clearly stating to bioware, "Hey we're putting our faith and money in your game, and this is really great that you'll put us all on a server together!" Really great until that turns out to be one of two servers (the other being Fatman) with hour-plus queue times. How am I ever supposed to get into the game and play with my friends and guildmates - playing by myself is NOT why I signed up as part of the pre-launch guild program - if I keep getting DC'd? It's really frustrating. Is there a solution/fix out there somewhere?
  5. Ditto, have had this same issue. Not enough time! Just 5-10 more seconds would fix this.
  6. Ervashi

    Trouble with PvP?

    I was in a PvP queue for 30 minutes yesterday before leaving and rejoining the queue. After another 15, I still hadn't been placed into a match. Anyone have the same issue? Is this just a case of servers not being full? It seemed like there were plenty of folk running around Coruscant doing quests, but I couldn't play any PvP.
  7. What are you all doing up right now?!?!? Oh, right... Seattle
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