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Posts posted by Trenyc

  1. Yeah, I get the DoT thing, but as I've mentioned there are many times where I've definitely, 100% certainly, had none on me and still had it not work.


    Perhaps they should just work Dodge into Disappearing Act as having two abilities that might as well be one seems kind of pointless, other than "Raising the ~*skill cap*~" for Scoundrels. Then again, pressing two buttons in the same order every time is more about muscle memory than skill. *shrug*


    If you have a DoT on the target, its ticking will put you back in combat as well.

  2. You make a very good point, agreed.


    Edit: Perhaps the solution could be to withhold all stats while MVP voting is going on. That way, the MVP votes go to the people who you recognized during battle as being team players rather than the chart toppers. After the MVP voting phase is over, then we could see all stats and how we ranked in those. Nothing burns me up more than a sage/sorc that sits at a turret and uses the ability to take away their health and then self-heal for high numbers, and then gets all the mvp votes bc other players don't realize that is why they were top heals.


    I try to give my vote to the person who did a lot but received few medals, this would impede my ability to do this as well though.


    As a healer, I don't recognize who's doing what unless they're:


    A) Frequently getting the ball and carrying it in to score.

    B) A tank who's guarding me.

    C) Someone who is sitting at and defending the same objective as me.

    D) A friend.


    That's usually only about 2 people per match unless there are a lot of people I know, and half the time, of the people I recognize, none are doing a particularly good job. If stats were hidden, I would virtually never vote for a DPSer, and it would be rare for me to vote for a healer. I'd probably just vote for friends all the time.

  3. 1. Because of diminishing returns, it is much more important to get sufficient levels of Crit, Surge AND Power before you invest TOO heavily in any of them. Once you get to sufficient level in each you can focus on maxing your crit. If you have 0 Power and 250 Crit, an item with +50 Power will give you a lot more damage than an item with +50 Crit.


    Are you sure about this? I'd like to see the math.

  4. you should read his post before you present your faulty conclusions and anecdotal evidence to support them.


    While I agree that he should read the post before criticizing, I have to ask: do you know what an anecdote is? Or an argument from fallacy?

  5. Tranquilizer puts you into combat. When Tranq wears off, the mob will come after you unless you're out of range.


    One odd thing I have noticed is that Mind Maze, the Shadow equivalent to Tranquilizer, doesn't have this effect. They can Mind Maze a mob, sneak past it, and go right on their merry ways. If Tranquilizer is bugged, I sure wish they'd fix it. :(

  6. I was wondering about this... sometimes it seems like nothing makes my Resolve bar move. I'm chain stunned and I look down to see my bar maybe 25% filled. This needs to be fixed quick, I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't been addressed yet. This is a huge 'fun killer' in PvP. Also, Knockbacks and Pulls should add a substantial amount of Resolve as they can be even more detrimental than a Stun or Root in a lot of situations.


    Roots and slows don't affect resolve. I've seen people complain far too often about being chain-stunned when really they were just rooted.

  7. i'm guessing you mean warzones.


    23/13/0 (5 points left: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMdhoozZMIbozz.1


    that's probably the most popular hybrid build. i left out five points so you can decide where you want to go. you can either get accomplished sawbones, get 6% extra crit from dirty fighting, etc.


    31/3/7: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMdhoRdsZ0cZGb.1


    pretty much a basic healing build. kolto cloud is kinda garbage, though, so...


    You take Sedatives for PvP? Tranq sucks in PvP because it breaks on damage and gives the target a full resolve bar. Ten seconds of 50% reduced damage is not worth a full resolve bar, let alone a full resolve bar and two points of your spec IMO. I'd say Scramble would be a better pick.

  8. Kneejerk reactions from children over balancing changes. It's an mmo. Over the next year, the scoundrel will be buffed and nerfed and buffed again. Just like every class in the history of mmos.


    Hate to be the one to break this to you, but most adults act more like children than most children do. Right or wrong, what you call knee jerk reactions do in fact shape the direction in which an MMO provider's bottom line will move.

  9. I haven't looked at healing trees/abilities much, but I was kind of wondering if it wouldn't be the case that power was more a healing stat than crit. With DPS you don't really have to worry about hitting consistently high against a boss, doesn't matter if you don't crit half the time. You work on the assumption you will for threat management (if it's at/around 35-45% as a GS should have once they're all geared proper), and at the end of the day all your damage is rounded together into an average. With healing you need that healing to be hitting as hard as you're estimating it will right now. You can't risk it doing 80% less healing because you got unlucky and didn't crit.


    However, all the DPS trees I've personally looked over synergy with crit, not power, suggesting very very heavily that a crit/surge build is going to be much better. All the math done has also backed this on the SS and DF builds.


    Unfortunately, the translation of Power to Bonus Healing is utter garbage at about 0.17 per point. The translation of Power to Bonus Damage, on the other hand, is at a rate of about 0.23 per point. At these rates, the translation of Power to Bonus Damage is better than the translation of Power to Bonus Healing by about 35%. Beyond that, I don't know what the coefficients are for calculating the actual amount of healing your Bonus Healing stat contributes to your heals, but in practice that value seems to be very low. I've been trying to find someone who has done the math, as I don't have time to work out the coefficients, but since I can't find the math for Scoundrels, I've just been stacking Crit and Surge. This is partially because Power mods tend to come with Alacrity, which for my play style is essentially a wasted stat, but also I remain unconvinced that Power is at all worth taking except when your Crit and Surge are soft capped.


    I sort of hope I'm wrong, as a lot of our end-game PvP and PvE gear for Scoundrel Field Medics has Power and Alacrity on it, and I'm really not looking forward to having to farm the same two or three pieces over and over again just to get the mods.

  10. Yeah, its the worst when you're bleeding or dotted and triage is on cooldown, you just bleed out and nothing you can do to stop it.


    Its a Matrix moment when all time slows to a crawl and you just watch that health bar tick down until you die.


    Well, since Triage doesn't remove Force effects and this is basically World of Sorc/Sagecraft, most of the time you can't even remove the DoT.


    Also sick of getting rooted by Force users and not having it count toward resolve. Rawr.

  11. Core spec is this:




    Talents to consider are:


    Scramble (Sawbones) - great in PvP, not so great in PvE

    Med Screen (Sawbones) - useful in both PvP and PvE

    Black Market Mods (Dirty Fighting) - not that great IMO, as Alacrity doesn't benefit instants

    Dirty Escape (Dirty Fighting) - great in PvP, but not very useful at all in PvE

  12. PvE gear gets progressively better to empower players to handle more challenging PvE encounters.


    PvP gear should not get progressively better because there is no such thing as progressively more challenging PvP encounters. When you enter a warzone, you don't get to "choose" what difficulty you want. You don't get to pick Hard Mode or Nightmare Mode. There's no progression involved. It's a crap shoot, and you're rewarded for failing.


    Using your own analogy, OP, giving PvPers progressively better gear for PvPing (with the current system) is not akin to normal PvE progression. It's akin to throwing a bunch of people with level 50 blues into Karagga's Palace on Nightmare Mode. Buen suelo.


    Oh, and you get shiny loots even when you all faceplant at the first trash group repeatedly until you ragequit.

  13. Don't nerf me bro!


    Its still going to be the #1 profession. Hopefully it will become less of the "only" profession.


    Only if Bioware makes the other professions worth picking up. As-is, the combination of purple Biochem stuff being infinitely reusable and the fact that other professions can't craft anything even remotely as useful as even a green medpack pretty much ensures that Biochem will remain king.

  14. That just makes bridging the gear gap even harder which makes no sense if they want fresh 50s to compete more evenly.


    If I understand it right, it actually makes it easier if you're a Battlemaster. Funny thing, though: if you're not a Battlemaster yet, well... good luck. :rolleyes:

  15. Haha, this is funny. I'm already in full champ gear with several hundred Centurion commendations. Heck, I didn't even spend Centurion commendations when I probably should have because daily modded gear is better. Now Bioware wants to give people more Centurion commendations and less Champion gear? This after people have complained for ages about the low chance to get Champion pieces in the first place?



  16. We debate this same build in the Operative forums :) I plan to try it soon, as I suspect that Street Tough may be worth a lot more than your math predicts. Because of our tiered regen system, it could increase your natural regen rate in some cases, in addition to the marginal energy it supplies.


    I'm primarily a PvP player, though. In operations, I think I'd stick with a 31+ pt healing build.


    10 energy ever 20 seconds is not worth six wasted points (Shrap Bomb, Flash Powder, Dirty Escape, Holdout Defense). Speaking from a PvE perspective here. Flash Powder and Dirty Escape are both utterly worthless in PvE, and Shrap Bomb and Holdout Defense are only useful if you're used to running with really terrible DPSers.


    Even in PvP, I'd question the usefulness of Shrap Bomb without the talents to improve it and its bleeding effects. You can still get Dirty Defense 2/2 with a full healing build, too, if you don't take Kolto Cloud. Whole other issue though. :)

  17. I agree with most of this, but...


    2. SRMP can generate UH every 6 seconds. 4.5 is the general misconception, but the talent info says 'each rank beyond the first reduces this rate limit by 1.5 seconds.' So unless the wording is wrong, it's 6 seconds, but it's a bit difficult to tell the difference when it's at a 30% rate anyway.


    4. I didn't say Kolto Cloud sucks (not sure if you're replying to me on that), just that I don't use it since I mostly use Sawbones for Operations. It's not as effective there because it only hits four people, and you can't even pick which four beyond the main target if you have a lot of melee (and my guild static does). Definitely would be useful for HMs, but my HM group has a static sage.


    I haven't done any hard testing on SRMP, but I'm fairly sure it's 4.5s. Sort of funny, I didn't even read the tooltip for the talent before writing that. I just thought it was 4.5s. I'm fairly confident in my assessment because I rely heavily on EMP, but I suppose I could be wrong. Either way, it seems to work fine.


    As for Kolto Cloud, it's just a very underestimated ability. The fact that it only hits 4 targets kind of sucks considering it's an HoT with no burst at all to it, but that fact also works to our advantage. Commando multi-target heal only hits 3 people, and Sages require their benefactors to stand still for the duration of the effect to receive the full healing (and most of that healing is HoT too). While Salvation seems wicked IMBA in PvP, most of that is because people group up in tight clusters. You don't see this as much in HMs and Ops. Comparatively, Kolto Cloud performs well and gives the group greater mobility.


    As for the targeting of Kolto Cloud, it (in my experience) seems to hit the people with the lowest health. If two or more targets have the same amount of health, it seems to hit whoever is closer to the target. I'm not sure how accurate this is--I haven't really paid too close attention--but what I can say for certain is that it always seems to hit the right people. In HMs and Ops, though, it's not very likely you'll be hitting more than 4 targets with it, anyway. If you have more than 4 melee people in your group, well, plan groups better. :p And if you're relying on Kolto Cloud to get you down the steps in the Soa encounter of Eternity Vault, you shouldn't. SRMP on multiple targets combined with Emergency Medpack is a much better option. Use that in conjunction with Kolto Cloud an you'll be fine, especially if there's a second healer in the group.

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