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Everything posted by expired

  1. There are plenty of enhancements to compensate with, they just don't go passed 22... All of the 24 up are acquired by swapping out from other gear pieces, which will no longer have desirable stats. I've been stacking surge from champion and battlemaster sets, I believe the alternative to these gear acquired enhancements are just a reallocation of the primary and secondary stats, meaning more endurance over crit or surge etc. Which is great and all, but surviving longer in timed fights (Enraging bosses) doesn't really help me. An overall loss of roughly 10-15% damage to every DPS can hurt when you're just barely sc****** by the enrage timer sometimes.
  2. That would be nice. Considering I haven't gotten a single BM item in over 2 weeks.
  3. I have no problems stunning or interrupting a tracer spam, its actually quite sad when they continue to use it even after a 4 second lockout and stand there with their finger up their nose until they can do it again. The only problem I have with it is when there are just so many bounty hunters/commandos spamming it that I can't interrupt or stun them all. Occasionally they wreck me in the rare times where both of my CC, my interrupt and my knockback are on cooldown. Only time where I can't do anything and have to just take it or run are when they are full resolved and my interrupt is down.
  4. expired


    I have a Sorcerer and I've witnessed the animations be the result of a Sage's loss in a one-on-one, if I had been recording I definitely would've uploaded it. We were both roughly 5% health after blowing most cooldowns, he casted his rock equivalent of shock, I saw the rock float up so I was like oh SH..... Then I shocked him and he died, because mine was instant, his wasn't.
  5. Battlemaster Commendations/Gear still needs adjustments... Maybe I just have the worst luck in the world? I hit Battlemaster early on, and all I've been collecting is Champion Commendations (You know, the ones that are completely worthless to me now that even companions have lost their value). I've now collected 100 champion commendations so far and the only gear I have to show for it is bracers, and a weapon (Yes I know at least I got a weapon). I've spent a very large duration of battlemaster doing dailies and getting absolutely nothing and feeling like doing them at all is getting more and more pointless. I haven't actually gotten anything from the boxes since the patch so I'm not even sure if we get one commendation, or a random number from 1-3, all I know is I have a random chance to get something towards battlemaster. It's quite infuriating knowing people who have been battlemaster for a much shorter period who have the full set, or close to it. Now despite all those issues, I can still live with the gear being random, just not all or nothing kind of random. A possible solution could be to always give battlemaster commendations, make the gear cost more, for example 60 commendations, but have the boxes give a random number from 1-60 so at least if my luck is bad for 2 weeks straight I can at least purchase something eventually. I understand people think that battlemaster gear should not be easy to get, but random doesn't have anything to do with difficulty, its luck, something I cannot control.
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