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  1. What's sad about Jaessa is that she is so drunk on power she often forgets there is a bigger cause than her personnal amusement. Don't get me wrong, kicking the dog is all fine and good, but if you can't see the bigger picture when it matters, your just a one dimensional butcher, and I feel there is more to being a sith than that. She would have been amazing if she was a bit more tacticly minded. It's not that I don't like ds characters, it's just that I feel pain should be deserved. I play my sith warrior as a mix of Thrawn and Vader, where I talk like vader but chose like Trawn would. She loves the Vader part, but almost never agrees with the Thrawn part . If there is ever a true story expension, I would very much like to see companion arcs (or even romance only ones) where it would actually be possible to teach Jeassa how to act like a proper sith, not a thug.
  2. Yup.So the only factor is race for the prologue then?How sad :/
  3. Well considering I have seen many conflicting reports about watcher 2 romance in the prologue, I made a playtrought just to check how to do that in the so called prologue.My first agent was a chiss, and she denied my at the end of the Dromun Kass mission. However, when I played a human, she seemed much more open to me, and so I picked every flirt option incluing the one that you have in samara's mission.If you ask her about how you can go,you will have a "secret" flitrt option,where you will then be able to tell watcher that you might need to get close to samara, to wich she will respond that it's part of the job, and that she won't mind.Samara is also romancable if you pick the two first flirt option, but not for alien apparently, since my chiss was denied too when he tried that. Lastly, you can sleep with her at the end of the Dromun Kass missions,if you have taken all of thoses flirt options,and if you have spoke to her and flirter with her as part of the optional mission "understanding intelligence". It should be said that I removed Kaliyo(yet I flirted with her on every ocasion) from my party every time I had to speak to anyone for the story classes,especially in the briefing room (with Keeper and all of the others).Also, light side has nothing to do with it, as I was neutral. This leave two things,either the game does'nt allow you to romance her if you are not human,either it is the prescence of kaliyo that cause her to reject you.If anyone managed to sleep with her in the prologue while being an alien,feel free to correct me.
  4. Razgaros

    Need un vrai TAB

    Bah au début j'avais du mal a faire comme ça,c'est sur que c'est tout sauf intuitif,d'autant que c'est a configurer au fin fond des options...Mais bon,après plusieurs de jeu,tu commences a avoir le réflexe et ça devient relativement naturel a terme. Après c'est sur que les premières heures sont pas super agréables avec ce système mais en attendant un fix c'est mieux que rien.'Tention ça dispense pas Bioware de faire un fix ein,mais faut reconnaitre que pour les gens qui veulent y mettre du leur y'a une alternative relativement viable.
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