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Everything posted by Rhostadt

  1. This whole debate about which is worse, **** or murder, is vaguely amusing. But it's also off topic and largely irrelevant to the OP's original question. In fact, the OP kind of answers his own question. The answer is a definitive 'NO'. For the simple reason that selfishness and romance are mutually exclusive. Sure, you could have an abusive slave-master sexual relationship (if the game/Vette allowed it). But a romance? No.
  2. Bigoted much? Your entire post is not only idiotic, but irrelevant. It doesn't matter which country's military rank structure the game was based on (if any), for one very simple reason. The game has a codex entry specifying the necessary information. First, that Havoc Squad is Special Forces, part of the Republic Army. Second, that Ensign is of superior rank to Sergeant. Third, "...the honorific 'sir' should be used when addressing any personnel of higher rank than oneself, regardless of the species, gender or position of the addressee." The OP is correct, the ensign NPC should not have called the NPC sergeant 'sir'. The correct form of address would have been to simply call him 'sergeant'. You don't have to call a lower ranking person 'sir' in order to show them respect. All that said, I'd just brush it off as the voiced over equivalent of a typo. The codex entry proves that BioWare put at least some thought into it. P.S. The soldiers in the trooper story line salute in the fashion of the US military, not the British military.
  3. I have to disagree, OP. I found my leveling experience to be the complete opposite. The 20s were tough for me, but once I actually went Immortal, and especially once I got Jaesa, things fell over dead. In my opinion, Strongs are way tougher than they should be (they have a much higher damage per second than Elites for example). However two of them are still always doable. If they're not, you need to check your level, check your spec, check your gear, and check your companion's gear. Keep in mind, quest rewards alone are *not* good enough to keep a companion's gear up to date past level 35 or so. If your complaint is about not being able to overcome the healing of two specific Strongs, then you had better not be using Quinn. If you're properly specced Immortal and Jaesa/Vette are geared correctly, then you should be able to beat any solo quest encounter up to *at least* one level above you. Yes, that includes Elites and double Strongs. I've done it, repeatedly, so don't tell me it's impossible.
  4. I've had this problem, both with attacks, and with defensive cooldowns. It's incredibly frustrating. The only reason it hasn't (repeatedly) killed me yet is because I'm a diehard button masher.
  5. Thanks for the warning. I'm just about to the point where I throw down with this guy (just got the mission to kill him), and I've been spitting nails before at enemies that healed themselves.
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