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Everything posted by Pscyclone

  1. Paraphrase: Not as objective as presented when boiled down to the main point. Perhaps TOR is not the game for you? In any event, thank you for your efforts and the time spent writing that review.
  2. That statement sure sounds good on the surface since everyone gets what they want, but it does not address the point of the issue. The point of the issue is that user-created tools affects game play, like it or not, for every player. And, like it or not, those 'tools' affect game development. Bioware's decision is not one about player choice this time; it is about how it wants to present the game to, and preserve the gaming experience for, its entire subscription base. Too, it must decide whether or not it wants to bring third-party 'tools' into every development discussion. WoW started to lose its shine for me years ago when Blizzard admitted that they were designing content around user-defined tools. Many players do not want their game content to force them to use a third-party tool in order to participate. But, for every one posting on this forum (including me) there are legions of folk that don't post - and those legions bought just as much right to an enjoyable gaming experience as the vocal minority on these boards. Bioware will consider them in its decision.
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