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Posts posted by jofos

  1. I decided to give the game another try last week. I'm not real fond of the limitations of the free to play so I resubbed and spent a while downloading all the updates, the last time I played was a couple weeks after rise of the hutt cartel. So when I finally get in I'm missing 3 characters that I had played. They weren't high level (two in the low 30s) but two of the three were my money makers. Well I created a ticket and told then I was missing them and such and got a reply asking for name, server, and level. (yes I was stupid enough not to include this) Any way that ticket was closed so I submitted another ticket with all the details but I haven't gotten any response yet. The second ticket was submitted on Wednesday. So do I wait, attempt another ticket, call, or cancel and uninstall? While it is not the end of the world it is aggravating.
  2. I haven't played for a while (was trying to today but my characters can be activated for some reason) but guild invites in SWTOR didn't seem to come as easy as other MMOs. My sith toon was in the 30s before I ever got an invite but that was only a week or to after EGA.

    I would say just see what guild name you see the most on the fleet and as for an invite.

  3. It says that I'm subbed. There are actually two threads in the CS forums with people (that have been continuous suscribers) having the same problem, I wasn't smart enough to check there first lol. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. Certainly a strange way to welcome people back.
  4. So I just resubbed about 15 minutes ago and tried to log into my jedi guardian. I got a message that he is inactive and I can't reactivate him because I only have 4 character slots availible. I thought if I resubbed I was suppose to have any limits.
  5. Age of Conan is still going though , and its too early to call TSW only been 2 weeks? though i did think it looked dull.


    Age of Conan has actually released an expansion...


    Can you even envision a SWTOR expansion at this point?



    I think the chances are pretty slim.


    I don't really see SWTOR shutting down. While I hate to compare it to other mmos I guess I kind of have to. SWG had three expansions with less subs (the game was being changed before the release of the third and many people had money refunded) and it lasted years after the NGE. I would say that SWTOR has as many subs as EVE and it has been around forever. The fact is that there is only one MMO that has this huge number of subs and have maintained it for a long time.

    Now with that said: There is plenty of room to improve and I think the number of subs will keep falling for the next few months. Then there will be a group of players that will play until they pull the plug years down the line. If they would improve the core game I still think that they could have a good sub base.

    However, Star Wars is nearly impossible to do. Your fans of the first trilogy are getting older and parts of the game appeal to them and parts don't. Fans of the Jar binks Star Wars want flashly fast paced and think evil is good, some things they love in the game some they hate. The EU crowd say everything breaks lore so they hate most of the game and say that George Lucas (the guy that came up with Star Wars in the first place) ruined everything. No Star Wars game can ever live up to the hype and idea of a Star Wars game.

    There will be a niche audiance that the game appeals to and when Bioware realizes that they can try to make them happy. SWG had that group but SOE told them what they liked was wrong and they should like something else. Most quit in a week or so after SOE told them. If Bioware keeps trying to please everybody then no one will be happy.

  6. I actually play both sides but my first 50 was a Sith Warrior. Why? Because, it was a lot nicer to level when there were other players around. As a republic player it was never anything useful on the gtn which made life difficult. If I were starting now with a higher population on the republic side (due to transfers) I may have leveled republic first.

    As far as good and evil, well thats a very disappointing part of the game. I get that if I'm a sith warrior the option to kill people is the better option and if I'm a jedi I try to save them. But what if I'm a smuggler or a bounty hunter? Some times I would want to kill them other times I want to let them walk. If I make the choice I would like then I can't really get a relic.

  7. The legacy speeder training that allows you to learn speeder 1,2, and 3 at levels below what is normally required. For example you learn speeder piloting 1 at level 10. When 1.3 was released I had two characters that were in their 30s and had already learned speeder piloting 1 from their trainers. But with the legacy they are qualified for speeder piloting 2 at level 30 however they would have to pay 40,000 credits to learn piloting 1 again.

    (here's the question part) Is this intended? If so then this would really only be a perk for characters that were below level 25 when 1.3 was released.

  8. Create a new character on the destination server, then delete it, then transfer last character. This thread can be closed now, sinse that question was answered often enough already.


    thanks I already did it and the transfer went through.

  9. Plus side:


    1/ Nice cut scenes (the 1st time round).

    2/ Star Wars!!!

    3/ Potental?


    Minus side:


    1/ It's a roller coaster with punishment for exploring (Fatigue).

    2/ Boredom at 50 if your not a daily addict.

    3/ The crafting is awful & worst of all... Useless at 50!

    4/ Same storyline over and over, far to much time & money wasted on cut scenes that in the end only hurt the game by being repeat heaven (or hell).

    5/ Server tranfers were great, til they didn't add more character slots and the people that re-rolled got shafted by it.

    6/ No RvR style PvP.

    7/ No choice in PvP.

    8/ To few character options at creation. Choice is good!

    9/ No feeling epic, like you are the hero. You stand on the fleet with the same companion & looks as the rest. Your nothing but a clone! No character bonding at all.


    I'm sure theres more to be said on both sides of the coin, but it's late and I'm off to hang myself!


    Goodnight and Dog bless! Woof! :o


    What do you mean by choice in pvp?

  10. This is a general discussion forum. It is for people to discuss what they like and don't like about the game. If some one says they love something that's great for them but to each their own. This game has good points and bad points and this forum is a place to discuss both. I'm sure that the people that have a complaint are just as unhappy to have someone post it their thread something about them crying or being spoiled. Again this is a general discussion forum. People that are happy are playing people who are are posting about what makes them unhappy. Why? Maybe it makes them happy, maybe they hope that whatever makes them unhappy might change if they post about it, maybe they have no one else to talk to.
  11. I haven't heard anything about being able to transfer a character between accounts. I'd keep the account that has characters I like the most. Take the credits and send them to a character on the account you are keeping. If you don't have a character of the same faction on that accont just sell something on the Nar Shada AH to transfer credits.
  12. Top 10 reasons why I play


    10. Nothing better to do: In the this is not really the case as I find a lot to do, ride a bike over 1000 miles each summer, fish, play golf, etc. But it does get dark and rains and such, I don't really watch TV or go to the movies so I play games.

    9. WOW added pandas: I have actually been waiting for this game since the information about the focus group was leaked just after SOE NGEd SWG. But while waiting I began to play WOW had a lot of fun made friends and such. There was actually a time when I wasn't sure if I would leave wow for SWTOR but they added pandas and helped me decide.

    8. Fully voiced: Now I'm not saying Nancy McIntyre was right but the voice stuff was and still is nice.

    7. Story: The story kind of gives you a purpose of doing things verse a mindless grind. I think wow had a story with quest to a point but I never read them just went and killed and got reward. Swtor gave you the story see #8

    6. Its a MMO: MMOs are kind of a living game. Sure all the world stuff is always the same but there is always something different because players make the community and while many are the same every night moods change, they can be funny, can be ***holes, and anything can happen with players.

    5. Companions: Han had Chewie, Luke had R2. You always need a sidekick. Its nice for some one to have your back. You even end up making decision based on what they would think. Kind of helps shape our charcters personallity.

    4. Lightsabers>swords: Kind of a no brainer. If you really wanted to pretty much anybody could have a sword in real life but SWTOR is one very few places, and they are all games, in which you can have your very on light saber.

    3. Choices: Big selling point of the game, your decisions matter. (see other #3)

    2. Doing stuff with other people: MMOs are social games. You interact with other people most of which you never know or will never meet. You make friends even if it is only a game and they thin you name is someting really wierd and don't even know how to say it. You run flash points with them, you do operations with them, you pvp withe them, you tell stupid jokes, you lol, you win , you lose. But other people are there and its more fun because they are there.

    1. Its Star Wars: Yes I'm old, I saw Star Wars when I was a kid a long time ago it what seems most days like a galaxy far away. Life has changed, I have changed, but I'm still a Star Wars fan.


    Top 5 Reasons I quit (I just cancled last week and my subscription runs out on the 21st, kind of sad)

    5. Crafting: I know thats kind of strange as you don't have to craft to play. But any way I have level most crafting professions, was still working on armstech, and I have been very disappointed. You make decent stuff but not really that good. Cybertech was the most disappointing of all. I have a guardian and a juggernaunt and I was leveling cybertech so I could make mods, well guess what when you get to 400 there are really no good mods to make. Just run the daily and get you mod. That's okay though as I was still get the crits on occasion and had a piece with an augment slot... oooh rare = good but in 1.3 you get kits so = not so rare = no big deal = crafting sucks.

    4. Companions: Its nice having somebody with you and all but what if its not really the one that you wanted. If I play a tanking character for example well there is really no need to have another tank. So let them dps you say well the healer is obviously the companion you need. So I don't really get to chose which companion. Thats okay if you are a BH, Mako isn't bad. Its okay if you are a jedi, Doc can be kind of funny. But if you are a sith warrior you get Malavai Quinn, a total *****. He even tries to kill me. I'm a sith lord dark iv mind you and dude tries to kill me but I can't use Vette because I need him to heal. No choice of companion really you kind of get stuck based on the role for you character. Why can't I chose my compaions advance class. Jaesa would be a sorcerer healing me if I really had a choice.

    3. Choices: (see above #3) The choices you make really don't mean anything. I killed a guy and got dark side points when I wanted to be light iv so I run eseles and get 200 lightside points in about 15 minutes. You don't really have a choice of companions (see quitting #4). You really don't have a choice of light side dark side. I'd actually prefer not to be either with most characters but I kind of need a relic.

    2. Not enough people to do stuff with: Playing MMOs is about playing with other people whn I log in most nights there is 25 or less people on the republic fleet 30 or so on the Imperial side, less than 5 per planet. Many nights I never see another player except on the fleet. Hard to enjoy playing with other people when there are no other people.

    1. Tired of waiting: In one of the reason I play I stated that I have been waiting for this game since shortly after SOE NGEd SWG, thats a long time. I pre-ordered at the end of July when the announced pre-orders, I had to wait to get EGA, no big deal I still get in early. I would hit a button for an attack I had to wait on it to actually happen. They fixed it after a while but I was still waiting until they did it. The population died; they said they were gonna have transfers and I waited , and waited, and waited. They said they were gonna open them up on 6-12-12. And I happily waited. Then no transfer for me maybe tomorrow, so I waited. The next day no transfer, so I waited still nothing, maybe tomorrow. So after waiting another day at the end of the day they say no more for the weekend wait and we will se how it goes. So I log in and try to find a group and I wait and never find one. I que for pvp and wait for an hour or more. I don't think its worth waiting for anymore.


    Until Tuesday I don't think I had posted more than two or three times on these forums. I post and people flamed me said I was being negative. Heck I even got into an arguement with thomasthegalient sorry thomas I really wasn't trying to be negative on Tuesday when I said some of us would have to wait until next week. This game could have had a good community It could have had so many things (and could still have) but it has been long enough. I for one am tired of waiting.

  13. It seems to me that they might be moving towards making a third faction, especially with the changes in 1.3


    I understand there has to be a Republic vs Empire theme in the game. I do feel that there should have been a neutral option that could have included BH and smugglers. Keep in mind that in the Star Wars that most people think of (original triology) Han Solo the smuggler was smuggling from the Empire, not the sith empire but the one that the republic turns into. The drawback to a third faction would be spreading a limited population even thinner.

    In SWG rebels and imperials interacted on pve servers when not flagged. I guess the difference was the rebels were kind of in hiding in that time frame thus they would not have been known to the other faction. Of course in that game you could change factions.

  14. So I am having a really good pina colada as I read the forums. If you like pina coladas you should try TGIF ready to go mix, just add ice and blend. YUMMY! Ok now back to the topic. Since there are so many of us left behind this weekend, we should log on the test server and have a party. Or just hang out here and see if we can get this thread to 1000, not by arguing, just having a good time. Of course we will need to try to stay on topic so they don't delete the thread. :)


    If the next part ahd said anything about walks in the rain I would have /ignore you.

  15. Too real to be true stuff is usally just that. Sounds like a possible phishing site to me.


    The link I got this from was from mmorpg.com in a thread talking about the games population and several people there claimed to have gotten the survey. I think all of them also said they had unsubbed.

  16. A better question would be How could you possibly not be aware????


    Well every time there is something negative posted all the SWTOR defenders say that most players are to busy playing and don't come to the forum or web site.

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