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10 Good
  1. I've always thought it was RIDICULOUS I can't use one. My main is a Powertech Tank. Those toons should be able to break out an assault canon and go to town. The fact that my PT tank simply stands in the middle of a crowd, holds threat, and just goes "pew-pew" with one little pistol (while standing straight up) is one of the silliest things I've seen in the game.
  2. Guys, I strongly object to the changes to the bonus 10 comms rewarded for using group finder to complete an Operation. In particular, the requirement that the team be forced to assemble individually through group finder, which generates a team randomly. If ANY random person is not geared well enough, or does not know the fights, it means wipe after wipe for the raid group, repeatedly. Secondly, this kills guild runs for people who have purposely grouped, learned and geared-up together. If you must enter group finder from the beginning, that's fine, but—for example, if you have 4 well geared knowledgable players and 4 who are not tossed together from group finder, I can guarantee the Operations will NEVER be completed and those comms rarely, if ever, earned. It just wouldn't be worth the repeated wipes, repairs and frustration to complete.
  3. so disappointing. i haven't even used it yet, I'm just reading this to understand what the fuss is all about and I have to agree with those who say it's a waste of time. going to storage.
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