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Posts posted by Daemonaz

  1. I disagree with the OP. I think less exp from quest should be given. I would like to see more of a planet before 60% of the quests go green and grey.


    Yea I personally have a problem with this as well. I have to skip half the planet because I'm far ahead of the level curve. Granted I do a quite a bit of group quests but still. I don't PvP. I have not done an instance besides Esseles and Hammer Station, and I have not done a single space battle.

  2. Personally i'm done with this whole gear grind mmo model. Give me equal gear from day 1 like GW2 is doing. Let's just pvp and have fun like League of Legends does. This PVe/PVP gear grind business is just stail and boring.


    It's the staple of an RPG: Character development. As a result I can see why people don't call GW2 an MMORPG. It's definitely an MMO though. I'm fairly interested in it as well but I'm not font of GW's business model. It means you buy the game, get to max level, see what there is to see and wait 1.5 year for the next expansion. I never thought PvP interesting at all in GW, so I doubt I'll be doing much of that in GW2 unless it has been greatly improved.

  3. IMHO, EA and BW are not in this for the long term. My view is that SWTOR was released to mitigate the loss of the $300m or whatever was pumped into the project, before other new MMOs take over as FOTM.


    The MMO industry is a short term thing now. WoW lasted 7 years because it had a head start. Now, the release of MMO after MMO in waves means there will not be a juggernaut like WoW "to rule them all" for 7 years ever again. (in any case, most of the playerbase in WoW is botting anyways)


    There is no need to wait 6 months to measure the success of SWTOR. By that time there will be Diablo 3 and GW2, and the same debate will start for those games.


    Such is the state of the MMO industry.


    First of all Diablo isn't an MMO, and second of all you are wrong. MMO industry isn't a short term thing. Most MMOs have a very long lifespan, some more successful than others. When an MMO has 1 million subs it doesn't mean it's doing bad. The problem with the MMO community is that a large amount of the player base is spoonfed by WoW, and as a result measures everything against it.


    The issue with that is that a large portion of the player base thinks that all other MMOs should have the same features as WoW as they've not played any other MMO. While they obviously have good points concerning certain features which have become a quality of life, there's simply no way that a new MMO can launch with all those. Creating an MMO is a very time and resource consuming business and corners have to be cut here and there. The problem I see a lot nowadays is that gamers judge an MMO based on what it launches with (this in effect already determines the success or failure of an MMO) while most MMOs get better during the first year as they add those features they had no time for during development time.


    This is not the fault of the software developers but of the player base in general.

  4. It wasn't 200 hours of content


    It took me 103 hours /played 1-50


    So you did ALL available quests in those 103 hours and you didn't mash your spacebar through even half of it? Oh yea I thought not.

  5. In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


    We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


    Sorry but WoW still has horrible customer service and generic messages. In all the dealings I've had with GMs I've had 1 satisfactory response. The rest were all responses that had nothing to do with my ticket at all, and resulting in me having to open a ticket again to the point I just gave up.


    WoW launched with more bugs than SW:TOR. Plenty more in fact. Raid bosses in WoW have a history of being bugged, or either horribly over or undertuned.


    Please take off the rose-tinted glasses. WoW had massive issues at release, and still has.

  6. Ummm.. Not hard. Me and 3 guildies, One BH 2 SI and one SW.


    We wiped the first attempt at the last boss, but took him out on the second attempt. All of us were 20+ though (not 17)


    I did Hammer Station with only my wife and myself. Both of us were level 21. The last boss was easy. Qyzen tanked him, and I healed him.


    The game is challenging for sure, but the difficulty level is great. It teaches people to play their class.

  7. lol? I have been in every major release since Anarchy Online, and this is the worst regarding queues.


    Why are people defending Bioware? Really, I cant understand this.


    Take off your rose-tinted glasses. Worst? Aion Europe had 11-17 hour queues on release day on some servers. World of Warcraft 4+ hour queues. Cataclysm launch I couldn't even play the first four hours as the login server was boned. Tell me again, that this is the worst? Cause it sure isn't.

  8. Actually, I only see a lot of low level players. Most people seem to just give up once they reach level 40ish, because the quests are spread too thin to level solo, and it's impossiblt to get a group for anything with 2 people per planet, and no group finder


    No LFD alone was a huge mistake, but as I said there are others. More and more people will start saying the same thing once the game has been out longer... some already are, just look on the front page of these forums


    WoW has a LFD system for group quests?

  9. It is a failure considering the effort that was put in this game.


    I am all for blatant stealing from WoW - it did many things right, the problem is two-fold:


    a. Bio ripped off a TBC version of WoW without modding and that is just weak by current standards. If you "borrow" stuff - be good about it!

    b. The Engine is bad - PvP is a mess due to it (and due to a fact that for

    imps PvP is Huttball mostly).



    Call me spoiled, but that's life... When I was 15 - I was happy and content with my bike and mom's sandwiches for school, now when I am 27 this does not cut it anymore.


    They did well then, WoW was at its glory during TBC.

  10. As far as I've seen it, it's often tied to the color crystal. You can buy the item, get out the mods, and put them in your own gear (minus the color crystal).


    If you are a neutral (or good) jedi you can't use Red color crystals, and that's it as far as I'm aware?

  11. Nothing to see here. Another raving WoW or GW2 fanboy who hasn't even played the game and are patting each other on the back how cool they are. FACT: No one gives a ****, we're all having fun. Enjoy Guild Wars 2 where a 1ft ledge is too high to jump off or onto and there's more invisible walls than players.
  12. You're a normal person most of us think like you.We had no problems at beta and early access. There were lots of annoying people making lots and lots of useless threads. Game is good , we re happy.


    Well said, and so true. The thing is the people who are enjoying this game, which is the vast majority, are too busy playing the game to post their wonderful experience. It's only the unreasonable whiny minority that preordered after open beta (most likely after hating on SW:TOR for years) and didn't get in rightaway. Add to that the raving WoW and GW2 fanboys who are just out to troll, and you get what we've seen the past few days.

  13. Queues are good. They aren't exceptionally long at the moment anyway, but the reason they're good is because it guarantees a healthy server in the long run, and not ghost towns like half the WoW servers are at the moment. I rather wait 30min to get onto my server, then finding out 6 months from now that I'm on a dead server.
  14. The reason the current system isnt working, is again because people are not using it. They dont need to change the system, they need to change how its delivered.


    Well said, totally agree. We really do not need a cross realm dungeon finder, it ruins the community. Server communities in WoW were awesome till they introduced the cross realm battlegrounds, it was the start of the decline.

  15. More proof to my November theory. Another person who didn't want to shelf out 45 euro for SW:TOR until he played the open beta and now cries he doesn't get 7 days of play (even though only UP TO 5 was ever promised).


    I wonder why I pay taxes when it's pretty clear that a lot of people didn't learn anything in school, as they all fail reading comprehension.

  16. Mine as well. BioWare know that not everyone thinks like the whining masses, in fact probably the vast majority doesn't as the average person has reading comprehention and knows what 'may' and 'up to' means. I'm looking forward to playing this game, and when I get I know it will be a smooth experience.
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