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Posts posted by Amaradaichi

  1. In the matter of opinion, the Empire in the first triology (now episode 4-6) had a "real live model" for their behavior. Germany arround WW2. So it was said by Lucas.

    You still can see that the Empire does have a very low alien tolerance, and are driven to literaly destroy everything which is oposing their ways.


    So for my moral compass i would say yes, the empire and the sith are considered evil (my best friend allways says genocidal maniacs), but non the less, it's just a game and there it can be fun to be a little evil smart arse ;-)

  2. you have some valid points but i HATE when some random dude comes in and make threads about "we" "demand" as if you are talking for everybody :mad:


    check the patch notes, THEY are listing and are making fixes,


    dont go and make **** threads with topics like this in the feature.



    I can't and won't be violent like the quoted post, but yes exactly my thoughts in general

  3. Got a sauce for that?


    I can't find that news at the moment will try to dig it up, when i am back at my own computer ;-)

    But as for BioWare on one of their offical messages stated they have a "special project" ;-)

  4. 1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.


    2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?


    6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?


    To those Questions i like to respond


    On 1. & 2. i came to notice that the sticky gets updated and might answer some of your questions (In the General discusson also the Customer Service thread), tho not all questions are answered in those stickies.


    For the high-res settings, BioWare did say before release that they will implement high-res somewhere after launch, when it will happen i can't tell and it isn't said, or at least i haven't found a answer to that yet.


    The chat bug i only came to notice on my guildchannel, also that sometimes i can't see who on the guild is online, this bug was allready reported several times, and i do believe BioWare is working on that.


    Even so, it is just the third day after release and we all agree that there is no bugfree game (except some tabletop games, but those also have sometimes a "bug"), of my own experience most of the, lets say small issues, were sorted out in about two weeks after launch of an add-on/ game.


    As a custome i have to wait for kinda a "grace period" before i even can demand an answer, three days after launch is too soon in my opinion, and for every bug report (or something similar i did) i allways got the answer that this issue is forwarded and is being worked on and as i can see almost every day, the game gets constantly patched (with small patches for somekind of issue).


    i don't want to appear as someone who insults other comments (or something similar) if my comment does that i apologize for that i really don't mean it that way.


    May the force be with you

  5. I can't possibly understand you guys, who are complaining!

    On those others MMO i played at launch queuing was way worse then this and queuing by launch is allways to be expected! What BioWare / EA are doing is a good job, they try hard.

    The last news i read about the queuing issue from BioWare is that they're working on it, so give them some space and time, the launch happened to be just yesterday, so grow some ***** and bear it.

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