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Posts posted by Kalthizar

  1. Oh yea one more thing just so you know this is what PvE/PvP/RP servers really stand for


    PvE Server - No Killing players on any planet you are on that is cross faction unless flagged, no naming restrictions. Because if it was solely a Player Vs Environment server there wouldn't be any PvP at all...


    PvP Server - Able to Kill another player at anytime when on a cross faction planet and no naming restrictions. O and there's this crazy thing on a PvP server called PvE... wait you can PvE on a PvP server... why yes little Jimmy you can... MIND BLOWN!


    RP-PVP Server - Able to Kill another player at anytime when on a cross faction planet, Strict naming policy. And OMG again with the MIND BLOWING PvE on a PvP type server... I think little Jimmy just and a brain aneurysm.




    RP Server - The exact same thing as PvE server but it has a strict naming policy again and hold on... wait for it... IT HAS PvP...


    So since I put it together for you there every server has PvP which mean about 50%+ of your population on your server may be PvPing so why not give them something to do also would that just be swell!

  2. Just why should your playstyle have a faction wide effect on a pve server?

    The answer is it should not. PvP playstle is not more important than pve playstyle. therefore it should NOT proved a faction wide bonus!


    Wow you really aren't getting the concept at all are you... It makes it so people would be willing to join with other guilds to go protect their land. it doesn't buff your faction it just give people an incentive to PvP but YOU dont have to do it if you don't want. it doesn't affect your playstyle at all. if PvP playstyle didnt matter on a PvE server when why in the hell can you PvP... o that's right because people still PvP on PvE server, and on top of that the bonuses don't affect your playstyle either. I get that its your opinion and if you don't like PvP don't do it but there are A LOT of players that would like to PvP out there and I think this would be a good way to get people out PvPing more "IF" they want too with or without the faction bonus.


    but you know what i doubt you will ever understand what i am trying to say, maybe because this is your first MMO or the only other MMO you have ever play with WoW, which WoW's PvP sucked and PvE became a joke after Burning Crusade, or maybe you just never heard of Dark Age of Camelot where this worked extremely well and brought more people out to PvP 60+ vs 60+ vs 60+ and it was hella fun. the bonuses didn't really do a damn thing it was just there to get people PvPing and to create a community. Anyway stop trolling or flaming and go play you PvE since you can't PvP or at least do it well.

  3. No thanks.. I say this because you want your pvp to effect my pve by giving out pve faction bufs!


    Do what ever you want with pvp but keep it separate from pve completely!

    On pve servers pvp outcomes should never have a effect on pve!


    No I did not say "I" wanted PvP to AFFECT your PvE if you are 50 already the only thing that would AFFECT you is a bonus to credits or crafting crits or whatever... it doesn't really even AFFECT PvE at all since you don't actually fight the other faction in PvE anyway. It just give guilds and others that might want to try PvP a reason to go out and do it so they can help their own faction with getting people leveled up or geared with 1.2 coming out. And would it really be that bad if a 5% to 10% bonus was given from it?

  4. Now here's my idea, maybe you will like it maybe you wont but I hope you do. So here we go make a planet that is PvP only not like Ilum's PvP but in a way sorta like Dark Age of Camelot's old frontiers. Make multiple outposts around the world that when you storm the outpost and kill all the guards and commander/lord/grand moff it gives you some sort of bonus to exp, credits, crafting, something for that faction the more you own the more bonuses you get... on top of all that allow a guild to control these outposts so they can get a warning when a group from the opposing faction is attacking. Also with this no dailies should be given for this planet so you cant Kill Trade or Trade control of outposts but give a valor bonus for attacking and defending the outposts and maybe allow commendations to drop off players that are attacking and defending only. A small valor bonus could be given for non-attacking/defending kills. With this I believe you could start the basis of a real in game community and possibly give guilds from both factions more of an incentive to actually do World PvP. Now its just an idea that I have had for about a month never really though about posting it but was talking to an old Dark Age buddy that I play SWTOR with and remembered how much fun DAoC's PvP was.
  5. Let's look at all the forums what we see > Trolls, Noobs , Flamers, Whiners, Fanbois..

    Honestly i wanna read some decent and productive discussions and swtor forums are the worst community forums i have ever seen in my 29 years of life. i'm sorry, i don't wanna offend anybody but this is the truth...


    Isn't he doing the same thing he is ************ about in this post.... o and btw pretty colors... that is all.

  6. Yes, i paid extra money for early access and i would like to think its worth it.


    How in the hell did you pay extra for early access? did you get a collector's edition? if you did you didn't pay extra for early access you, you paid extra for the in-game items so once again quit your ************ and wait like the rest of us... and for the rest of the crying I should be let into the game earlier than everyone else **** and deal with it o well this isn't WoW or anyother MMO out there and read anything that you agree to when you start up a game it specifically say EA/Bioware reserves the rights to change just about anything they damn well please including Early Access... Go and head a cancel your pre-orders , PLEASE DO IT, the game will be better of without you cause most likely you will cry to your guild that they don't bring you along on anything and want them to carry your sorry excuse for a life through everything. /endrant


    In the words of the late Johnny Storm "FLAME ON!"

  7. Whats the point of 1 day early access? I dont get it, u guys had nice stress test about 4weeks ago and it was no problem for us players, i think. Do a check if there was any problem about today when u guys had 5 waves of emails to players who got in, how many players are that + how many left ? I would like to see more invites than yesterdays wave and see how it goes.


    Actually it is you are gaining "access" 1 day "early" hence Early Access so quit your ************ and wait like the rest of us.

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