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Posts posted by CyberData

  1. I mean, when people were rushing to endgame in a week or two I didn't have much sympathy for them.


    But as we approach the third month of the game going live I think it's more realistic to expect more and more players to be hitting the level cap. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to now start asking for content.


    The question is: WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?


    Everyone played WoW for years and they had raids and instanced pvp. Guess what this game has...raids and instanced pvp!


    What else do you want? :p

  2. All the people that complain the game isn't doing well...


    it is your machine. If it was the engine, EVERYBODY would be having issues and there wouldn't be one sub in the whole world. It is only the people that have issues with their computer that come on and moan about everything because they don't want to accept that it is their machines that are the problem so what's human..what's natural. They blame it on the game!


    I'm sorry but that's a load of rubbish. Brute forcing past the min and recommended requirements with crazy specs doesn't mean the engine doesn't have issues.


    Keep in mind, this game was suppose to be designed to be ran on a WIDE VARIETY of hardware configurations to appeal to as wide a playerbase as possible.


    Personally, the game runs acceptably for me. I don't have a high end rig, but this game isn't suppose to requires the best cpu, dual videocards and 16gb of memory. If it does...it's a crap engine because with MMO's they need to scale.

  3. I'm sorry but there is a difference between giving "canned" responses and seemingly ignoring the conversation completely and giving random answers. I can see why they are named as droids.


    Lack of communication between chat agents. Lack of management overhead to make sure known issues/problems are all dealt with the same. Agent burnout where they all don't give a damn.


    I've seen all of them. It happens. The key is to realize Live Chat is a waste of time.

  4. As someone that had worked a live agent client: Understand, a live agent can't sit back and give you the REAL reason why something is bugged, broken or not fixed yet. They get a choice of a few canned responses and that's about it. Nothing they can do about that in terms of "just being honest" because that's not company policy. All I can say is vote with your wallet and don't be a rude jerk to the messenger.
  5. Problem is this game was designed from some producers bullet point list of "What made WoW great and what else can we add to give it that "bioware" flair?"


    This game doesn't take ANY risks with the genre. It's WoW w/ lightsabers. Which I *will* take over WoW any day of the week. But the lack of customization, content, depth is annoying. I was a SUPER HARDCORE raider in WoW for about a year in a half. I mean...I went all in. Raids 4-5 nights a week...getting my grind on...getting all that gear.


    Then an expansion hit. Gear is obsolete. All that time was wasted. Sure, there's fun when that new piece drops and you win the roll but ALL the time grinding it out where it doesn't drop or you don't get the roll wears on you after a while.


    I can't do it anymore. I've grown up, changed careers, have MUCH less time to play (no more work from home :( )


    I want sandbox content at endgame. I think the leveling process in TOR is top notch. But it NEEDS more variety at end game. Not just operations and flashpoints. Those are important, but it's not going to keep me subbed for 7 years.


    Too many games and not enough time for them all means I might just give up MMO's. I dunno...but when a game w/ good themepark and an optional sandbox endgame hits the market I'll be all over it.

  6. Every ship should have a "Mission Room" or "Ready Room" where the briefings takes place that looks the same for every ship. This way the rest of the ship could be completely unique and they could make as many different ships as they wanted. The compromise would be that every ship has an identicle and non customizable "mission room".


    Solved that one in .3 seconds of brainstorming.


    Make it happen, Bioware.

  7. Some of the most memerable moments in SWG was:


    -Fishing at a lake on Corellia. Just for fun.

    -Setting up my player house in our player city and voting for a player to be mayor via the in-game mayor voting system and seeing them set taxes.

    -Kill imp flagged players that tried to start fights at our city's shuttleport.

    -Setting up a camp in the middle of dathomir while my wounds were soothed.

    -Decorating my house with rugs, pictures, items..etc

    -Decorating my player ship exactly the same.

    -Hunting Krayt dragons..

    -Wearing RP clothes

    -Facial expressions on my character.


    I like TOR, it'll do...but it's not as fun as SWG was. Period. I've accepted that this game isn't TOR and I get it. I just wish the devs in this game would make more of an effort to make this game and its worlds feel like a LIVING, PERSISTENT galaxy rather than a fake set:


    -No weather

    -No day/night cycle

    -Static NPC's

    -No customization


    I don't understand why there can't be sandbox gameplay elements at endgame. I mean, keep raids and loot and all that but add things for gamers to do other than kill boses for phat loot and stand around ironforge in their purples...

  8. I just enjoy the game and am willing to be patient. It's easy to justify the 15 a month for it. I've played WoW. It's not a bad game, but I think it took its endgame a little too seriously.


    I'm hoping TOR tries new things. They did with the presentation of the leveling process (story). They should continue to try and think outside of the box when it comes to endgame content. It doesn't ALL have to be about getting purples.


    Performance issues are a pain but they'll get ironed out.


    Things are perfect with TOR, but I'll be patient. Signed up for 3 months, I'll most likely sign up for 3 more. If there's no progress in 6 months, I'll reevaluate my subscription.


    One thing I will NOT do is lurk the forums and spew bile about the problems this game has. I'll offer constructive criticism as much as I can, but the QQ I read here every day is just pathetic. "Oh BW is done! This game is a failure! EA stinks!!!" There's just NO justification for that. We can disagree about game functions or features and still be respectful.

  9. Core i5 @ 2.73 Ghz

    Radeon HD 6870

    8GB Ram


    Engine is unoptimized. This game is suppose to SCALE with a wide variety of rigs. Shouldn't take a beast to get consistent FPS. My FPS is rock solid 60 in Flashpoints, and when out questing.


    Turns to mashed potatoes when I'm in the fleet or heavy pvp.

  10. There is a loading screen in the travel phase, because it is made for loading the planet datas. For that reason, the system is not going to change.


    But I agree that the whole planet airlock + orbital station is an unnecessary time sink. More frustrating than adding to the depth of the game.


    Once the planets data are loaded, we should not have other extra time sink in our path for accessing the content.


    I personally would LOVE it if all loading were hidden with small cutscenes. But people whined like kicked dogs in ME1 w/ the elevator rides.

  11. What they SHOULD do as a compromise is remove the 18h fleet pass and give players a 60 minute cooldown fast-travel back to their ship.


    Folks, travel times exist to give a game a sense of depth, scope, and size.


    The game would "feel" much smaller if you could just 'insta-poof' anywhere on any planet.


    You're traveling across a GALAXY. God forbid if it takes 10 minutes.....



  12. Why didn't Lucas Arts focus on revitalizing SWG with a game company like BioWare? It is obvious SOE ruined the game for Star Wars enthusiasts yet I don't think the real push was for a new Star Wars game completely. But instead it seems like every forum I go to, people were asking for someone to fix Star Wars Galaxies.


    That boat sailed in 2005. Can't expect them to do with a game ruined over half a decade before.


    SWG is dead. It deserved its death not for the features it had...but for how they went about implementing them.



    I loved the cusomization. I love the civilian clothing option. I loved the fact that player houses were detailed and players could place rugs, paintings, furnature whereever they wanted. same for ship interiors.


    But the games combat system was broken since day one. Then they tried to WoW-itize the game and that's when I left.


    SWG will always be remembered as the SW experience we *almost* had.

  13. Bars on the side are fine if they are for lesser-used things. Stance toggles or the long buffs, for example. Or for your speeder.


    Extra versatility in placing all 4 bars can't hurt. So I think the dev team should definitely add the option for us to move/reposition/resize all the hotbars.


    My personal preference is to have *ALL* my hotbars stacked right next to each other. Not some on one side of the screen and the others on the other side.

  14. I don't mind helping people out and doing so has gotten me some friends. However, it has gotten to the point where when ever I come on, they want to group with me or randomly talk with me. I'm all for this, but sometimes I just want to play by myself and not have to deal with anyone else.


    I don't want to ignore these people since they are still friends. Is it possible to hide my status so people don't interrupt me when I don't feel like talking or playing with them?


    I mean, you gotta grow a backbone and politely decline. I get asked to help or do things all the time. If I'm in the mood and have the time, sure. But if for any reason I can't or don't really want to then I'll politely decline.


    Give it a try...

  15. Am I the only one that thing there is not enought grind in this game?


    I have played many mmorpg and i do believe the exp is to easy to get in this game. Lvl 50 in a week of release!!!!! battlemester in the next week!!! cmon!!!


    Im not a hardcore player, in fact i just got to lvl 50 from playing couple hour a week.


    What its doing is people are getting bored really fast from end content and that is putting alot of preasure on the dev to get new stuff faster to keep the player happy and to solve all the bug


    If they would have cut the exp in haf, they would have more time to solve the bug , get new operation when the majority of player get to 50, fix lvl 50 item , maybe add another planet for lvl 50 and maybe get crafting viable for lvl 50.


    As of now, in 2-3 month, everyone will be in battlemaster gear with nothing to do. That will be very difficult to keep people in playing and in a mmorpg if there not enought player, the game dies rapidly.


    If they dont raise the lvl cap( witch i doubt so early on) i fear for the long term of the game


    my 2 cents:eek:


    A videogame should never be a surrogate for a real life. 50 in a week simply required a blatantly unhealthy amount of gaming.


    Don't try and get the game altered to suit your unrealistic lifestyle.

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