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Everything posted by vladunk

  1. Is there a place to see how long you've played the game? How many hrs? Also is there any way to see how many total pvp matches you've played other than just your wins?
  2. Some people say corrosive grenade some people say no? Frag grenade? Supressive fire, plasma probe, orbital strike definitely?
  3. Wouldn't it be great to click the legacy button pull up a menu on any of your alts and send out their companions. Sorry if its already been proposed.
  4. well i've tested it several times at the start of warzones and i run neck and neck with everyone else for its entire duration. I'm no faster than anyone else out of combat with it popped. Is it only supposed to work in combat like the other skill? I need to go reread it I guess?
  5. Just what the title says...is this new to 1.2? its supposed to make you immune to most cc too not sure if that part works. but it definately doesnt increase my speed any when i pop it.
  6. Im going the same route but I spent my pts a lil differently. I took all the rail shot feats since the blade procs it.
  7. Does this effect work when you vent heat from high energy gas cylinder and gyroscopic alignment jets as well or is it just when you use your vent heat ability?
  8. Thank you can't believe I missed that...that was such a huge hassle and at least 2 hrs spent running back and forthfor a couple different mods lol. What a relief!
  9. Really?? Seems I've tried and it destroyed the old mod. What's the purpose of the table then?
  10. I did know this and that is probably better than what I've been doing most of the time but that doesn't help if I want the old mod to resale or pass down.
  11. Seems like anytime I need one its like a 30 min ordeal. I didnt see any at the imperial fleet, balmorra, havent seen any at nar shada yet. None on your ship. Anytime I get a new mod I have to run back to whatever space port fly to dromund kas run through that space port take the speeder to the city then run to the market area. Then same thing to get back to where I was. Please tell me im missing something!
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