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Everything posted by Aricus

  1. Incorrect. You can click on it (right click) and when you do, you get a cutscene saying "You have already unlocked every companion this terimal can locate." Sorry folks but we're going to be waiting a month to get the next "set" of companions and even then you still may not get the one you want. At least this is my guess and speculation in regards to what was said in the Alliance dev blog.
  2. The gifts are rank 5 however they're in the grade 6 mission tree. So you can now get rank 5 gifts from grade 5 and 6 missions
  3. Perhaps I have to get past the first chapter or something. We're just trying to figure out how because if I hit play not sure how my friend can join in? it's not like we walk into an instance. Also i didn't play SoR at least not at release so not sure if things were different then.
  4. Hey does anyone know if there's a way to view my group mate KOTFE story? Or is it all completely solo?
  5. There are no rank 6 gifts. You just get another tier of rank 5 gifts. So getting to 250k is going to be costly.. But I must imagine just about powerful your companion will be with max presence and influence.
  6. Yep this seems to have done it. Thanks.
  7. I have unlocked all the Datacrons even have the Datacron Master Achievement, however in my legacy the Datarcons are not unlocked. Does this mean I have to do it again to get it unlocked via legacy?
  8. I was quoting and agreeing with a comment on what someone else said in regards to crafting profitability. I called out psandak and "others" in the subject but as for rather rude free dig, sorry but i don't see any rudeness there just stating facts.
  9. I was thinking that if you side with the emperor perhaps you could get her to join you since you no longer will be enemies but rather allies? But then one wonders... where would that leave Lana?
  10. Strawman? I offered my arguments in similar posts in the past (not the mention in the one you quoted as well). If you want to see them review my post history, shouldn't be too hard since I don't post much and the posts I made about this subject are pretty close in date. My argument is really simple, perhaps you didn't see it or didn't understand the point i was making in my last post. But here, let me break it down in a short form. The materials often times sells for just as much as the items (missions mats specifically speaking) but since materials sell quicker and are faster to get, it's just better to sell them than the item. Now I did say there are some items that sell for a huge profit margin, for example, I was selling level 56 light purple saber's for around 250k-300k and they only cost me what 110k or something I have to double check but the profit margins were very high. But they didn't sell often maybe every 2-3 days or so. I actually could of made more selling the mats int he same time frame esp if I had more characters with TH mission skill i could of made even more money.
  11. I tried explaining this to Psandak and many others in a previous thread that you can make more money just selling the materials as you dont' have to spend a lot of time trying to craft the items and then sell them when they sell much slower than materials. Often times the profits from the crafts are minimal and those that do give good margins can take days to sell. But you know Psandak always claims he can make 10mil + a week (not sure if that's in profits or just revenue) in just 4hrs of work, but yet if you read his comments about how he has to use many alts to get the materials so he can make more profits just goes to show that selling the materials are actually better.
  12. The crafting economy has already been shot down compared to what it used to be prior to the first expac. I don't think many people craft to make money or many even care much about crafitng because you can be self sufficient without needing any crafted gear. Gear is easy to get from comms, reputation, quests and drops and KoTFE is going to only make it easier to get. I think for many the changes are a positive rather than a negative hence you don't see the outrage. I myself generally like to craft but not so much in this game as the margins are so low that often times its simply better to sell the materials or play the AH and margins about to get even worst after KoTFE.
  13. Isn't the fleet the hardest one because you need like 10 people to get it?
  14. I am pretty sure in the case of the oricon weekly, you'll be able to solo it. The heroic is 2 man and remember we're still going to be a level or two higher than the highest mob level on the planet. So in Oricon's case we'll be level 56 or 57. Also I am willing to be that if a player has decent/good gear and companion affection + presence + datacrons up that player will more than likely still be able to solo Oricon.
  15. The Weeklies on Yavin and Oricon are basically the dailies (outside of the world boss ones). Now I don't remember the weeklies on SX and BH i guess I can go on and check them out but it appears only two weeklies maybe required to grp. Now if a player only plays to do those two weeklies then this really isn't the game for them. It's not to say that they can't or shouldn't spend their money or time to play this game, that's not my say. But really out of all the things this game offers if I was only concerned about two weeklies I wouldn't bother to waste my time or money on such a game. But I know that's not the case.. Really you and the other poster are just grasping for straws here.
  16. Weeklies are only once a week. If that's what you're complaining about in regards to level sync then I am not sure what to say because it's not really a big issue.
  17. If it's not for heroics or really anything why do you need to go back to the lower planets anyway? There's no reason for you to revisit a previous planet unless you're doing datacrons or like i stated above farming heroic mobs for credits (outside the few events).
  18. I don't think that's what most are thinking here. The level sync isn't about being forced to group, like how some of you are making it. It's about not making things trivial and leveling the playing field. Also to stop high level players to farming heroic mobs on illum, Hoth, or coreilla all day for credits when there are people who legitimately need/want those quests done but cannot compete with a higher level player instantly killing all the mobs. Also they made it to where you can go to any 2 man? heroic on the fleet to get meaningful rewards for your character. Now if they would of done this without the level sync, you would of been complaining about how easy it is for max players to get credits plus comms. In other words, they wanted to make old content relevant regardless of a player's level and to do so required the level sync. Now, I have a much variety of content I can do to earn credits or comms. I am not just stuck doing Yavin, CZ, Oricon, and a few others. I can now do them plus many more.
  19. Who ever said about it affecting me? I am just counteracting that there are somethings you need to do in groups and I listed them above.
  20. You won't need to do BH, SX in grp. Now you MAY or MAY NOT need to do the 4 man heroic in grp but not everything else. That's the point I am making.
  21. Those who buying the 186 stuff are the pvpers twinking their characters at level 56. I sell them every now and then as well and I've come to to conclusion that they're pvpers. I found this out by pvping in the level 30-59 bracket and saw the gear that many people who were 55+ and constantly pvp used 186 stuff. But outside of this which is a small demand of people, crafting will be irrelevant (at least money making wise) in the expac if comms stay the way they are. Crafting be mainly used for twinking new characters.
  22. Yes, but there are some things that you won't and shouldn't be able to SOLO and World bosses should be one of them. Just like Heroic Missions, HM FP, Operations, and etc.
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