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Posts posted by Calimwulf

  1. Calimwulf, I think Lordgracy's trying to point out that he said "moving and healing" - which would pretty much be the instant abilities.


    You can still heal as a Sage after 1.2. I'm sure that all PvE content is heal-able and you can even do some stuff in PvP - though it's much tougher there, because the good healing is fairly long casting and static. You can even still pad numbers pretty well if you want to epeen the scoreboards. :rolleyes:


    But when somebody says that it's "not worth playing a sage healer after 1.2" - it may well be that it's not worth it for them, because the fun has gone out of the class. Not that it's impossible to play them... just that they don't want to any more.



    When someone says that there are only two instant heals and that they sux, then from my perspective they don't know all the abilities, either that or they are Hybrids, which BW has clearly stated aren't meant to be viable, either way that is a 'learn to play' issue.


    Force Armor, Restoration, Rejuvenate, and Healing Trance are all instants and all of them are useful. If one has the time, stacking Rejuvenate, Healing Trance + Channel does quite a bit of healing. Force Armor is an Instant that prevents damage and is always useful when used correctly, either to buy you time to get off heals or to prevent damage from ever hitting.


    Using Rejuvenate + Force Potency + Benevolence delivers quite a bit of 'guaranteed' healing with the combination of the healing from Rejuv, + the crit from Benevolence.


    If what someone wants is mobile healing, then the best place to find that is in Sawbones.


    The Seer has always been a mostly stationary healer. 1.2 did not change that at all. It's just that before you could heal for more during the 'pauses', but you still had to stand still to get off the heals. We always had to cast Rejuv first to get Conveyance. We always had to stand still long enough to fire off two channeled heal spells after that.


    The mechanics themselves have not change. What has changed is the total HPS we can drop. That is the reality of what has happened in PVP.


    So either the person wasn't aware of all the abilities or had focused on using only two of them. So my post listing out all of them plus their benefits was not meant as an insult. It was posted as a learning tool, since ignorance at least is curable.

  2. No offense taken, my friend.


    I have never intended to go DPS as I have enjoyed healing in TOR for the first time in any MMO. I was just bringing up the point that while we were never intended to DPS as a healer, it was nice being able to just chuck something out there for fun. We had different options of what to do, DPSer needs a bubble, bubble him, he needs a heal, toss one out, top off the tank, check to see if anyone else needs a little boost ... if not, then do something else.


    For me, it's like the freedom to do all those things has been drastically narrowed down and the "do something else" category has been removed and replaced with "stand still and regen force". In a way it's reminiscent of old EQ style healing as a cleric with heal rotations of stand up, cast heal, sit down and regen mana until your turn in the rotation comes back around which wasn't very engaging at all.

    One of the biggest issues in 1.2, and I know that they did it on purpose, was that previously for PUGs, as long as everyone didn't screw up by the numbers, we (Seers) could pretty much power heal folks right through the content. Now, I understand that that ability was due to a bug. I also knew that it wouldn't last, but it is definitely tough to become accustomed to.


    What I can say though is that adapting, while painful. Isn't impossible. PvE Normal mode stuff is very straight forward. It's the Hard and above where things get ... tricky.


    PvP is a very different environment. I very much miss being able to drop serious burst healing. Resource management isn't as big of an issue, unless you are stuck in combat for a while. Right this moment, I'm enjoying my sawbones better for healing because of it's mobility, but the lack of utility is ick.

  3. .

    I hope this helps people, if you have any questions or suggestions for me, please hit me up.

    Keeping the groups separate for the salvations definitely makes things easier, as long as the positioning is just right.


    I personally like Rejuvenate -> Healing Trance because the HoTs stack as do the odds of crits if you continue the channel.


    I also like saving Rejuvenate ->Force Potency -> Deliverance as my catchup assuming I just dropped Force Armor on the tank.


    Force Armor should always be up on the tank and if someone starts dipping, then it is the first thing I pop on them.


    I won't tend to heal DPS to full ever unless the Tank is 100%. Using Rescue is an excellent. How does it play with your Force usage and how often do you find yourself using it? Do you limit it to just ranged DPS or Melee as well? If used on melee, how are your folks doing with enrage timers?


    The biggest help for force management in PvE is the fact that once you know the fight, the other healer can be tasked to make you part of his rotation during key parts of the fight. That little bit of extra help as well as judicious use of standing in Salvation works absolute wonders.

  4. The cast on Deliverance is too long for it to be useful in pressure situations, regardless of the Force to Heals efficiency with a Conveyance proc. It's also unreliable in that to truly make it a good decision we really need it to crit to draw the maximum efficiency out of it. Between HT, Rejuv, and Benevolence we can easily outstrip the healing done in the length of time of one Deliverance cast.

    Spamming Benevolence off proc can work in PvP, but PvE fights aren't as spastic and so the reduction cost means that you can cast it pretty much all day long, slight exaggeration, but there you go. Casting Delivernace from Conveyance proc can also be used in PvP judiciously. It definitely isn't a go to skill, for me at least, but if you don't have someone in your face, there isn't any reason not to cast it. I personally prefer Healing Trance since it is front loaded and if something happens you haven't wasted all that time for nothing. If it is on cool down and the coast is clear and I need to bump a person up though, it is still our 'best' heal, especially when it crits. It has the highest HPS and is better that Benevolence in both HPF and HPCT. It just can't be cast in PvP with regularity.

  5. The healing mechanics just suck in general for a sage. Now they suck even more. They might still be best healers in the game but the mechanics are just crap. Moving and healing for a sage is pretty much non existent. All you have is bubble, cleanse heal(heals for crap) and rejuv(which is terrible only for conveyance)

    You might want to take another look:


    Benevolence - Conveyance +60% chance to crit

    Deliverance - Conveyance reduces cost by 30%

    Rejuvenate - Front loaded Instant/ HoT - Applies Conveyance.

    Healing Trance - Front loaded Instant/Channeled HoT - Conveyance +25% to crit

    Salvation - AoE heal Conveyance reduces cost

    Restoration - Instant -Heal traited will purge all negative affects

    Force Armor - Instant - Absorbs damage, more if traited

  6. Sure - I could agree with a nerfing of our force regen abilities - making us manage it better. That would have been fine. Crippling most everything else = too far the wrong direction.

    /sarcasm on

    You are absolutely correct. The only thing you can do is stand still and let the other guy wipe you. You don't have any instant HoTs you can use. You have no stack-able HoTs. You don't have any stuns of your own. You are always completely isolated. You have no bubble to either prevent or buy time to catch-up. Absolutely none of your skills are ever useful for anything...

    /sarcasm off

    So what part of 'learn to play' are you having trouble with? The reason I'm saying that is because you know as well as I do that what I wrote in my 'sarcasm' isn't true at all and yet that is what you are saying.

  7. Hehe... and I'm sure that you're here posting broad-shot, barely disguised insults in this thread because you were looking for more tips on how to adapt? After all, you're telling the rest of us we need to learn to play or quit. If we haven't quit and we still have an issue... then we must surely be bad at playing the game....


    You've got it all sorted already though, haven't you? You can sit back and be happy playing the game as it is, because you know how to deal with the changes and it's all hunky dory... nothing to see here? Perhaps instead of telling those of us who have issues, who want the game to be better or who feel aggrieved - that we should L2P or move on... you could instead go back to playing the game instead of trolling in threads, which don't really interest you anyway.



    I came here to learn more or better ways to deal with the changes. What I found was a bunch of useless, nonconstructive wailing. I posted constructive advice on how to deal with the changes. Telling folks to learn to play and quite whining isn't an insult. It is a recognition of a state of mind and pointing them in the right direction to change both that negative state of mind as well as learning to deal with the changes.


    So from your perspective, I either need to starting whining and crying or else go away? Yea, because both of those options are helpful. At least then no one posts an opinion that differs, which makes them feel better about themselves.


    Seers remain viable PvE and PvP healers. If we try to play the way that we played before, we will fail. We have though the tools we need, as long as we learn to use them. In PvP, it is about tighter knit team play and proper skill selection. In PvE, it is about making slight rotation adjustments, and when in Hard or Nightmare mode, learning both the fights as well as better team work.


    Yep, you can't just double cast Deliverance from Conveyance proc any more. Yep, you can't spam double cast of Deliverance from proc and Noble Sacrifice. One must actually learn the strengths and weaknesses of the tools in our repertoire of skills. Luckily there aren't all that many of them or folks would be totally lost.

  8. Actually, the choice isn't to adapt or quit. There's a 3rd option... which is to lobby for further changes that will fix some of the idiocy they put in 1.2. And most people who are complaining are not complaining about our healing output - but are complaining about how clunky, unfun and restricted the play-style has become. These are people who are still around and posting, because they like the game and can see its promise... They want to fix things, not just quit and run away.


    There have been sooo many other suggestions of ways in which things could have been done, that would still have nerfed our healing output and would have made force-management require real skill. Are you saying, you'd rather just accept the cruddy solution they've given us, rather than search for a better one?



    Read through the posts. It is exceedingly thin on suggestions and rife with whining. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but it isn't constructive when folks just say 'it sux'. And while making constructive posts on how to make it better in the future, then the best solution in the near term is L2P with what is available to us.


    We are viable PvP and PvE healers in 1.2. We have the most utility of all the healer classes. Wanting more or different is fine, but a want is not a need.


    What 'sux' is that instead of coming to the site to read constructive posts about numbers and maximizing rotations and gameplay, one must go to a different site because the PvP folks make countless threads with enough tears to flood the world.

  9. You're just a little crazy. Rejuvenate is a front loaded Hot that grants Conveyance. Conveyance will grant you a spam-able almost guaranteed crit on Benevolence or use Healing Trance, also a front loaded HoT. If you are a lone, you can use the 30% cost reduction from Conveyance to cast Deliverance, or stun and then cast it. Force Armor is the best bubble in the game.


    Why does it seem that everyone wants an 'I win' button?

  10. Folks, change to class skills in an MMO is inevitable. You have two choices. You can quit or you can learn to play. Take a look at this thread from MMO Mechanics http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Thread-Sorcerer-Sage-Healing-Compendium-Updated-for-1-2. The thread is specifically on PvE, but you can use the numbers to take steps in how to learn to play the class successfully in 1.2.


    The class was OP before, so of course we got nerfed. Being able to cast two large heals from one proc was OP. Anything in comparison is going to be bad. Being able to have an endless supply of Force was OP as compared to all the other healers.


    The sage has the most utility of any of the other healers because we are 'only'' in light armor, make use of that. If you actually play as a team, then Salvation is the best scaling AoE heal in the game. Drop it at the feet of your tank, stay in it yourself and then regain Force. Stack your HoTs. Learn to use your heals and Force armor effectively.


    A little bit of crying is fine, but seriously, enough is enough. L2P or just move a long.

  11. In both Rift, and WoW, patch changes are discussed in the same way. No one who is happy about the patch changes really posts about it. Thus, all you're going to see are posts that are complaining about getting hit with the nerf bat.

    And if you post constructively in any way, then you are nothing but a fanboi , insulted, and abused. It just isn't worth the effort.

  12. This might actually make it easier for them. In standard PvE and Story mode stuff encounters shouldn't be lasting to much longer than 90s, and alot of times less than that. It may hurt in those story situations against boss fights. But remember, some of the legacy skills might fill this gap.


    But think of all the trash encounters that you can clear in less than 90s. I think your medpac will actually be available more often (imo, I see this leading to problems, but we will see).


    I'm really not for the change because it will suck in Ops, and kind of sucks for biochem. But, I think the regular story and PvE will be ok, maybe better with the legacy additions.

    I use a medpak as an 'oh crap'. If the PvE combat has dragged on long enough and I'm still 'a live' when the medpak is off cooldown, then why not let me use it?


    If I'm in story mode or heroic/flashpoint mission in a PUG and the healer is consistently falling behind, then being able to use medpaks will help, not hurt, get through the content without wipes.

  13. Making the medpacs variable more controllable for endgame content is a necessary precondition for the creation of tighter, more closely balanced fights.


    We don't want medpacs to be as important as class abilities, and we feel they should not become part of rotations. On longer boss fights, this is a trend we've seen happening, and we've counteracted this. Obviously, where needed, boss mechanics would be adjusted to account for this, but we don't really anticipate much impact for that on existing content.


    New content (such as Operation: Explosive Conflict and Flashpoint: The Lost Island) is significantly tighter balanced already, with this limitation in mind.


    A positive side effect is that the cost of running endgame content is somewhat reduced by this change.


    We are still in discussions to restore pre-level 50 medpacs to their previous condition to avoid negatively affecting the PvE game during the leveling process for people that heavily rely on medpacs.

    Sir, respectfully, what you do in PvP or in Hard or Nightmare raids to tune difficult is up to you folks, but leave standard PvE and Story mode a lone. Anything that makes it difficult for first time content users to accomplish 'normal' stuff is going to have negative consequences.

  14. I love answering calls for help on class missions. I have managed to see dialogue that made me want to play the other classes even more. I'll also stop and bubble or heal someone I'm passing that looks about to wipe.


    Now, I felt sorry for one guy I helped. He was a JK fighting some sith in a cave on Tatooine. They were at level for him. I started watching the sith robes wishing I could get something like that for my JC and next thing I know he is wiped. I was able to finish the elite off and revive him, but boy was I embarrassed.


    There are ways for nightmares to be very challenging without excluding casual (not read "sucky") gamers. Just because I cannot always do group content with my guild, does not mean that I don't want to experience it. Making group content inaccessible to PUGs really alienates those of us who have to sometimes rely on them due to RL constraints.

    I'm getting off topic and I won't pursue it in this thread, but the top difficulty level of a raid should not be able to be PUG'ed. That is actually counter intuitive. Now if that PUG worked together over and over again so that they knew not only the fights, but also the way each team member behaved, then yea, it should be able to beat the encounter. That isn't a PUG though.

  16. Be cautious about people asking the question in general chat "what command do I type to leave guild?"


    Suddenly alot of people drop guild simply because they /gquit in reply 8)

    yep, remember to put a '.' in front of it, i.e. type "./gquild" without the quotes.

  17. Well Rift and LotRo weren't in a beta state after launch and Wow wasn't that bad either. Even less if you consider Wow raised the bar regarding MMO quality.


    (Edit) BTW IMHO 1.2 will also bring more issues being:


    - Making classes less iconic and blurring classes frontiers (BH with choke or lightning)

    - Removing some of the separation between factions with same faction vs same faction warzones

    - Making some species less iconic and less epic: Sith Jedi, Chiss on Republic.

    OK, and here we go with people revising history.


    LoTRO had most of the options that are being requested like player housing and such added well after the release and it was no where near as stable at release as TOR. It still didn't have LFG tools last time I logged in and while there was guild housing with chests, there is no way it could be called a guild bank.


    Rift was the most stable launch of any MMO I had ever experienced, but it was constantly being patched and the queues were ridiculously long getting in. There was at least one patch a day, for both head start as well as the first couple of weeks of launch. They also put out patches one day where the next patch was a hot fix to fix the stuff they had broken in the last one. It was funny actually.


    If you are going to make comparisons then at least don't make up facts.


    As far as the rest of that, it is just fluff, and there is no way to know what is happening at the class level until we see the notes and take the toons out for their spins when 1.2 is released on PTR.

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