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Posts posted by Zingas

  1. Most of what you're seeing on the forums is FUD marketing at it's finest.


    Trion Worlds has been a known user of that tactic, as they attempted to go against Blizzard with it. And now, with SWTOR, Rift is in danger of being completely wiped out. It does not surprise me.


    It also wouldn't surprise me if Blizzard is doing a little FUD marketing of their own.


    Why am I convinced it's FUD marketing? I have been in many game launches. This truly is the smoothest launch I have ever seen. I have played pretty much every MMO imaginable. This game is fun and addictive, moreso than any other MMO in the past has been. The things people are complaining about on the forum just don't make sense. If it's for real, then why am I having an amazing, near-flawless experience but they're not?


    I've not run across anyone actually in-game that dislikes the game. There are issues, of course, as with any MMO. No game can release perfect. But the difference between ingame opinion and forum opinion is night and day.


    Trion and Blizzard, you guys have a right to be worried. SWTOR is the new juggernaut. I can't wait until subscription sales are announced. Hopefully, in a few days.


    I bet you think the moon landing was faked, there are aliens at area 51 and 9/11 was an inside job, as well right?

  2. It's an analogy. It's saying that, a game, or anything in life can have tons of issues, and still be high quality.


    I understand that it's an analogy, my point was that it was a very poor one.


    Soundtrack is beautiful (when it's playing) it is some of the best I have ever heard, period.


    Yep, sure is.


    The worlds have some of the most amazing sights (macro design was amazing), they're awe inspiring and they're varied.


    When they aren't sequestered into linear paths the planets can look great. Certain planets are just completely terrible, Coruscant, Nar Shaadaa for example. They do not feel open. There is also another complete issue here I haven't mentioned, Instancing has ruined any world PvP, and makes the worlds feel stale.


    The voice acting is superb, not in every line, but overall is better than most single player games, forget MMOs.


    Sure is. I have no qualms with the story or voice acting, well except the ridiculous amount of reused lines.



    The stories are amazing (singleplayer), they draw you in and make you attached to your character.


    Mine was pretty good up until 35-ish, then it fell apart, my other Inquisitor friend felt the same, and my brother started to get bored of his Sith Warrior story around 30. Regardless, I won't fault the story, this is the ONE place that SWTOR has managed to be very innovative.


    Star wars (Had to add it in cus it's true, let's face it, it being Star Wars just magnifies it's awesomeness).


    Umm, by that logic, Episode 2 was a awesome high quality movie.


    Immersion has never reached this level in any MMO... EVER.


    True enough 1-50. What about after that? There's no immersion, it's just a daily grind fest like WoW.


    Companions add a whole new depth to the game, replacing the rather dull pets from other games, and making you care about them.


    Umm I guess at first, after a while they just became an annoying pet to me. Also useless at 50, can't use them in PvP or PvE


    Cut scenes are better than in any MMO (and a LOT of single player games), ever, and they're used in every conversation you have with an NPC.


    Yep, been over this.


    Being rewarded for rerolling is a very odd thing in a video game, and it is VERY appreciated.


    How are you rewarded? Last time I checked the Legacy system is not functional.


    I'd like to sum it up by saying that, I agree with the statement that it's essentially Kotor 3 + WoW, it is not a full blown singleplayer game and it is not a full blown MMO game. It meshes the two's upsides (The story driven, cinematic quality of a Bioware game, and the ability to share this journey with a friend or even make new friends to share it with), this makes the game just overall better than any singleplayer game I've ever played and any multiplayer game I've ever played.


    I'm going to take a wild stab here that you haven't reached 50 yet?

  3. I haven't given my opinion on game quality, now have I? I'm not experiencing game-breaking bugs. That is all the info that I have supplied you with, yet you make these wild leaps of logic about my opinions and motives, veering way off into straw-man land.


    You were fun for a few minutes but I'm through playing with you.


    Take a logic course if you get the opportunity. What you think passes for debate skill boils down to "I M RITE N' UR RONG!"


    Why do you think you're special? I was not talking to you specifically. Take your pretentiousness elsewhere, it's sickening.

  4. In your OPINION, it makes the entire game low quality.


    You are going to have to put your big-boy pants on and learn to accept that these aren't game-killing issues that render the entire game "low-quality" for everybody.


    Quit trying to control what you cannot control. I accept your opinion that you think it's low-quality. Show the same respect for other peoples' opinions that you're demanding for your own. It's not that difficult of a concept, if one wants to have a two-sided discussion and not simply try to force their opinion down other peoples' throats.


    If you're willing to accept a low quality game then that is fine. But stop trying to claim that it is high quality because it just isn't, regardless of my opinion.


    My opinion: SWTOR is WoW in space with a VO story from 1-50. The end game is bad and they have tried to emulate WoW in everyway possible, including the terrible things from WoW. If you're okay with WoW in space and can look past the many, many other issues then you will enjoy SWTOR, and that's fine.


    Not my opinion: There are many game-breaking bugs that affect many people, there are graphical issues like low rez textures, there are a ridiculous amount of loading screens, and unless you have more than 4gig ram you will sit at them for an extended period of time. Combat responsiveness/animations affects most people, if not all(some people don't even seem to realize what it is), Ilum is broken, factions are imbalanced. All these issues, and probably some I've forgotten make it a BAD QUALITY GAME.

  5. Ahh I see, when caught in your own snare, you go for the straw-man argument!


    Weak dodge. You claimed it's low-quality, which is an opinion. I never said the game doesn't have issues. Maybe you should focus on reading what you actually see rather than what you want to see?


    What are you on really? Those issues MAKE IT LOW QUALITY. That is not an opinion. If a game is bugged and has as many issues as SWTOR has at release, then it is, by definition low quality. SWTOR was clearly rushed and it shows. Case and point: Legacy system.


    So, people losing their jobs, not getting enjoyment from their investment, losing the game that they like, and Bioware have a black spot on it's record, is a worthwhile trade so that you get better games in the future? WOW.


    BioWare already has a black spot from Dragon Age 2, so that doesn't bother me. People losing their jobs is unfortunate, but if that's what has to happen so companies stop retreading these awful WoW clones then so be it.

  6. Theodore Roosevelt made tons of mistakes therefore, by your own logic, he was not a "high quality" president. Just saying, what you stated was an opinion, and all games have errors. That does not mean, however, that they are not high quality BECAUSE they have a lot of errors.


    That...is awful logic. You are comparing a person to a video game. You've lost me.


    What exactly makes SWTOR high quality to you? SWTOR has one high quality aspect, and that is the story that they so often touted in front of us pre-release, but an MMO cannot hinge on what happens 1-50. In every other way it has fallen short.

  7. Seriously? You are funny thanks for the laugh.


    I do think it's a high quality game, and i hope that angers you. It's funny that all my friends playing also do. The only people that i've actually seen not like the game are random player #345345 on the internet who i could care less about, like you.


    PS: It's a copy of EQ which is where everything from WOW came.


    It doesn't anger me because I know you're wrong. You're free to think what you want, it doesn't bother me. In fact, it wouldn't bother me if by some miracle SWTOR became successful. Yes I do want it to fail because it will send a clear message that players are tired of this stagnation and lack of creativity, but I don't personally have a dog in the fight. I get plenty of enjoyment from non-MMOs, TV shows and movies. I don't really need an MMO.


    Also newsflash: You are just as much random player #345345 as I am.

  8. You're just trying to pick a fight.


    What? I'm just debunking your theory, not trying to pick a fight. You posted like it was a fact that there is no mass exodus, when statistical data clearly proves you wrong.


    Don't you think there's a reason that most threads here are people complaining about issues? Hint: It's because the game is bad.

  9. Most of the servers are still heavy, I still have queues, I'm not sure your experience translates to the game dying.


    It's possible other people have a different opinion of the quality of the game than you do.


    That doesn't mean anything except that they have set low server caps. Especially if there's only 400k people playing.


    It's fine to have a different opinion about whether you like the game or not. But trying to claim that SWTOR is a high quality game is bs, whether it's your "opinion" or not. Even based on the amount of bugs, combat responsiveness issues, graphical issues it is a low quality game.


    Not even counting the fact that the game is an exact copy of WoW with voice acting 1-50.

  10. Most of the people saying they are quitting either aren't or will be back soon anyway.


    Plus all MMOS are essentially a revolving door. People leave, new people come in. Even if there was a mass exodus of players they will just market it to a new area or demographics. EZ PZ


    Oh yeah less QQ more pew pew


    I really love the amount of people who make claims without any fact. I unsubbed, I have no intention of playing this game again.



    Look at my post above. It's not indicative of an empty game, it's indicative of server caps increasing, people being more busy and people leaving after their free month.


    It's not indicative of an empty game YET, it is indicative of a dying game. If that many people are leaving after a free month in an MMO then your game has failed.


    You're just making excuses.

  11. Oh is that why their numbers plummeted after just a month or two?



    I seem to recall server issues and crashes, things not working properly and so on...



    glitches, bugs, bad patches, they are par for the course. My previous post got deleted because I chose to use some very not-nice but accurate words for people on these forums, but I'll reiterate one of the important parts again.




    We are in the MMO genre of gaming. Many of you need to go figure out what that actually means.


    It means that it's a Massively Multiplayer Online game. Nothing more. Just because it's in the MMO genre does not mean it needs to be exactly like WoW.


    It does not take a creative genius to work this out.

  12. Absolutely am I keeping my sub.


    Before you say I haven't seen what the game can offer, I just ran Eternity Vault last night, didn't get quest credit for killing Gruhl (sp?) and then couldn't loot the chest after the puzzle towers. I still am having a blast in the game.


    Keyword......game. Some of you people take your game too seriously and can't see the big picture.


    What are you talking about?


    People aren't having fun in the game because it's bad and buggy and a retread of WoW. It has nothing to do with "taking the game too seriously".

  13. Dude... skyrim isn't bugged.... K



    Well I had 60 hours played before SWTOR came out and the worst bug I found was when giants killed me I'd get thrown thousands of meters into the air, happened a few times. Not exactly what I'd call gamebreaking next to SWTOR's bugs and general terribleness.

  14. Get Max Level ASAP >> Do Daily Quests for a couple of hours each day >> Run Heroics repeatedly >> Then you can be successful at end game content.[/Quote]


    Frankly I don't know why anyone enjoys this format, to me this is why WoW is dying, it's a streamlined daily-grind fest. It's a completely different game to the one that everyone fell in love with in vanilla/BC.


    I wish SWTOR would have been a little braver in its core game design to find something for me to do rather than the same old grind fest.


    Don't we all. This is why SWTOR will fall.


    Perhaps it's not too late for SWTOR to be something truly different.


    Of course it's too late, they'd have to rebuild the entire game to make it different to WoW.

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