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Everything posted by Tairus

  1. I am level 10, I have not stepped foot into a WF yet but I see alot of QQ about Guardians not dealing enough damage and they suck and are imbalanced. From my past EXP in PvP as Tanks, The Jedi Guardian is much like WAR's Black Guard. I can't wait to group up with my friend and Guard him while he wrecks people. I enjoy the challenge of disrupting/CCing people attacking squishies. The Guardian is ment to defend and protect not run around soloing people with awesome damage. Though im sure you can solo people just fine. If you want to increase your chances in any WF just find a healer or high dmg champ and guard them, then stick to them like glue and assist them as best you can. You will win more, have a very fun and challenging time and most of all......people will like you alot
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