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Everything posted by Aldamar

  1. The list has been updated with the following: Crafter: Solatoris Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27
  2. OOH-RAH! Long live the Remnants of Hope! Looking forward to many more years to come within Star Wars: The Old Republic! Personal Favorite out of all the photos: http://remnantsofhope.com/boards/uploads/gallery/album_12/gallery_375_12_133349.jpg
  3. The list has been updated with the following: Crafter: Se'rena Advanced Reflex Armoring 27 Crafter: Lurena Advanced Force Wielder Armoring 27 Crafter: Coombsey Advanced Proficient Enhancement 27
  4. The list has been updated with the following: Crafter: Lurena Advanced Skill Armoring 27
  5. Remnants of Hope -- NiM EC -- 8 Man [update on 2nd and 3rd Boss] PS: Times converted from PST to EST. Killed Firebrand and Stormcaller (Second Boss) on 12/16/12 at 8:43PM EST Link: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/ArtemisOrden/Screenshot_2012-12-16_19_02_37_783234_zpsdefdbea9.jpg Killed Colonel Vorgath (Third Boss) on 12/16/12 at 9:29PM EST Link: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/ArtemisOrden/Screenshot_2012-12-16_19_38_22_041878_zpsf775afeb.jpg
  6. Updated! Crafter: Sin'jo Advanced Weighted Mod 27B Crafter: Aravail Advanced Potent Mod 27
  7. The Remnants of Hope are currently recruiting quality players who enjoy Endgame Progression Raiding, warzones, in addition to roleplaying! Submit an application, and begin your journey today! Some quick facts: o Currently have 3 groups running HM TFB. We are also able to fit in 2 NiM EC groups into our weekly Raid Schedule. We could always use more Endgame progression raiders! Join in on the fun and submit an application! o Running regular warzones and acquiring War Hero gear to better prepare us for Ranked Warzones. Our PVP Department is currently assembling groups, so if you are an avid pvp'er, I would encourage you to apply! o Have an interest in roleplaying? We host weekly RP events. Join in on the fun and immerse your character into some awesome roleplay!
  8. The list has been updated! Crafter: Tipico Advanced Agile Mod 27A
  9. May I present..... Telana Dentari! Jedi Sage, Consular. http://i.imgur.com/ahycA.jpg
  10. "This colossal behemoth's origins may never be known to us. The Dread Guards were able to open a gateway on the remote world of Asation, and this terror was released onto an unsuspecting galaxy. What IS known, is that the Remnants of Hope would be the very tip of the spear in combating this evil. Turning back the Dread Master's latest attempt to topple both Empire and Republic, enslaving the galaxy. The creature's repeated assaults with tentacles the size of starships laid waste to the tiny island, but the Republic's heroes pressed forward, taking the battle into the horror's own dimension where the very laws of nature and physics do not always apply. In the end ...only one would return from the portal. The Terror From Beyond, avoiding a fatal blow retreated into yet another dimension. For now, the Dread Masters had failed... turned away once again by the Remnants of Hope." -- Arawn Aun Congratulations, Remnants! Last night we downed Terror From Beyond on Hardmode, thus making it 5/5! Looking forward to the future, for it is a bright one! Looking forward to much success in the distant future! GO GO REMNANTS! OH WAIT... I forgot the best part..... Upon our completion of HM TFB, our very own PVP Officer, Arawn, put together a pretty sexy video of myself dancing... post party for the win!!
  11. Remnants of Hope -- HM TFB -- 8 Man [update on 5th Boss] PS: Times converted from PST to EST. Terror From Beyond (Fifth Boss) on 11/10/12 at 12:07AM EST Link: http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt24/ArtemisOrden/Screenshot_2012-11-09_21_07_53_327584.jpg
  12. Greetings fellow Jung-Ma Raiders! My name is Telana Dentari from The Remnants of Hope. I am in charge of our PVE efforts within Star Wars: The Old Republic. I would like to officially announce that our Crafters have managed to obtain quite a few Dread Guard Gear schematics, and are willing to take requests to craft enhancements/mods/armorings for the Jung-Ma community. The current list of schematics that we can craft are as follows (More will be added as we obtain more schematics as time progresses): Crafter: Eliian Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 Crafter: Kiamei Advanced Initiative Enhancement 27 Crafter: Velok Advanced Aptitude Mod 27 Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27 Crafter: Aravail Advanced Mettle Mod 27 Advanced Potent Mod 27 Advanced Bastion Enhancement 27 Crafter: Rikro Advanced Agile Mod 27 Crafter: Tipico Advanced Agile Mod 27A Advanced Skill Barrel 27 Crafter: Sin'jo Advanced Weighted Mod 27B Advanced Reinforced Mod 27B Advanced Nimble Mod 27 Advanced Reflex Armoring 27 Crafter: Rikyn Advanced Deflecting Mod 27B Crafter: Telana Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 Crafter: Coombsey Advanced Proficient Enhancement 27 Crafter: Zek-anlai Advanced Resolve Hilt 27 Now, for those interested in submitting requests, we ask that you provide the materials needed to craft whichever armoring/mod/enhancement you would like crafted, in addition to a 'fee' per mod/enhancement/armoring. Fees: 1. Mod/Enhancement = 250k each, or 200k if buying in bulk (3 or more). 2. Armorings = 400k each, or 350k if buying in bulk (3 or more). 3. Barrels = 600k each, or 550k if buying in bulk (3 or more). 4. Hilts = 800k each, or 700k if buying in bulk (3 or more). Orders are to be sent to the above crafters (Depending on which one want) by mail. Include the following when submitting orders: 1. Guild Name (If your apart of a guild) 2. How many 3. Which mods are being requested 4. Required Materials 5. Credits for "Fee" Be sure to visit this thread often. The list of schematics will be updated upon obtaining a new Dread Guard schematic as time progresses. Thank you! Happy raiding. Telana Dentari, PVE Officer Remnants of Hope
  13. Sent you a private message in regards to your question.
  14. During non-peak hours? Hmm.... I'd say 5-10? Our prime time usually lasts from 6pm-1:30am EST. Lots of people will be on during that time and during non-peak times you'll still see people come and go throughout the day. Like right now we have around 16 people online. We have quite a few members who have the same type of schedule as you, and they seem to be able to make things work. And no worries at all. Happy to help!
  15. First off, welcome back! Jung-Ma may be a low population server, but we have one heck of a community. Secondly, you say your looking for an active guild to run ops, pvp, and roleplay with? Well, if that is the case, I would encourage you to check out Remnants of Hope. We participate in all playstyles, and have 20+ members online everyday during primetime. We run 4-6 ops every week, pvp on a daily basis with 'organized' PVP in the mix, and roleplay as well. We have dedicated Guild Departments for each aspect, so our members can truly experience all that TOR has to offer. We have been around since June 9, 2009, and have remained dedicated to SWTOR ever since. We offer a family-friendly environment, zero-drama tolerance policy, and have one ultimate goal.... to have fun within SWTOR. I would encourage you to stop by our website, see for yourself if the Remnants of Hope is the right fit for you. Whatever route you choose to take, I wish you best of luck in your travels. If you have any questions or concerns about the Remnants of Hope, feel free to send me a private message. ~Telana Dentari PVE Officer of the Remnants of Hope
  16. Hello! Glad to hear your enjoying TOR. If your interested, I would encourage you to check out the Remnants of Hope. We cater to players of all levels, and are more than willing to assist you in learning the ropes. Once 50, now that's when the true fun begins. Check out our website at http://www.remnantsofhope.com if your interested in learning more about us. Happy travels!
  17. ^^ This. Jung-Ma is NOT dead whatsoever. Period. Stop trying to paint a false impression because honestly the people who roll on Jung-Ma will clearly see that it is not dead, in fact, I have been noticing the population slowly increasing during certain days of the week. Also, if Jung-Ma was dead, you clearly wouldn't see community-wide events being hosted. Event: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=547348 Event: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=547656 Event: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=547230 So please, do us all a favor and quit proclaiming Jung-Ma is 'dead' when clearly that is NOT the case. I am sure people are more than capable of figuring that out for themselves, Chiltonium.
  18. The Remnants of Hope will be there to assist our fellow Republic comrades in an effort to take back the Crescent Canyon Bridge from the ruthless Imperials. May the force be with us all. For the Republic!! OOC: I am sure I speak for everyone within the Remnants of Hope when I say we are happy to see Esoteric Order take initiative in planning this Open World PVP Event! We have been waiting for another one of these to start for sometime now. We were present way back when TOR-Talk hosted the first ever organized Open World PVP event here on Jung-Ma which involved killing selected VIP targets, which resulted in a huge success (Depending on who you ask). Again, many thanks, and we look forward to participating in this event, and hopefully more to come! Jung-Ma FTW!
  19. The Remnants of Hope may be interested in participating. Like others have stated, we would also like to hear more details regarding this event, and what it entails. Thanks!
  20. No worries at all. Glad to be of assistance! It has been a pleasant experience working together successfully, as you mentioned, without having to result to childish behavior that's most certainly not wanted. We are glad both groups are able to make it work to achieve success!
  21. We are flattered Infernal Harvest chose to use our "Guild Progression" design/setup for their Recruitment Thread. It's a good setup, if I do say so myself. Happy to know I chose the more favorable Progression design for ours. Happy raiding, Infernal Harvest!
  22. I would consider Remnants of Hope a PVE, PVP, and RP guild. We participate in all aspects to their fullest extent.
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