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Everything posted by Shatterstar

  1. My sin is tank spec, and I still had tons of fun in pvp with him (before 2.0, and making shield more effective overall). There was several occasions where I had to 1 vs 2 to take an off node, and did so. I also have an alt jugg, in veng spec, that does pretty well for himself, also. He does good damage, and the heavy armor helps him soak some hits. But it won't matter much what you run, if you get focus-fired. I don't do ranked, and rarely even do advance teams. I just PuG it up, and hope for a competent team-mate or three. What server do you play on? (I am on Shadowlands.)
  2. Shatterstar


    I guess the responders above me just don't understand. The more pvp-ers who quit, the less voice this community will have, meaning the devs will be even less concerned with spending resources towards improving it. @ the OP: sorry to see you go man, good luck out there.
  3. Sin/Shadow are the best capable class to working solo. That being said, it is meant to be a TEAM effort, sorry your teams suck so badly.
  4. Shatterstar

    Where Is It?

    Obviously you haven't played any Huttball lately, or even some AH. Seems all anyone does is deathmatch in those lately anyways.
  5. Yes, I love when that jugg or powertech follows me to the off-node. We also need one for the guy who goes afk while guarding the off node in CW or NC, and then gets slaughtered when the reds come to visit. Just had a guy like that, ended the WZ with a bunch of defense medals, but 0 damage, and a death.
  6. OMG, this was awesome. Thank you for the laughs, please, PLEASE, make more
  7. As all I do is pvp on my operative, I'll speak from that standpoint. I use overload shot when other things (backstab, shiv, lacerate) are on cooldown, or when my opponent is out of range of those, and I have already darted them. If I am going to drop into cover, it is for explosive probe only. (Wish I could use that out of cover, even if it where an upper tier talent.) If I want to sit in cover plinking people, I'll play my sniper. Operatives seem to rely on their mobility to survive in a WZ. In a pve setting, using cover is probably fine, as all the dumb npc's will just run up to you to swing their weapons anyways. And if you run up to the ranged and drop into cover, they will just stand next to you anyways.
  8. Sadly enough, I think you may be right. My op is a low level alt, and I created it because I liked the stealth/sleep aspect from leveling my tanksin. Before 2.0, my lowbie op felt almost OP, with the huge burst (even at low levels). It was nothing for me, even as a 20-something, to hit for 4-5k top hits in a wz. (I used all on level blue mods, except for a purple knife and barrel.) But, it was so much squishier than my sin was, and if I was caught out of stealth, was pretty sure to go splat. Where I could easily go 1 vs 2 leveling the sin in pvp, due to the greater survivability. Now, it feels the op has nothing to offset the squishiness, as our burst is about the same, but everyone has so much more hp. People that had 12-15k hp before, now have 23-27k, and my top hits are roughly only 500-1k better than before. A marginal dps increase coupled with huge health bolster makes it very hard to burst somebody down now. I can only imagine how gimped the high level concealment ops feel. Ah well, time to level my lowbie Jugg instead, I guess.
  9. Actually, both the other tanks had a far more balanced approach to stats prior to 2.0 than we did. So while their ratings took a hit, it didn't hurt nearly as much as it did for a geared PT. I guess my big beef is that the PT tank no longer has a defined "we are best at this" role, like we once had. Tanksins handle ae best (with awesome utility), and Jugg's are solid single target threat. We were once the best at passive mitigation, taking a far more constant damage than the spikes the other two suffered. Now that is not really the case. Now, I fully expected shield rating to take a hit with them enabling shields to be more effective on additional damage types. I just never expected them to crush both shield and absorb rating so badly. It just seems there is little reason to bring a pt tank over the other two now, and that we will see even more assassins running around than we already do.
  10. I am well aware of that, sir. Sorry, but I don't feel that addition warranted the rating nerf-bat we were just hit with. The fact remains, I take far more spike damage now, across the board, then I did before the patch. Doesn't matter, he is now parked on fleet, working his cybertech craft forever.
  11. Your build isn't far off from what I was running (before parking mine until they un-nerf our stats). Main difference I see, is that I didn't bother with Firestorm's snare, instead I took the dps boost of Rail Loaders. I also had both points of Ironfist, I found the extra damage off the rocket punches more useful than the minor hp increase. (1% of 30k is only 300hp anyways). I have had little issue with the new heat screen and heat blast combo though. Heat screen stacks up quicker, without having to use the heat intensive flame burst, and the buff from heat blast is a nice touch. Or was, before our stats got nerfed to hell. And the reason you take more burst is the huge nerf they applied to the rating on shield and absorb ratings. Where we once shined on taking a rather linear damage, that is gone now, and we are as much subejt to spike damage as the other two tanks. So now, their is really no reason to take a PT over the other tanks, as juggs hold single target aggro better, and sins are better aoe tanks.
  12. I wouldn't bother with Shieldtech either. It seems they nerfed the hell out of the dr of shielding and absorb ratings. Before 2.0 I ran at about 57/59% in them (wearing all 61's and 63's), after the expansion went live for all, I am down to 40/41%. So, I lost a third of my most important stats almost, heck I had better stats in the days of full Tio gear. The only place a PT tank shined was in their near-constant damage intake, without the spike damage Juggs and Sins suffered. Now that is gone. Extra dps for my tank is nice, but it isn't worth giving up my ability to take hits, that is my job, isn't it Biofail? I have now shelved mine (except for crafting) until they fix that.
  13. wh/ewh got their expertise removed though.. so having those hardly matters (beyond their other stats).
  14. I want to know how to get full buffed smashes every 6 seconds. Please tell me! They even nerfed force choke giving shockwave stacks in 2.0, so only two ways to get stacks, instead of three. I have said all along that countering smash is more of a learn to play issue, than anything else. Glad to see more people understand that. (OP: If you are going to troll, at least try to base it on facts.)
  15. My biggest issue with the "solution", is that you have ruined my WH/EWH gear for any "open world" pvp. (I.E. the Gree event, or random killing flagged pubs in Black Hole or Illum.) But, if you PVP enough to get the new gears, you get an even bigger advantage over people who have not (due to the new gears being much higher level). As it stands, I would be better off with recruit gears for those occasions. If you are going to get rid of expertise gear, than get rid of all of it, not just some of it. Let the "pvp" gear just be a separate progression of gear, with its own, unique (not re-colored), looks. So those that want to pvp can progress to higher tiers of gear, just like those that prefer PVE ops to progress. And those who like to do both, can do both, to mix and match stats or looks. Making all PVP gear non-expertise would be the best solution, while still creating a competitive gear progression from 10 to 55 for those who prefer PVP.
  16. You won't be able to use any relics but a matrix cube as you level, if you don't choose light or dark, but the level 50 relics from ops or the daily vendor have no light/dark requirement. So it really has little effect on your game in the long run.
  17. I have a 50 sniper, and at the moment, and I am now leveling a concealment op. Snipers are a very solid DPS, but they are a turret to do it. Their limited mobility is a hindrance within some fight mechanics, EC tanks comes to mind. They also have a rather simplistic rotation in PVE. They do big numbers well though, because that is all they do. As others have said, the OP can put up decent numbers, but will require allot more situational awareness, and button mashing. Just remember, Concealment ops may have most of their burst tied to a few skills, but what a nice burst it is! They also have far more utility in both pve and pvp. Besides that, the giggle will soon return, and who can resist the sounds of knives and giggles? As others above me have said, play what you like. Will OP dps be the top parse for the raid (or wz)? Probably not. But they will still post effective numbers, as long as you have learned the class' many skills. (AKA not a baddie.) A good player on a "lesser class" > bad player on "top dps" class. I am not sure what server you play on, but if you are on The Shadowlands, drop me a line, I'll happily /ginvite you and take you along on ops.
  18. For the least number of IMPORTANT buttons to push, Rage is best. But, to be effective in hm fp's and ops, where CC is likely to be heavily used, you have to be highly aware of the situation at all times. A bad smasher ruins CC, a good one can usually place himself to still do excellent dps while avoiding waking up anything too soon. And while one may argue that our single target dps is not the best, it is the best spec for wiping out groups of enemies in PVE quickly. This is 100% true, if you want an easy, ignore all but my target that I spam these 2 buttons at class, then the mara is not for you, in any spec.
  19. /signed for this. It is there, just make it so we can use it. At the very least, put one on every planet in the starting area, now that you have made having them around useful.
  20. 90% of the issues brought up in this forum boil down to that same "l2p issue". It seems, though, that those in charge of class balance listen more to them than bothering to actually play their game and see for themselves. So all we get is nerfs (and a few buffs) that ruin the balance more with each new patch.
  21. I agree 100% with this. I'll also add that it is a huge slap in the face that not only did you add a gold Gree armor to the cartel market, that you made it usable at level 1, while the normal Gree armor has a level 45 requirement.
  22. So, is there just not enough pt/vg tanks left to bother caring about this? Or do you like constantly telling sage/sorc to not bubble you, and why? Seems like a quick and easy fix to me...
  23. /signed I never understood the huge gap myself. Also, overall pricing on them should be reduced, to keep them competitive with cartel pack crystals.
  24. Classes: Until they balance what we have properly, why add more? Planets: Sure, more content would be great. Level cap: Shouldn't go to 55 even, please do not escalate and trivialize even more of the limited content we have. Minor stuff: ship store, armor polish, and barber shop: ***, why? Pazaak, sure, that could be fun. Rather they fix the bugs and balance out what we have before adding a bunch more bugs to the game.
  25. A bunch of views, but no responses, to what amounts to an oversight that has existed since launch. Only difference is now it seems every third person is a sorc (or sage), making it that many more potential bubbles running a-muck.
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