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Everything posted by Gillityr

  1. World firsts are irrelevant on a game with staggered pre-launch.
  2. The chance to crit always exists. However, using a crew member that has a bonus merely increases your chance. In all my experience, it never really made enough difference to notice. I have leveled multiple skills, on many toons.
  3. Required? No. Desired? Yes. If there is one thing a game should do, it is to make a healer's job a bit easier (no macros needed, but mouseover would be nice). Games that don't, tend to lack healers in all level ranges.
  4. Thank you for sharing this work. Very appreciated.
  5. How strange that one would change crafting skill just for a tiny bonus. Sounds like min/maxing may be an addiction for some that can cause tumors or something. I would prefer they leave them in game, as it adds a nice little bonus at times, and a bit of flavor to the companions. I really wish people would stop demanding that we water down every mmo so everything is the same as everything else. I like the difference, even when I somehow have "less" than a min-maxed micro-managed approach.
  6. Yes this is entirely possible. My significant other and I did that very thing. Now that Underworld Trade is fixed, it will be even better to share. Note that doing so will make whoever has the mission skill use up a lot of cash, so be prepared to have the other person share some money.
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