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Everything posted by pubkin

  1. I wonder which is more stressfull to the 'servers'? Everyone hammering the forums wanting to get in the game, or those few that are in the game. I'm betting the difference is marginal. Yeah I know they're different servers. Just pointing out that high traffic is high no matter how you slice it.
  2. This thread will be the fond 'release day' memory that I look back on. - Not getting eatten by level 1 rats while my friends run around in circles in terror and confusion. -Not spawn camping a lootable quest item. -Not a general sense of wonder and awe stepping out into a new world. -Not having a showdown kitten fight with some other low levels in open world pvp. Yeah, this thread is epic. I will remember this thread.
  3. on page 162 This reply will end up on /me consults magic 8 ball...... Page 168 bam! edit Woot! I win the super number 1 grand prize!
  4. The internetz can't keep up with this thread. Fact: This thread will win a gold medal in London.
  5. The waiting situation is intensified by the fact that certian MMOs have their maintenance today. Mmm. nothing to do but hit refresh in email. Well that or something crazy like working at a job. pfft, who does that?
  6. Speculation man says: 'The game key and early access invite code must be different things. you've already activated your key online so the code you're now refering too must be different, and likely comes in the invitation email.' Me? I don't know. Did the same thing though.
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