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Everything posted by indigolol

  1. So you read the opening paragraph and decided to not read the rest and troll me good job I thought my post was pretty constructive and unlike most wasn't just posted after a couple of bad games and without a real understanding of why there loosing so badly in pvp. Today for example i played maybe around 30 games every time i was either top or 2nd on damage done, kills, objectives and medals half i queued solo the rest i played with friends from the guild using ts to communicate. How then can you still claim this class to be underpowered? For example in all those games i think only once i died more than 4 times and that was against a very good premade that knew to focus me down so that i didn't kill the ball carrier and healer before they even had a chance to get near our base. Although since i was also in a premade 4 the time it took for 2-3 players to focus dps me down through all my cd's and me kiting them away from the rest of our team meant we won the game anyway. Also how can you claim that experience means nothing in playing an aresenal merch in pvp when it's entirely about knowing when to move and where to stand. Also claiming that you still use your pve damage rotation in pvp shows a complete lack of knowledge of the class. I use whatever ability i feel is best for the current situation dependant on range, enemy health or if i need to react before a team mate gets killed. It really annoys me to see all these merchs thinking you just spam tracer missile and win cause honestly if the enemy has half a clue he'll run before you cast. Another thing you do know that a full cast unload even without the armor debuff will do more damage during a single cast without the proc that 2 tracer missiles and also slow the target in the process. Anyway i honestly hope you stick with the class as i think it's one of the most fun class's i've ever played in any mmo and as for others finding pvp easier when switching class i guess that just suited their play style better and really there isn't any need for drastic changes within the arsenal tree to accommodate pvp.
  2. Honestly i thought i'd read this thread and see lots of posts giving constructive feedback to the poster about how the class is fine and just requires smart sensible play and the correct use of the environment your pvping in. Instead it's full of posts either flaming others or from people who haven't put any effort into learning the strength's and weakness's of the class. In my opinion there's nothing wrong and if anything we're maybe even a bit to good if played properly it takes a very good player to ever beat me 1v1 and most of the times if i die in a warzone it's due to having 2-3 players hunt me down or it's a jugg in tank gear that i just can't escape. I'm not using this to brag i'm just using it as an example of how good we really can be. Sometimes your just an artillery gun putting out crazy damage from distance supporting other players while at other times your a distraction utilising an incredible amount of survivability to pull 2-3 players away from an objective thus giving your team a massive advantage in numbers and either a cap or a score. Countless times i've sat there laughing at the fact i make people so mad killing them from a hidden position they felt the need to chase me half the map to kill me and thus loosing the warzone in the process. Understand when to run away learn which area's of the map your vunerable don't just mindlessly run around thinking the class sucks cause you chased someone into the pitt and then lost cause another player turned up and helped him. As far as people saying we have no gap creator then learn to use rocket punch more effectively it's 4 meters but while there flying move and make that 6 or 8! If it's particular class you struggle with then stun them you have 2 stuns which can both be cast while moving create that distance again. If your loosing look to reset the fight use a medi kit to heal or grab a healing buff while making sure to knock them away and slow them. Most importantly though if you can't win a fight make sure that whoever kills you has a disadvantage in getting back to kill your team mates! Also and probably most importantly understand that gear does matter i'm rocking 1799 aim and have 17k hp self buffed with rakata aim stim and 55% crit on tracer missile(2 piece pve set bonus) in warzones (mostly pve gear cause in almost 40 bags i got 2 items and bought the bracers while i use the commendations to gear pets as the gear is crap) if you run up to me in quest gear and greens i'll rip your face off before you get me past 80%! Anyway hope someone found this useful and if you want more advice geared towards how i play specific wz's then just say and i'll try and find time to write it up indigo. lvl 50 merch Basilisk Droid EU Server
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