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Posts posted by RUDI

  1. I rarely post something, but really I lost all faith in people. Doing balancing from analytics perspective is dumb as ****. Well, except lightning sorcs 1sec cast to do 5k damage its cool really :) during that cast you will be leaped, netted, dead, etc.


    With every patch you were adding utitites to classes which actually killed game balance, because some class received too much of them thus made this class very powerful.


    Just food for thought:

    Mercs have several lifes, and no you can't stun their every cd, because they for sure will stun and kill you before.


    Snipers have insane self heals...i was in match where sniper did 1kk self-heals...this used to be class w/o healing. This class is long-range cannon...it shouldnt be so sturdy...it should hit hard...be mobile...but weak when somebody is close.


    Now regs are broken for example, because good conceal op can hold well against 3 people , because of too much utility - roll with immunity, dodge with reflect, and i think stealth is overtuned in this game, stealth / mez is just ridicilous...in case you wondering game with goood stealth mechanics look at aion. I am not saying they are op, it just takes coordination to kill one good op, unless you are with voice, but hey this is regs. Same for hutball op is pretty much carry #1 now. Remember 3.0 when every class could carry well.


    If i would were you I would think how to adjust utilities to make each class unique. It doesnt require to make each spec good for all type of content. Concealment could be ranked burst spec, lethality raiding spec with good sustain.

  2. Ah yes.. because liking the fact that I can't just randomly pwn newbs who didnt pick up Recruit gear yet makes me a biodrone.


    Gotta love people putting that 'title' on anyone who doesn't agree with them without question.


    Bolster > Recruit gear 'solution', that is my entire point. It's not perfect, but it's better.


    5) Anyone asking for them to remove bolster entirely and just add Recruit gear again should look in the mirror and wonder "Am I now not asking them to remove a tested system with known issues they are attempting to solve, with a completely untested system?" Because you are. The moment they do what you ask, we will have a much more unbalanced PVP game than we have right now.


    Bolster > Recruit gear 'solution' if it implemented right agree, but as we can see they can't implement it. I bet not even bet, but sure that there will be more exploits after they will fix or not fix next tuesday. If there are a lot of variables and solution is really complex, then you need to use easier solution. Why not give everyone 55 pvp gear that will have 5% less stats than partisian.


    There was a huge gap between ewh and recruit, they have to give gear that can be modded(so u can use pve augs also), maybe bm. Anyway such thing is much more easier than bolster implemented by devs who dont know what they're doing.


    I am customer and I want "working" solution not a **** they trying to achieve. A patch for a patch that used to fix bug from previous patch.


    5) lol what the **** they tested?. And what u need to test in case of free gear???

  3. You're not making any sense... I can't help you if you if I can't understand you, sorry.

    ok let me straighten this out. You say they fixed pvp system by removing old gear, so i need to get new pvp gear. Okay, but there are few problems. The first one is that top pve gear will be superior than pvp gear, believe or not, pre 2.0 we added pve parts to get top pvp gear, now pve gear is pvp gear. And the second one is actually funny, bioware stated that they removing old gear and add bolster, so anyone will be equal based on gear, and now skill will play more, which is clearly not, because gear still matters.


    Making ewh/wh obsolete without at least adding ranking is bs, why i need to grind new pvp gear if it will be much worse than pve? That what i want to bring up, they dont know what they doing, nor have knowledge how to fix their pvp problems.


    Hope that will open your eyes on what **** they done.

  4. you actually think pvp is better and more balanced after 2.o? Do you even play the game?


    My take on your post is its a wall of babbling bs that shows you dont grasp the problems that 2.0 created.


    op is clearly working for bw or blind fan. Pvp pre 2.0 u could use tactics to counter other player powerful attacks. Pvp now engage pop all defensive tools, try to throw all your powerful offensive skills, die, repeat. And now I see lot more baddies than before.

  5. Except that is not supposed to be the case. Bioware don't want you using level 50 gear at 55, it is not supposed to be better than 55 gear. You are supposed to use Partasian gear, and then eventually upgrade that to Conqueror.


    That is the new gearing path Bioware expects us all to take, the sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner you can start enjoying the game again. New expansion, means new gear, it always has and it always will.


    why i need to use partisian gear if in pve gear i have 1.8-9 k exp, more stats, etc...? bolster is broken, and instead of fixing it, they remove old gear, with bs excuse to make game more "skill-based" rather than "gear-based". Dont know why people still defend obvious incompetent actions of a not-competent developer.


    And competent developer in case of removing old gear/new xpac, should add more wzs, enhance pvp, add more than 1 skill(yay so much, and half of them are not needed), expand rwz. Well...

  6. As a pvp only player i love the changes also. I would love it way more if it would be like GW2 where everyone has the same stats only the apperance of the armor changes.


    the only thing that pisses me is that pve players who have BIS pve gear can kick your ***, just because BW wants it so. It dimishes the value of pvp not being equal to pve. It just makes me sad. :confused:


    nope, this is not gw system(u still need to get gear) and pve gear will probably will have more stats, so now u need to farm hms/nms to get best gear. good luck:D

  7. When will people realise that WH/EWH gear is now obsolete... It doesn't matter any more, as soon as you hit level 55 you will be using the new PvP gear which is FAR superior.


    The only person slapping you in the face is yourself with your idiocies.

    /sigh. when the biodrones will stop to defend failure actions of developer.


    And u are wrong min/max ewh far better than partisian, at least was, so...

  8. Hey everyone,


    Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




    not sure if serious, or trolling

  9. No.


    I (and apparently many others) have simply been under the impression that my lvl 50 EWH Gear would not give worse stats than if playing naked.


    I know, crazy thought...


    this happens when you give idiots develop the game

  10. Major bug fixes:

    1. Fix ability lag, it is here from launch, you made some fixes to this bug, but it is not completely fixed.

    2. Fix performance of engine


    Small advice for pvp: balance classes before adding new tier of gear/


    Want to see:

    1. PVP in space, with ability to change ship, type of ship, customization of ship

    2. RvR would like to see imperials on corruscant....even just for event

    3. Pod racing, like in good ol' game, just google pod racer


    Well everything is impossible tho.

  11. Ok posting here last time, because discussion is not productive anymore.


    To play in vengeance you need to use build with dots and always put shatter dots 3rd to avoid cleansing(dots are important, they are doing internal damage, so you can always have 500damage from shatter dots and 400 from scream to any target).


    You should always break 3rd master strike/ravage hit if impale is off cd, so you never waste time for gcd. This was my build long time ago dont know if there could be any better http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/juggernaut/#::defe4fe12f11ef13ef5ef6: .


    I dont use pooled hatred at all, this perk is useless; 10 sec duration, most of time you will have is +10/20% to impale, if it could be used for master strike or ravage I would use it otherwise no way. And in occasions when you will have +50% you will be already dead :D


    And about damage shatter does much bigger damage than crush, because internal vs kinetic, but crush is better because of slow. And obliterate better than impale, because of gap closer/jump into cover + speed. And I like to root sorcs when they try to run away:p


    And wrothag , smash for vengeance is lose of dps. It is used for breaking cap, but i prefer other instant aoe, and for PVE.

  12. facts:


    vengeance is viable for rateds

    its one of the most unkillable specs in the game

    1v1 only marauders and hybrid sins considered as a threat (yes, pyropts fear us)

    sure we cant burst down healers fast enough, there are other scenarios where we shine

    ragenoobs will never outdps us singletarget

    we have enough rage even in soresu

    while rage guys spam forums how awesome they are, we are laughing over their dead bodies ingame

    the funfactor of playing a vengeance jugg is insane


    edit: forgot one important thing. to get the most out of the spec, you need 2 sets of gear, both vindicator and war leader

    1) it can make the job done, but other can do it better. Why take something worst when there are better choices?

    2) no, but it is more durable than sorc!

    3) good pyropt will own and kite veng jug

    4) yeah hutball, but hybrid of veng/defense is better than full veng

    5) but they have much better burst, anyway who needs dps if you cant kill target?

    6) well no, rage can, vengeance no

    7) ok.

    8) about fun factor 100% agree, but it is not viable.

  13. Oh rly?


    Please cut the BS since you've obviously never played the Veng spec. I do good constistently in veng and can be a great objective player to or a deadly slayer. Hutbal is my favorite game mode and rarely loose and can easily get games like I just showed.


    Is rage better than veng?

    Depends if you wanna hurt big groups of people or kill healers. If you are gonna run around and single target with Rage then you might as well go veng since it's more forgiving, but veng is no way near the worst spec m8.

    Oh, look at screen...

    1. it is not rated warzone, regular against pug

    2. your 400k damage in hutball with 6:0 means they're undergeared, you died much less then they, you had a lot of time to damage. In my regular hutball i can have from 20k to 200k damage, because I dont care about killing enemies the main task is to score. And when I win 6:0 in most cases the biggest damage is about 90-100k.


    Quote: Originally Posted by JackNader

    Vengeance + Soresu is the single hardest spec to kill in this game. It is more tanky than tank spec and arguably does more damage.

    NO! Hardest to "Kill" is a) operative healer(stealth, almost impossible to kill solo when he geared 20k+hp, lots of cc, vanish) then other operatives...

    b) vanguard/pt full tank takes a while to kill them

    c) hybrid vengeance/defense

    d) assassin

    e) marauder

    f) maybe jug in soresu? And what is the point of going soresu in vengeance, you will be rage starved.


    justintong, ~3-4k damage every second Maybe against lvl 10mob :) GCD is 1.5sec for juggernaut. The most geared dps against not moving/countering "PVE"(which is not affected by expertise) targets can reach 1800 damage per second, but more is really really hard. Please dont write ********, it makes you look like noob, who don't even played this game. Maybe you don't know how much your "WEAPON" damage is cut, because of armor? and it is often parried, blocked?

  14. Edit: after the first masterstroke you can have an instant proc if you follow it with os or pb. All masterstrikes after this require 9 seconds to allow for proc again meaning after the first two, you could get two more in 18 seconds. So really you could have 3 in like 15 seconds with back to hack procs.

    You know what the main part in your reply is you "CAN", but it is possible that it "DONT" proc and you wont have 3-4 ms. 30% is not 100% you know? Sometimes it didnt proc for me after 2 impales and shatter... it is really not reliable, i would trade that for 100% armor penetration anyday.



    I have made a video how vigilance guardian (vegeance juggs) is performing in pvp :)

    I am full warhero+augmented, only the offhand is still battlemaster, all the opponents in the game were warhero/battlemaster geared.



    After I saw enemy healer on min 4 I stopped watching...these are bad.

  15. Full augmented warhero vigilance guardian here, 1800 rwz rating 57-14 w/l ratio. After playing focus/vig/ and vig.def specs I've come conclusions about each spec


    1. Focus: good for lolsweep aoe damage against bads or when stacking multiple coordinated focus knights. I personally find it gimmicky, predictable, and squishy.


    Now comes the debate between full vigilance and vig.def hybrid.


    Vig.def pros: 6% defense chance over full vig spec and a 10 second, 40% damage reduction every 3 minutes. You can use this ability 5 times in a full length warzone if you use it off cd every time and do not wait for optimal usage.

    ful focus generation due to being stuck in soresu, and a horrible, incomplete, clunky rotationw

    To me, the con of losing the ability to stance dance from shien to soresu is game breaking. As full vigilance you have a fluid rotation, 100% uptime on autocrit bs and dispatch and another ability to take ms off cd. The chnce to do 4 masterstrikes in 30 seconds is amazing. With unremitting someone needs near perfect timing to avoid the last hit. Even*avoid it they are forced to use a defensive cooldown, potentially 4 if they even have that


    Imo I perform best as full vigilance. Granted, my first priority is playing support like a def.vig hybrid but when you can tell your team isn't feeling much pressure, switching to shien can help you clean up quickly and ready your team for a shift.


    Also, s I wear tanking offpiecea like relics, earpiece and implant for ball carrying and defending on voidstar or ce.


    Hi mate, don't want to argue with you. I didnt say it can't work if you play right, but why I would take vigilance guardian instead of sniper(engineer) who have insane defensive cd, insane utility, really really good damage, or say combat or even better hybrid of combat/watchman with dots and 100% armor penetration. If i need dedicated ball carrier hybrid is better...


    Who needs 4 master strikes in 30 seconds if you can't burst somebody down. Hybrid mara is godlike in that situation and on top of that he can give party wide buffs. Any good rwz team will take such type of mara over vigi/veng jug anytime. And mara has better defensive cds than vigi jug...sorry, but it is true.


    EDIT: I am not sure you can make 4 ms in 30sec...3 agree.


    You said smasher build is predictable agree of course, can it be shut down yes, but with a good healers it is not a problem...


    About rotation agree they are more elegant and as i said I like vigi/veng more, but the weapon damage source and cleanse made me respec. The biggest problem of veng/vigi is weapon source, so you need to have about 105+ accuracy, which somehow hard to achieve...and as rage juggernaut smash counter, people know that it is better to stop master strike... it is really hard to have 3 hits nowadays.


    BurningCourage, I wont read that ****. Learn punctuation and formatting please.

  16. Except it isnt.. current torstatus line for Progenitor:


    The Progenitor » ø 2.02 +0.10 98.75 % RP PvE English


    Still the biggest EU server, and still growing according to torstatus.. since the merger.


    Wrong fact is wrong.

    Yeah, I think this is because of free trial, rp-pve is much more appealing than pvp. My server tofn is also dropping...

  17. Hi, full wh aug jug here... no vengeance/vigilance spec is not viable for ranked or for pugs. There are only 2 viable jug/guard builds rage(dps) and hybrid(tank) other are useless. As i mentioned in class specialization topic veng/vigi and defense should be merged together and make one viable tank spec, because vigi/veng has so many nice perks for tanking as unremitting/unstoppable, rage generation on knock, sunders generation, pooled hatred/gather strength.


    Veng/vigi is in the worst dps spec group with lethality snipers/operatives, arsenal mercs, telekinetics/lightning sorcerers, and yes concealment operative is better. Why it is so bad:

    1. It is melee, well this one is obvious

    2. Spec heavily reliable on master strike/ ravage and impale/overhead which do weapon damage which is mitigiated by armor, can be parried/deflected/dodged. The best weapon damage spec is combat/carnage, because they have 100 armor penetration.

    3. Shien is crap and when you are running in that stance, you're really squishy

    4. No burst. Yes this spec dont have burst or decent sustainable dps, hell you cant kill heal solo

    5. Dots. Dots are weak and quickly cleansed

    6. Nothing to put on table. You say we have awe, but pyrotech have awe, one more stun and pull which are better. Merc got stun and knock, hybrid sorcs has flashbang shield and other precious thing, conceal operative can heal on top of stealth, ******** of cc, and insane burst, mara got party wide buffs. You cant guard in vengeance, because if you not in shien your damage is terrible.

    7. Have to stack accu to be viable, while rage stack power


    Somebody say they do 500k damage in long games, well rage can do 1mil in long match, can run in soresu and guard damage will be 5k+, attacks cant be blocked or parried, got 2 roots.


    P.s. I really liked that spec and it is much more fun to play veng than rage(i hate it personally), but after switch rage it is out of question which is better. They need to completely redesign juggernaut trees

  18. 1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes?


    If you're playing right, jugg is a menace for undergeared people. After enemies reach 18-20k hp problems start appearing. It is really hard to take down geared sorc for example, you waste enormous amount of time to take him.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?



    I am playing in all specs(veng, rage, veng/imortal), well except full immortal, because it is full of ****. If you want to tank you either spec hybrid or full veng. From start I had a feeling that veng "should" be tank spec from start, because of cc immunity which is crucial for tanking. If I look at immortal I find about 5 perks that worth taking(sonic, non-channel chocke, "free" scream after charge, invincible(but other classes receive better for "free"), one more rage from sunder). There are tons of perks that helps with rage generation, but in most cases you dont need more rage if you have rage after knock perk from vengeance tree. If somebody have problems with rage it is really easy to fix: remove range requirenment from saber throw and charge and thats it.



    My favourite spec for pvp, but for rwz it is weak and I had to respec to rage. This spec lacks damage. Most damage is from ravage and impale which are weapon damage skills. They're easily blocked or damage is reduced, becuase of armor.



    The only choice for rwz/pvp for now. It is really decent spec, but even sorc madness is better. All are crying about 4k -5k crits from smash? I know sorcs that constantly hit 4k+ from death field.


    What needs to be changed from my POV:

    1. riposte cost needs to be removed, cd increased to 18 sec. Good skill, but mostly not used, because of rage cost and small damage.

    2. stun/cc: we need one more cc. Give backhand for free.

    3. defense: enraged defense is good in veng. Remove all rage cost from this skill and add 15% reduction without perks. Also I would like to have mara party-wide buffs and aoe damage reduction perk.

    4. aoe damage. Not damage itself but area, 10 metres would be enough

    5. would really like force pull, but that would be too much i guess.

    6. and most important remove range requirenment from saber throw and force charge


    I would replace ravage with some other non-channeling skill. Channel for melee kinda foolish, still use it often. Also I would remove slash/viscious slash completely.
  19. All tanks are getting nerfed hard for PvP.


    Vanguards are losing 14% crit chance and 30% crit multiplier on a skill that makes up 25-33% of our damage. With a lucky proc, we could use that skill back-to-back, so this is really hurting our single-target and burst damage. Our sustained single target is down 4-5% (by my math), but our burst has been cut way down.


    Shadows are keeping their damage, but losing a ton of defenses. Their passive armor increase is going from +150% to +115%, and they're losing roughly 40% of their self-healing.


    I'm not exactly happy about these changes either (I'm a VG Tank), but I kinda have to admit that it's necessary. My role should be support, and that's how I play it. However, I could win many 1v1s pretty easily, especially against Marauders, Juggernauts, and Snipers. Shields are ultra-powerful against them. On the other hand, it looks like VG and Guardian tanks are getting much more AoE damage and debuff ability, so though we'll be weaker in 1v1s we'll be better at applying pressure and supporting our team.


    The problem is that guardian defensive stance give us debuff on resource generation on top of lowest tank damage. Vanguards dont have debuff, but even damage proc, sins got debuff 5% melee damage which is not critical, because most damage is done via force skills and damage + healing proc.

  20. Here are mine:


    1. Optimization. The game engine is bad optimized.

    2. PVP or lack of it.No world pvp. On pvp server u can't duel where you want, you need to go to allowed place - stupid right? Boring repetetive warzones(Where ffa arena, capture the flag, etc.). And no challenges, the is no challenge and desire to win, because you dont lose anything.

    3. Classes Horrible class design as well as balance.

    4. Graphics and animation, UI, gameplay Good for 2005, but not for 2012. I know graphics is not most important part in mmo, but to be competitive you need to be good at all aspects.

    5. Boring storyline, lifeless tunnel environments, stupid repetetive quests. Nothing to add.


    And on top of that the things that should be in every mmo: ui customization(Added only recently), lfg group, quick travel(hate running through the tunnels when land planet), boring end game content.

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