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Posts posted by Kornaker

  1. Is it still possible to aquire the old 208 exemplar gear? I came back mid november and didn't get to replace my old 204 from way way way back.

    You can't, but even in darkness you just have to respec deception or hatred and open boxes to have dps 230 which is not bad too ( just remember bolster like high crit and crit damage for darkness) , and all slot with fortuit augment. It cost of you have no comp something like 7millions credit for all 228 full augmented. And bolster is just fine.

  2. Having just reached level 70 on my jugg-tank, I tried to max everything in favor of endurance: level 68 augments, stim and all mods/enhancement/armor towards maximum endurance/defense. And I am (predictably) hitting like a very wet noodle. On my con-op I can parse about 9.4K DPS and on this tank I can do 3.8K DPS :p


    I get that many prefer a lot more damage, and as such this is mostly just an experiment. I shall be curious to see how difficult I am to kill on this build (~158k health).

    Nice try but I saw you were trolling when you said you maxxed endu/def. Si that's right you'll hit like nothing tank rule take damage.

    But Nice try to nerf Operative :rak_03:

  3. Pire systeme possible dans un mmo c est ce qu on avait par exemple au tout debut de wow bref on repart 10 ans en arriere j adore ce jeu mais là j avoue que je ne comprend absolument pas ce choix catastrophique de loot aleatoire... je suis level 6 en commandement et pour le moment j ai loot que de la merde alors qu avant avec les cristaux j aurai deja au moins une bonne arme... bref carton rouge pour bioware pour ce choix totalement debile.

    Ton raisonnement est clairement illogique si tu parles de bg lvl 70 car comme on peut le voir seul le bonus de set fait la différence, le bolster se charge de modifier les stats à la façon que tu souhaite en allant au bolsterizer et en "jouant avec les mod et sophistications 210 ". Tu as grâce à ce bolster encore moins de différence entre un mec non stuff et un mec full 230 augmenté 228 ( enfin un temps soit peut que le mec s'intéresse à bien modder et augmenter).

    Vraiment le seul bonus est le bonus de set qui il est sur est chat mais si tu l'avais sur ton ancien stuff pourquoi le virer? C'est juste lier au blindage!


    C'est vrai c'est dur de réfléchir, ce jeu il est nul :rak_01:

  4. I personnally wonder that in a perfect world , dev will say us they will use bolster to make gear balance.


    Every one with low gear will be up to 1936 expertise only in wz high gear will be downed so people in wz will have to play with bolster and they will have a good balance as expertise will balance.


    But dev silence seems to say they just want our money and nothing more :mad:

  5. Les deux utilisent des blasters ( un seul pour le malfrat le pistolet à mitraille sert de main secondaire)


    Basiquement, le malfrat est un furtif plutôt corps à corps et le franc tireur un distant plutôt tourelle ( même si ils ont vachement gagné en mobilité depuis la 1.0 😂) .

  6. Ok, pas de soucis, suffisait de demander :)

    Je le ferme de suite!

    Waouh le jeu est tombé si bas pour te donner des droits admin maintenant? 😜


    Plus sérieusement , de toute façon pour finir complètement l'event Ombre/lumière il faut faire 4classes de chaque faction donc les populations vont un peu changer au fil des jours. Ensuite le gros problème que je vois le plus souvent c'est le manque de sérieux des gens qui viennent en warzone, exemple le type qui vient lvl 40 sans implants ni même cristaux +41 sur ses armes ( je le rappel une fois débloqué le cristal peut être repris dans votre collection et ça coûte nada que dalle de le débloquer pour son compte). Ou encore le mec qui rentre à moitié nu car il avait pas de token pour remplir son stuff d'héritage du coût il met toute l'équipe dans la @#%# et le pire c'est que ce sont souvent ces gars là qui se plaignent, lvl65 ou pas. C'est ce que j'ai remarquer côté empire, donc côté repu j'imagine bien.


    Se stuffer est devenu vraiment facile, au lvl 50 il fallait au moins 2semaines de galère pour être full expertise, à présent on est limite 208 arrivé au lvl 65.

    Le skill ne fait pas tout il faut aussi un peu de sérieux et penser un peu , même en sous nombre on peut faire quelque chose et gagner la plupart des parties par la ruse. Mais ça ne monte pas le kikimeter c'est sûr 😋😜

  7. Oui quand je disais que heals étaient un problème c'est surtout que souvent il y en a pas mal et le sorc est pitainement OP en ce moment ( il n'y a cas voir le leaderboard solo queue ranké pour pleurer de rire, il est mignon le PT aux milieu des 20 sorc/sage :D ).


    J'ai surtout peur du nerf to the ground par la suite, qui va rendre le jeu un peu trop glass canon avec un time-to-kill quasi nul ( perso si jveux faire de l'os ou me faire OS jvais jouer à COD ou encore Battlefront, pas un mmorpg ). Et ce serait dommage a présent de se retrouver avec des wz en mode dps pourrit car il faut descendre le tout pour eviter ce time to kill trop bas.


    Perso, je pense qu'il faut équilibrer le soin perso toutes spé confondus, en le retirant mais en ajoutant aux spé dps du sorcier/sage des proc du sort de soin en instant en suivant la spé ( spé dot 4charges hop heal instant avec 25% buff, et spé eclair proc instant avec l'aoe proc instant +ou- 25% ce qui bufferait un peu le degat en deça de cette spé)


    Mais ces suggestions ne seront jamais retenus... #cry

  8. Toutes les spé de l'assassin sont viables la spé haine est mieux je trouve pour du ranké yolo mais elle ne démérite pas en wz 8vs8, c'est juste pas une spé OP pour garder un point, mais viable. la spé tank en Stuff dps juste avec un bouclier avec des Stats dps marche aussi très bien ( il faut mettre quelques augmentations en fortitude pour atteindre les 75K mini PV, sinon avoir un groupe avec double heal= wz boring healer). En spé tromperie il faut vraiment penser glas canon c'est à dire que si on a pas 2heals en perma tu choisis bien ta cible et tu crame relativement vite tout tes défensifs et mobilités puis tu vanish pour attendre un peut les cd et finir des mecs. En PU wz 8vs8 perso je conseillerais tout le temps de jouer en spé tank stuff dps mais c'est ma preférence je n'ai jamais aimé tromperie et pourtant j'ai main assassin depuis la bêta.( en fait c'est surtout pour celà :D )


    En spé bagarre tu peux être très bon c'est résistant sondex2 en perma tu peux avoir un gameplay nerveux et kill à peu près tout.


    Les heals étant un problème notamment les sorc/sage je pencherais plus pour un maraudeur qui est un peu couteau suisse( debuff heal, dégâts pas degueu, survie assez aléatoire mais viable en PU, si on aime les CAC).

  9. In Carnage you will need some 5% to avoid your second attack that hit harder than other spec, and you benefit ( root on ravage, the 2% force/tech base immun inquisitor have ), seems 105% accuracy 40%crit and 70% crit damage is base way to go.


    In Annihilation it's different, you need some power and some alacrity to spread faster and gain one dot tick in you burst. Second hand attack are not very useful ( it's not a very bad bonus but, you don't benefit of it a lot)


    In Fury, you only go power/crit and don't have a care of other stat, even if i tested some alacrity being good to make: charge, immun Cc burst faster

  10. For commando, i would say arsenal it seems to be the same on merc, as it´s more easy spec to master.


    Just because it´s a more burst spec than the other one( doing 20K on auto-crit is the way better than 15-16K ).


    More damage in one rotation, a little less mobility but in 1vs1 a good electronet make the job to kite every melee and your damage fear most range as it has 75% tech damage and no one except Merc (5attack only) and sin can manage to completely absorb it. But you'll have trouble when focus,cause all your CC are not good against a melee 4man focus( except seismic bomb, but 3min CD ).


    The IO spec is a little less good atm with 4.0 change but a good player can manage to be very good at it( in term of damage and survival).

  11. PT is made to pack opponent, AOE Mezz Aoe Damage and healing debuff for your team to AOE Melt. It´s basically their main dps, using jump, take your 1min Aoe Snare, pull wait for storm proc and Aoe, if in team you can make some AOE snare, AoE Mezz and with another PT/VG that AOE Mezz, there is a bug used so animation is like you were Stun for 2sec. And you team just have to Aoe Burst after that.


    After all it´s really a non burst spec, with your best damage being some 8-10K, but not more( and have been nerfed last patch) in dps gear with a shield.


    Being max Health Power has better return than taking Absorb and def. Just to carry the ball being full Health Absorb is the unkillable solution but in other warzone you have better to kill faster enemies. I saw yesterday a man with 84K health and very good stat, in full health with dps stim.

  12. Oh yeah, republic premades on ToFN with 2 healers and tank (looks like the only way how they can beat imp pugs), so fun to play against them ;)


    You have to recognise that one of the 2 Sage is good with using his phase walk on alderaan mid :) .


    4week i take some: 3sorc heal 1jugg tank 1PT Tank 1Snipe 2Merc or APPT, so saying 1tank 2heal and 1regular Dps is an OP Team.....make me LAWL :D


    Take a look in your own faction before crying :) .


    You may have better challenge grouping with some FoxHound, TerrorXCrew,Bubble !!!!!, or some Honour if you play later. They are allways ok to group i think :) . And i miss some guild from imp side, but they are a lot :) .

  13. I had same point like you, as Annihilation Mara/Watchman i'm usually better for pressure and i have no really chance against Jugg, for Sniper it´s a different way. By example it depends a lot when you encounter him. If it´s after he uses all his DcD, you just kill him fast. If he has everything to kite you, i go away cause he can do it for something like 1min30, and or i will be dead, or nearly, and after that if he has good managing of his DcD i only have a little 20sec to take him down, which is just impossible when you don't have DcD tu finish the fight, cause you used it before ( in the 1min30 he was kitting you as hell). And if the sniper is healed, seriously go AwAy.


    Jugg is very something like impossible for me cause you take him down, he pop enraged defense, your DoT heal him to full and you can begin the 2life, but in this time, you only have 1life, he has 2, and trinket, so just leave. Only Carnage/Combat can beat them with some chance.


    After, i don't very see why taking a lot of alacrity for the damage pressure and don't take down healer.

    Just took 1accuracy for the 2% force resist chance sorc have, full crit enhancement and augment 43%crit and 73% surge, burst is good. You'll parse a bit lower but burst will be higher ( some 18K annihilate on 100% crit).


    Will try too with full alacrity but i tested with just 6% and had very crap damage return has i was killing no one.

  14. Best way to go with a shadow tank for optimal tanking and good dps is nearly like Krea said before 4.0 for 8vs8.


    Dps set bonus has the best because of 100% crit proc. Using A mod give you a lot of mastery which give more crit chance and more damage on the 100% crit maul or assassinate. 2set bonus is useless here yes but you compensate it by the 100% crit with 6 bonus. Only use shield with crit enhancement with max health, A mod power and fortuit augment.


    After all it´s a DcD managment, when to use your recklessness for attack or def( it have 2min15 cd with dps gear) as it give you 25% more shielding and with 35% you shield a lot of guard damage. Defense with Sin/Shadow is good ( 16% nearly too high), ne need more.


    Something like 32K comm for full 208 optimal mod and enhancement.

  15. Salut, histoire de dépoussièrer ce forum...


    Quel est pour vous le meilleur soigneur du jeu actuellement et pourquoi.


    Pas compliqué, Sage/Sorcier.

    Car que ce soit en PVP ou encore en PVE il a les defensifs les plus utiles, du hot, en zone qui durent un temps suffisant pour les maintenir, des procs flash instant quasi toutes les 20secondes, et sur un boss comme sur un focus en warzone il peut toujours balancer sa bubulle pour contrecarrer la totalité des dégats de boss.

    Après il est normalement le heal qui prend le plus cher ( sauf qu'en pvp ce n'est plus vrai depuis qu'il a plus de CC qu'un operative avec le mezz bubulle declenchable en faisant clic droit sur l'icône de buff).


    On peu après comparer ce qu'on veut sur les 3heals, sachez justes qu'ils on tout donner au sorc/sage heal

  16. to be honest after KoTFE it doesnt make sense empire and republic are separated... they should just make both sides be able to queue with each other and be done with it.


    On ToFN republic side has at most 100 people on fleet while imperials have 180+ players , there are times that republic has 30 people and empire 100+. It doesnt help aswell that the imp side has always premades and much more cheesy classes (Sorc healers, AP PTs and so on).


    Don't saw that this week on TOFN, may be i got chance in PU, was sometime in a 4man but what i saw was maybe we wasn't crushing Imp when they had healer and on but we won nearly all match because Rep side was playing as possible as it was the objective where imp side got a lot of difficulty to do this,which was Rep side advantage.

    Objective playing isn't really difficult, sure it demand a lot of managing but could be done in PU with good objective player, and some intellect, and for sure some 1936 exp min( which mean the pve gear man is in 190 max ). 204 pvp gear isn't difficult to have and seriously don't change a lot. Bolster gave me nearly same weapon damage in 204 and 208.

    208 is just if you want to be at best about mastery and Health point.

  17. Something you have to know: While in cover, sniper can't be interrupt.


    This is the main issue you have. The second is if they have all their mobility skill to kite you.


    They really don't like DOT Spec or tech spec that have a high APM like Operative and AP PT.


    As a mara/sent you can easily make them cry by take them the 90% accuracy red for 6sec while they cast ambush or whatever high dmg ability. I personnally prefer taking them down while in Annihilation spec and my vanish up on the 8vs 8 middle battle, and don't really want to 1vs1 them. Cause even with the 20% crit damage nerf they took, it's really tanky class, more than Marauder, and in static situation you really need to be like a snake take los while dotting him, so if in open, and you see he has DcD up, just leave 1vs1.


    I think maybe only AP PT , Sorc and maybe Concealment Operative can against snipe at same high skill level.

  18. The question you have to ask for PT is will you die to their burst if they do 20% less bonus crit damage on most important abilities. I don't play PT enough to know, but I'd guess you will. So while that missing damage will add up over a sustained fight to make them almost worthless, in a small window the overall loss isn't nearly as important. But this wasn't meant to be a PvP nerf, so I'm not surprised that the burst of most classes wasn't touched.


    Yesterday was on my senti and took a good AP on head when i didn't had any DCD, he crit on me on every hit and had supercrit: 12K 10K 3K 22K 4K 15K 4K


    Full 208 PVP with 27% armor mitig, in less than 2sec i took 22K which is nearly from Sniper biggest hit i took another day. You clearly can't deal with this burst.


    If patch is real nerf i think they will deal 18-19K instead of 22K which completly change for most dps class, cause atm, if AP PT was Fuel on it was really really hard to counter the first burst and have some DCD to counter the substain damage after that, i mean, in one life pool, but rarely play guardian ok! :D

  19. You almost got it. Instead of lowering health I would lower the ''not today'' defensives of all tanky classes and decrease bursthealing.


    The point is atm without the usage of defensive cd you die withing 3-4 seconds. Many classes do not have strong defensives but they are required in pvp. Healing is too weak (sorc taken out, it is ridiculous how op they are) to keep people up, burst damage is too strong, defensives are too strong.


    -nerf burstdamage

    -nerf ''i win'' defensives

    -nerf bursthealing of sorc

    -buff sustained heals


    Not difficult, just don't give to mechanic the extracrit so that Sorc/Sage won't have an extra Recklessness +200% heal-to-full, burst class won't have the extra crit, burst damage Will be lower, so Will be healing. And the 3healer would be at nearly same way ( atm it' s root fest on operative/scoundrel and burst commando/merc till he die in a stun , as the 2other heal don't have bubble and phase walk it would change a lot for their survival).


    It's too about team with and without healer and taunt be super tanky wouldn't be a problem as it is atm, cause when you are in pug with a tank full def you know he will absolutly do no damage and won't tank as if he was full dps with high hp crit ( not saying it Will change a lot but it will be a better guard bot).


    Crit goes so high that it won't change some crit class like deception sin and AP PT, Mara,sniper and merc damage. Just lower number, which change a lot the TTK.( cause actually you have team with 3sorc heal 5dps and something like 5sec life against them as your team don't stack healer and have just dps and some tank, or don't play FOTM= i mean full AP PT team...)


    I'm too playing a tank shadow/sin and agree with last change don't absolutly kill the class, they can not give the extra 50% crit damage on shock or it Will be too overpowered.


    I see too you play operative, who need a nerf as usual :D .

  20. So, I am not crazy in thinking that defense is totally useless in PvP then? My Vanguard Shield Tech feels like he is wearing paper armor, even though he is wearing iLvl 204 pvp armor. What can be done to make him more viable in pvp and not just a toon to be farmed for kill points? Should I add augs, and if so, what augs?


    The only way to mitigate is high Health. Just take max endurance mod with power . To have better stat take adept earing and implant. Just take Shields chance and absorb relic. Non better way.


    Take Fortuit augment.

  21. I'm not worried that I won't be able to level, I am wondering how much slower it would be.


    75% slower If you just quest, maybe better If you want to make some ops, it cost nearly nothing If you have some other lvl 65 you can trade mod and on on your legacy bank, because who will buy a lot of 208 when in ops you have the same maxed for enhancement, for free just need time and a group.


    If you have some crystals you can easily take dps armor for quest and tank for ops.

  22. The sad thing is that I don't see anything going into the "nerf" direction. Not even the slightest bit.

    I fear that thios is the way PvP will be for the next years, because the devs and most (?) PvP players believe that the balancing is "just right" ...


    There is no communication coming from the Bioware side, not even the slightest bit of information ...


    Remove self solo instant heal-to-full, every spec( the 2 other healing class don't even have this )

    Give burst dps spec the 30% crit damage they need to be a real burst spec.

    Remove force given by Riplling force in dot spec so it will be harder for dot spec to manage the force ( and what ? You think you will loose some health now ? )

    -Give 2 dot spread ability : force quake ( damage reduce by 25%, cast 33% quicker as telekinetic throw ) just spread weaken mind

    Force in balance spread only Sever Force

    So Dot spec Will need to spam some ability that make them more weak against some massive focus ( and have some force managing cause here even some healer will be out of force that you are infinitely casting telekinetic throw with one hand on keyboard,the other...where you want)

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