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10 Good
  1. I have now received 10 duplicate items in a row. Any plans on introducing a system to make these duplicates more then useless? Its awesome that you guys are focused on breaking world pvp and introducing pointless pve instances as well as same sex romances, instead of fixing your poor design decisions or rediculous bugs, like wins not counting OR perhaps fixing the poor responsiveness of abilities in combat. I regret spending 60 dollars on this steaming pile.
  2. The Illum daily change is retarded, loads of people have already farmed their pvp gear from Biowares flawed design of Illum. Now they are going to have a huge advantage over anyone else doing the dailies that either just hit 50 or had some bad RNG luck. They're basically saying its ok for one segment of the population to have farmed their gear this way, but its not ok for the rest of the population to do so. Lol, keep it up Bioware, you are on your way to sinking your own ship.
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