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    Yavin IV
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    Music, RPG's
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  1. Dear Bioware, Please merge the servers, it is the right thing to do. I know you are aware of this, but you will begin to lose more and more people the longer this drags on because of the lack of activity on the servers! Listen to our pleas......if you don't do it soon you will lose me as well and many more like me. This is a fun game but the lack of population on our server/s is making it a ghost town. It is especially frustrating when you spent the last four months leveling to 50 only to have little or no activity in that bracket when you finally reach it. You can still make this a great game with a healthy population of avid gamers. Do it while you still can. Merge the Servers!!!!!! Thank you, Sincerely, A concerned subscribee
  2. Lmao, it's only been two days into early release and you guys are already calling out the best PvP servers? Seriously? Only time will tell what the best PvP servers are, not some troll making empty claims. Remember they randomly assigned guilds to servers. Besides this is a whole new game and new Guilds will arise to be a PvP force. Out with the old in with the new. Just pick a server that seems good to you, and you are sure to find good PvP guilds there.
  3. Daragon Trail server seems to need some good Republic Guilds, we are Empire heavy, please bring some PvP goodness with you.
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