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Everything posted by kopecs

  1. un-responsive skills aren't only happening to a handfull of people though... It's happening to a S**T ton of people
  2. Deffinately NOT the worst ever....although i do get agitated when an extremely lower level blows me apart lol
  3. same. For marauder i have to wait for ravage to finish it's "animation" even though the cast is done, for the 3rd hit to actualy HIT. Also with force scream, i jsut run around crossing my arms over my face and no scream actualy happens.
  4. well its not hard for a sorc to get 250k dmg every huttball match spamming lightning over and over. as a marauder its nearly impossible to get 200k dmg medal....sigh
  5. What''s sad is i know people who are making macro''s to keep their character moving in game while they go sleep. The server line-up is getting a bit rediculous with hour or more wait times. Not jsut 15-20 minutes or so. Something really needs to be done about this.
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