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Posts posted by Thuggy

  1. Nah, I have no hate for Gamebreaker TV, or any of it's members. I do wish them the best, and I was entertained, early on. I just don't like what I see now, that's all. It also bothers me when people go *OMG look, these people said something, so it must be true.* I try to keep faith that most people aren't easily led, but...well, you know how that sentence finishes.

    Good word, though. :)




    Yeah I personally enjoy Gamebreaker, and will listen to them as background noise when playing...but I do feel that they're going through some pretty annoying growing pains. Though on this show, I actually half agree with Everett (pretty rare occurrence tbh >.>)


    All I can do is laugh at these people in here saying "They are so negative" "The are not fair to SWTOR" while at the very same time we are going through MAJOR server merges at the 6 month mark in this game.


    One of the tenants of fandom....making any objective criticism = you hate them and are being unfair/negative. You can't like something, and be critical. You must be binary in your opinion, no nuance allowed . You see it all the time in Politics and sports also =/.

  2. They need to have the ability to have duplicate names. Here's how they could.






    And have it so the 4 digit number is not visible unless needed for messaging or whatever,

    I don't know of anywhere in the world where everyone has a different first name.


    Even cleaner than that...they could leverage the legacy system and include your legacy name into your character. There could be 2 James', but you're James Johnson, while the other James is in the Shaw Legacy. It still may require unique names...but you're expanding 1 unique name per account, as opposed to per character.

  3. Completely agree. Other then them opening up FAR too many servers at launch, I'd say their biggest achilles heel is communication. The game itself is wonderful but their communication is awful. I've seen indy games with better communication. I love swtor and can't wait for my transfers, but if Bioware were to ask me in what area they could improve the most it'd be an easy choice... communication with their community. Open and honest communication around the clock


    The problem isn't exactly lack of communication...Swtor has one of the more active CM teams I've seen. The problem is they always must spin the message. They're still constantly trying to sell me a game I've already bought, constantly putting an excessively positive spin and hype on new features, patches and announcements. It leads to to high expectations followed by a crash of disappointment....I still remember 1.2 being though of as a "Jesus patch" based largely on the massive hard sell.

  4. I see a ton of purebloods on the Jedi side, its lost its novelty to me anyway.


    If you're looking to be unique, Id go Chiss Sentinel or Miralan Marauder, have not seen either of those.


    I've always liked the idea of a Miraluka Operative/Smuggler. Something about a blind person with a high powered rifle or shotgun makes me snicker >.>

  5. I remember. However, there's a difference between being Darkside and joining the Sith. If we care about lore and consistency, then the former would be pretty common for a Cathar, but the latter would be exceedingly rare... at least, as long as the Sith were allied with the Mandalorians. Perhaps BW could cook up reasons for individual Cathar to jump sides (see also: Elara, Scourge, Ashara) but as a common occurrence?


    I guess this is what makes the MMO vets hate me. I actually care about the 'RPG' part of MMORPG.


    While circumstances would clearly bias towards a Republic allegiance...it's not implausible for a Cathar to be a BH.


    In the Bounty Hunter storyline...


    one of your rivals in the Great Hunt is in fact a female Cathar. Being a participant in the hunt, does not make you a Mandalorian, and you can actually reject Mandalore should you chose to.


  6. that's weird. Kaliyo has a AOE taunt and her's wont break CC


    The aoe taunt doesn't break CC, but tank companions, very similar to players, get an aoe taking abilitiy that generates high threat and debuffs nearby enemies. You can turn it off, but that really just circumvents the problem...without solving it (and makes tank companions that much less effective)

  7. Keep in mind, that every skill that's "smart" is a tank skill that is not only critical parts of the class's rotation....but they all also provide important debuffs that expand upon the tank's effectiveness.


    For example: a guardian needs to be able to use force sweep if they wish to apply their accuracy debuff. So it's more than just simple situational awareness and a "don't be stupid and break cc" situation. It turns into "You're now taking more damage than you should be, because the enemy next to you is in a force lift.

  8. Nor is anyone else - that's the problem. I'm not surprised how little we've seen of the developers post-launch given the general vindictiveness of the community that I've glimpsed when I pop into the forums every couple months.


    Dialogues are 2 way communications. The Devs are just as insulated and condescending as some members of the community are irrational and vindictive. I know my personal angst about the game has skyrocketed since Georg Zoeller stopped posting D:


    Good thing they just REDUCED THE COST.

    As an above poster said, it's a band-aid fix.

    It doesn't matter how silly you find it. Thinking it's easy=/=It's easy


    How hard it is to implement does not, and should not matter to the paying customer. If they feel they are being under-served because of missing features, they are well within their right to complain about it, and to point out if quick and easy band-aid fixes are insufficient (or could be improved upon). You can say it's easier to add field respec than it is to develop a complete dual-spec interface....but you cannot say its somehow significantly easier to make field respecs free once unlocked instead of paying standard fees.

  9. I'm sure there are more factors than just community popularity driving these decisions....however I always question the accuracy of forum polls, even official ones. You're not getting a random or large enough sample size to be statistically accurate.

    It always made more sense to me to have random polling in-game (maybe offer some sort of in game reward to those who took the time to participate) in order to get better community feedback on this type of stuff


    That said...I still vote for playable Gungans :(

  10. I think all Legacy costs should be made much cheaper (Well I can understand the race/species unlocks) after 1.3.


    I doubt I'll ever buy a single thing in Legacy due to it being nothing but a pure credit sink....too bad the playerbase isn't the sterotypical millionares liek BW thinks. :(


    The annoying thing is, their metrics will say this credit sink is totally balanced....as people run dailies they otherwise would not have to pay for legacy perks they want...It's an economic equilibrium that's essentially self fulfilling.

  11. Belsavis is one of the more aesthetically beautiful worlds this game has to offer, imho...So I don't mind having the dailies there and continuing the dread masters storyline.


    I just hope they continue to improve upon the quest design, and hopefully add a way to quickly travel to, what I assume will be, the isolated quest hub (a la Corellia dailies). Super long load screen > travel out of spaceport > load screen is absolutely obnoxious.

  12. My computer is probably the slowest in the world. Even at minimum settings, its quite bad. I need to go deeper.


    To be honest, part of the issue isn't your graphics settings, but the game's overall optimization. Its been reported numerous times, that people get reduced performance when trying to downgrade their graphics settings. Better overall optimization should be the priority before further lowering the graphics options...especially for less powerful machines.

  13. The slow down of content is due to players wanting to turn SWTOR or any new MMO into a total WoW-clone. Don't fool yourself, this happens to all new MMOs. Adding all that crap that WoW has, takes time. Coding/programming is very complex, then those lines of code have to be tested and debugged. Takes time to do that, but your average teenage MMO player or impatient and ignorant adult will not know that or even care. They want what they want now!


    1) While content can be pushed back...but MMO teams are multi-headed and just because they're working on one thing, doesn't mean they are not able to work on others. A content team is not using the same people as a systems design team.

    2) All of those missing features were brought up in beta and largely ignored, I know, I was in beta. None of the current issues should have been a surprise.

    3) The ability to character transfer/copy should have been a priority before launch...the fact they were never able to get it right has put them seriously behind the eight ball. Not just for server mobility, but also the ability to run a strong public test server....and again, this is something that was easily foreseeable.

  14. so where are these numbers coming from. sounds like the OP is just making this up. I havent seen one article with this specific info, and erickson even said he cant give that number because its being tuned in the pcgamer article that JUST came out.


    You get a glimpse at SOME of the numbers in the allies trailer...it's not all of them, but just enough to get a feel for the pattern and establish some conjecture. Obviously those are subject to change, and possibly already outdated.

  15. A valid concern, if each character you made was in a vacuum. New players wouldn't be able to get the perks until they unlock legacy. Current players, with at least one lvl 50, would have absolutely no problem getting that much credits. What is that, like one day of dailies?


    I kind of resent the idea of having to spend 3hrs of dailies before I can have slightly more leveling flexability >.>;

    Not a deal breaker, but it's just another example on how legacy is an overbalanced credit sink.

  16. More things to ruin the game?

    Why not 50x the xp so u get 4 to 10 levels per warzone.


    Anything above 80% would make me very angry.


    This game is based on the Storyline, without the voice acting i would have quit swtor less than 30 days after i bought it.


    Personally, I'm at the point where the only "story" i care about....is the actual class story. I'd love to have the option to quickly level through things like space combat or pvp (the 10-49 bracket has by far the best pvp in this game) and skip the entirety of world arcs and side quests.


    Unfortunately I also don't want to pay 200k+ per character for each a-la-carte alternative leveling options.

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