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Posts posted by Thuggy

  1. Except that it isn't nearly as simple as you make it out to be. This isn't you, or anyone else for that matter, on the consumer side of things reading some posts and having a few minutes to peck out a response. While we all have the luxury of having one game, and one community team (which is quite different than a dev team) to communicate to, the community team has myriad voices all begging to be noticed, let alone responded to.


    I realize that the feedback in question was confined to the space of a couple of threads. That said, to expect the dev team to take time away from their duties to confer with the community team concerning every suggestion proffered and give a response such as the three-tiered one you suggest would be incredibly time-consuming and wasteful from a business perspective. Doubly so concerning the nature of the industry and how things may develop that can cause one team's priorities to shift drastically.


    Case in point: the devs responded to some suggestions prior to launch. One of these was the question of Guild ships and their possibility of being introduced in-game. The devs responded that 1) they liked the idea and had been talking about it themselves prior to the community suggestion, 2) it was not a priority and as such they currently had no resources alloted to it since 3) it had been relegated to the "wall of crazy" and thus was merely something they may get to at some point.


    The suggestion was floated, and all three of your questions concerning suggestions were answered. The payout for the dev team? Threads to this day that bemoan the "broken promise" of guild ships and other, similarly discussed but never promised suggestions.


    Simple truth is "imminent," "soon," and "not any time soon" are sometimes the best a dev team can muster even internally. They can relay that to the playerbase, but vagueness such as that is invariably going to get eviscerated just as easily as more detailed answers. Either way the dev team receives the exact same vitriol.


    In light of this, asking them to devote more time to a more detailed account of each suggestion and the Dev reaction to it is time wasted.


    I've always felt the "Broken promises" issue was less with the wall of crazy features like guild capital ships, but more with how the game was marketed. Read or watch any pre-launch quote from people like James Ohlen. Then login to the game, and analyze that feature. It's almost always deceptively oversold, which greatly damages consumer confidence. You talk about a "robust companion AI customization feature a la Dragon Age 2" ...and deliver a bare bones binary ability toggle, and 2 "stances" that do very little in terms of actual effectiveness. Yes, the player base will not trust a word you say.


    At the end of the day, however, players just want to know there's a plan. They want to not only enjoy the time they're currently playing the game, but know there's a stable foundation within the game's development to continue to grow the game they love. Quality, and consistent communication/messaging and honest transparency helps provide this.


    It's hard to have faith in a company when one week they're touting the advantage of "having the team that built the game, continue to work on the game post launch" ....only to have massive layoffs weeks later. EA/Bioware is trying to sell this game to two groups of people with conflicting interests: Players and Investors. as a result the messaging is disjointed, and often contradictory.

  2. Strength actually does make a difference, it's just that Aim makes more of a difference. It's an artifact of an earlier version of Qyzen when he was essentially a ranged companion.


    Actually it's not an artifact, it's very much intentional, when they revamped the stats in beta....They separated stat bonuses based on class instead of based solely on the actual mechanics.


    Early build setup:

    Str = Melee Damage

    Willpower = Force damage

    Cunning = Tech damage

    Aim = Ranged damage


    This lead to awkward and confusing stat priorities for many classes, an assassin/shadow needed both str and willpower, an operative would need aim for his primary attacks, and cunning for his specials. While a JK/Warrior could just stack strength, which lead to some late game balance concerns,


    This got even more confusing when trying to figure out companions, especially the ones with unique backgrounds & storybased abilities (i.e. Ensign Temple, who was a healer at the time or Gus). Ever find those Aim/Defense Vibrokinves and wondered "what the hell?" That's what that was about.


    They eventually revamped the system to a much more streamlined and easier to balance approach:

    Force = Force using Melee class

    Willpower = Consular/Inquisitor type

    Aim = Bounty Hunters and Troopers

    Cunning = Scoundrels / Imperial agents


    Since Qyzen is a Bounty Hunter, his primary stat is Aim. Even though he uses melee weapons. Same theory applies to other melee tech companions like Yuun or Torian.

  3. So, at that point, you're basically asking to use different animations cross-class/faction? Like a Sage able to use lightning...or a commando dual wielding pistols?


    Or are you asking to be able to "reset" your level 50 Knight to be a level 50 Juggernaut with zero quests completed?

  4. as a Vanguard and shadow tank, i stack absorb. In combat, i reach 75% absorb and 60% shield chance (on the vanguard). granted absorb does nothing against force or tech damage, but neither shield or defense.


    I believe shield chance or endurance could be useful, but i prefer endurance. Effective health used to be the way to go in other MMO, but i don't feel the need in this game. Tank don't get Two-shoted like i was in the HM lich king, even on kephess HM.


    I do not believe in defense, for any class. Avoidance is way too random. Tank based on avoidance have tendance of surprising healer, getting a sudden surge of damage, make the healer goes into panic mode. Predictible damage income always better for survivability.


    I agree, when applying the effective health theory to swtor, I prefer absorb to raw endurance. Given the healing mechanics you want to take consistently smaller hits (shield/armor), over hard hits with a high health pool (endurance) or rely heavily on mitigation through rng (defense) . The tech healing classes in this game just are not designed to heal large, unpredictable bursts of damage or have super high sustained healing throughput.

  5. I'm still waiting for those "loot bags" they promoted back in pre-release.


    I want less RNG in my boss drops. Not More.



    i disagree. pvp and pve gear needs to be separate and attainable equally by both. what you want is very unbalancing and is doomed for failure,


    PvP shouldn't be gear biased to begin with.

  6. I'm currently playing a Pyrotech Merc (Mirror spec) as well as an dabble w/ my Assault spec VG when i tired of tanking...so while not identical, I'm pretty sure the same ideas apply.

    I'm also assuming you're asking about PvE. I have little experience in PvP :)


    So I am switching from being a full healer to Assault spec, Got the tree down fine, and am going to buy the Eliminators gear for the set bonus / higher power. only really have two questions


    Should I just keep stacking AIM through Augments and all that or should I be worrying about Power


    I personally stack AIM and swap out +crit enhancements for power/surge. So far, loving the results (even if my tanks don't).

    and on that note, does anyone know Diminishing returns on AIM for a commando?

    To my knowledge, primary stats do not have any DR.

    and im thinking about just getting the BM offhand

    Get the Med-Tech BH generator. The DPS one is stamina heavy so it wastes a lot of it's itemization budget. And it goes both ways, should you go back to combat medic every once in awhile :)

  7. While there's rarely a simple answer to this type of question...I'm currently leaning strongly towards the opinion of stacking shield/absorb for PvE end game tanking, regardless of class.


    as for PvP...I have no idea, after the damage nerf in 1.2, I have not really tried a tanking spec in warzones.

  8. Of course it's hard to remove. If it were easy to remove, a hacker could easily remove it and steal your account.


    Calling customer support is not the most secure way to remove a security key. They ask for basic account information and your security questions...All of which can be stolen or hacked.


    Every other MMO I've attached a security key to, had an automated system in your account, which not only required those credentials, but also required you to input at least 2 sequential codes from your current security key, which is considerably more difficult to hack.


    not only is that process faster, more convenient, and cheaper to service...but it's more secure.

  9. The biggest barrier to a treason arc, I believe, is how do you address future content expansion?


    It's a safe bet that a plan is still in place to continue class stories...at least through chapter 4, even despite the current restructuring of the game. How exactly would you address a defector in these story-lines? Even if you find some unrealistic way to fold a imperial class's story into a republic one (Say something like, an Imperial Agent defector is now working under Garza to complete whatever chapter 4 task is assigned, and is now completing Trooper class missions,) there will still be a need for significantly more voice over work, Player VO, Flavor dialogue, companion dialogue.

  10. *buzzer sound*




    See what usually happens is that this "accountability" is usually in the form of a "group kick" instead of "educating someone" on how to "play better". Due to selfisheness and arogance of "leets" playing the "game".


    It's equally selfish of the under-preforming player to expect to be carried, or taught by people just wanting to complete an objective. It's really not very hard to get an elementary grasp on your class mechanics.,,I shouldn't be expected to stop and explain it to you....even if often times I will as a curtsey...I really resent when it becomes an expectation.


    To top it off, how many times have you tried to give advice to a player...only to have it thrown back at you? I know it's happened to me. Now you're an elitist or jerk for trying to educate a "noob," and telling them how to play their class, with in their game, that was paid for with their own money....or you're an elitest or jerk for just saying "to hell with it" and vote-kicking.


    People who don't want personal accountability in a group environment will ALWAYS find a way to deflect it within their own mind. The push-back against damage meters is just one example of this.

  11. What other games offer a race change? I can't think of a single one. Oh, EQ, that super old game that no one plays any more. Well, go figure they would add something like that to keep the few players they still have.




    Wow does. They also let you change your gender.

  12. It should clear up in an hour or so, though prime time will be another cluster*bleep*


    I Agree though, that the entire design of this event....having bottle-necked objectives (especially the gated ones) is absolutely horrible and poorly thought out.

  13. 175,000 credits to get such an awesome barrel is one hell of a lot cheaper than you'll find lesser barrels on the GTN.


    Perspective always helps, folks.


    Artifact quality 49 barrels go for 10-20k on my server....and I don't think it's possible to get any other barrels off the GTN prior to Denova (61) quality. If you wish to frame it this way, then the question is, is 177k to extract these mods for non-rifle using classes, waiting to gather 41 Tionese commendations for the Tionese weapon or 14 Tionese coms for the offhand weapons, and striping out those much cheaper mods.

  14. Where do you buy the legacy modable weapons? I've been looking for them, but never saw them on legacy vendors in Coruscant.


    Only available during the event that launched this morning. At the promenade in Nar Shaddaa. Only weapon types available are Blaster Rifles and Sniper rifles for 40 event tokens for the lvl 34 version, 60 for the level 50 version.


    So yeah, force users are out of luck for now. As are Commandos, Bounty hunters and Smugglers unless you want to pay 200k for a weapon that's a hair above tionese level

  15. Its almost a shame you cant transfer rank 61 barrels via bind to legacy gear, oh well i guess all that valor and those mainhand weaps from HM EC that are going to companions will just sit there and rot.

    Real shame that.

    Arrogant sarcasm noted. Not really the point. Never said the legacy weapons had no value. Just those extraction costs are a bit insane,

  16. So I had this brilliant idea to actually use these new legacy weapons to help out my young alts and prepare them for their future grind. My plan was to buy the "Blaster Rifle" version of the bowcaster, give the mods to my young sniper, and keep the shell for my lvl 50 trooper currently using a Rakata Blaster.


    Then this happened.




    Ehh...probably not worth it. Also feel bad for those fresh 50 smugglers also hoping to get a boost from this event =/

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