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Posts posted by Shortcake

  1. 1. nop, just one more broken thing

    2. theres smth called bolster, lvls dont matter that much except lvl 50 cus of pvp gear, they will get their own bracket soon.

  2. To my knowledge they haven't announced them but I am sure they are in the works. Most people haven't played WoW in the early years but let me tell you, they overhauled every class every other patch and with every expansion after that. So yeah, there are some changes coming.


    and thats why wow is terrible


    good to know thats swtor future :rolleyes:

  3. Yes because WOW was a PVP game when it came out and it died right?


    TOR is a lot better than WOW in terms of questing and lvling. If they can keep up the story part in the end-raiding game (I think they either do that or make pve challenging, hopefully both) this game is pretty sure going to the top.


    IF you want fair pvp you will need to roll an ego shooter. If you want interesting PvP then I advice you to go on a wow private server. If you just wanna slaughter, go play cataclysm. Or probably some free pvp game on the net. TOR really fails in that area, but makes up in others IMHO


    its cute how some people actually think wow is a pvp game or that its pvp is any good.

  4. They can only look at the games, not the extensive server side code. If you knew anything about coding, or investment, or anything about gaming other than how to play, you might actually be able to look at this with an open mind. Instead you sit there demanding perfection NAO.


    what does retarded design decisions have to do with coding ?


    some apologists just try too hard

  5. Really, a L2Play issue is causing Bio Ware to lose hundreds of players daily? Man Fan Boys are the same in any game.


    Enjoy the new Warhammer/RIFT/AOC/FFXIIV. Oh hell whats does it matter your are all gods and the other 90% of the community complaining about the same thing, all just need to L2Play.


    warhammer and aoc also weeded out the baddies, both are great pvp games


    unless you suck, in that case those games failed terribly.

  6. The game is brand new... eventually it will all be fixed, and most likely eventually be balanced. Who knows. The fact is, enjoy the game. They've put years of work into this game, and YOUUUU complain. It's not the game that sucks, it's the people who whine and complain.


    many complaints are about design decisions and that wont ever be fixed


    grats on the useless and ignorant thread

  7. All this does is encourage people to grind grind grind out pvp to get the commendations in the first place.


    the game has absolutely no endgame pvp content, what did you expect :rolleyes:

  8. Translation = I am a member of the vocal minority that brands every single MMO that doesn't release improvements that take months to develop to its systems despite it having released only 3 weeks ago a "dead game walking".


    Oh and by the way can I have your stuff?


    vocal minority ? lmao


    i'll send you a PM in 2 weeks for the lulz.

  9. Don't bother reintalling.

    I just installed after reformatting my HD(that time of year) and it runs exactly the same. Still a slideshow in warzone for no apparent reason.


    It's their engine.

    Oddly enough Warhammer had almost the exact same issues when it launched.

    That's why you don't hire devs from a failed mmo.


    its weird, my CPU is 4 years old and i dont have such issue even running max settings


    and warhammer didnt fail compared to swtor, warhammer pvp was 100 times more fun than swtor will ever be.

  10. Im Republic and use the 10 level threshold,also i do not attack if they are killing what appears to be a key mob,or some afk,ive walked right past a few Sith and they didnt twich so i just went on my merry way.


    shows how carebear this game is.

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