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Posts posted by Shortcake

  1. Actually I am already boycotting PVP WZ now, and will not go to Ilum until the issues are fixed. From my perspective, farming isn't just going on with Ilum its in WZs as well. A friend of mine did WZ all day and told me was only part of one win. He mentioned "uber/Elite groups" were playing all day, and no one can win against them.


    I think perhaps a split on level 50s is also needed, I don't know what else they can do about this. put geared level 50s in their own smaller Warzones - level 50's with out gear play with level 45-50s (With out gear) - surely this is a more fair system. I know this is not a perfect solution but I would welcome better constructive idea's to this. Please don't Troll, I am only interested in mature constructive feedback :)




    Really I think you should, besides your comment being generally ignorant, and lacking any actual nutritious response.


    oh yea, so instead of having 30 min queues we'd play 2 warzones per day


    great idea derp

  2. The funny part of people posting 'When you get to level 50. . .' things, is that by the time most of us get to level 50 (I'm level 20) the queue times won't be nearly so long, and the situation will not be bad anymore. Why? Because the reason your queue times are bad is because you (generally) raced to 50, and went far ahead of the general populace. This is punishment for doing that. Do I think you deserve to be punished? No, not saying that. That IS what it is though. It's unfair, but it is also important to understand that that is what is happening.


    are you completely ******* ? the game has been out for a month, it takes 100h to get to 50 WITHOUT skipping content/cutscenes, this is one of the most retarded arguments in history

  3. Why is everyone QQ ing about no rollback?


    Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:



    Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

    Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.




    nuff said.


    for all we know that means "we dont care", we'll never know if they ever did something about it


    my guess is no.

  4. I'd think people should be a lot more concerned that PvP means cycling 3 instanced warzones and 1 terribly designed larger outdoor warzone (that will basically be instanced, now) that revolves around clicking on cardboard cutouts of mechanical walkers....


    i am.

  5. Dark days?


    I have one char, a republic trooper level 50. I loved it =D Huge war on Ilum reminds me of my days fighting for castles in L2


    so it reminds you of a mediocre game


    i'd say thats not a good thing

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