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Everything posted by SWGVet

  1. FYI: When I said other servers opening up I meant specifically towards paid transfers, not free transfers to destination realms.
  2. Nice, thanks for the input fellas. I'll transfer later tonight then. Cheers.
  3. I guess I'll just log in when I get home tonight and see for myself if the destination server is good option to go with. It can't be worst than where I'm at right now. lols
  4. Are all of you West Coast players going to transfer to "The Bastion" or are you going to wait it out and see if more server destinations open up?. Remember this is targeted only to West Coast players and others who may transfer there. I'm still trying to make up my mind if I should transfer. If anyone has already transferred to The Bastion, could you please verify that its population is rising so I know ahead of time. The senses on http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats says its deader, but I think it may be out dated since transfers opened up.
  5. I know the swiftsure was the largest at launch because I started on it, but now its as dead as the walking dead.
  6. Where the hell is the transfer for The Swiftsure server?, you know my server is dead too and I'm getting sick of having to wait. I've waited long enough.
  7. Most people these days don't have the attention span to sit down and create multiple characters on multiple servers in order to save their names. I just went ahead and got it over with long ago in case character transfers came up, and I did it specifically for that very reason. Most peoples names are generic, so I wouldn't expect them to go into great length in order to save character names.
  8. You should of made alt's on various servers with your names so you could of held onto them. I do that for every mmorpg's launch. Lesson learned.
  9. I wouldn't even argue on why weather isn't in Star Wars; The Old Republic anymore. New schoolers don't seem to understand what us old schoolers remember seeing in mmorpg's. The new school era is only fascinated with pve raiding. Weather has been argued and beat to death several times during closed and open beta and thousands of different reasons why it cannot be accomplished. If it ain't about raid content, it won't even be passed along at all. It will go through one ear and out the other. It's the sad truth but it is the truth.
  10. You are correct. That's the question I've been thinking about also.
  11. World of Warcraft restricted and prohibited PvE to PvP transfers back in the days. It was the only game I can think of off the top of my head that didn't allow it.
  12. No one really knows yet, no inside information has come out yet about server transfers. I wouldn't have a problem with PvE transfers to PvP, the more people on the servers the better.
  13. We will never see player bounties because we have too many carebears who will whine about getting griefed on PvP servers.
  14. You are correct. EAware isn't going to put these things in because WoW didn't. You'll only see what WoW has and that's the copy & paste formula.
  15. Almost 90% of the servers are dead. You aren't the only one in this situation. We all are. The only server with a good population is "The Fatman".
  16. Agreed. Very disappointing. It's the same crap just extended to a new limit, not very impressive at all. They announce this garbage but cannot even get 1.3 done and out the door so we can transfer off our dead servers!.
  17. It's been discussed endlessly since 2008. It was a big part of controversy for a long time.
  18. Sorry but what you said is a crock of ish. Myself and every other closed beta player has been warning Bioware of all these existing problems since before launch, so in reality they didn't listen and now you see the outcome of the situation which is not our problem. Bioware chose to ignore the problems and now they can reap the rewards, if there are any left.
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