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Posts posted by isorfidia

  1. This is really getting far beyond acceptable. I understand there is always going to be some chat which is considered unacceptable by someone, but the current state of general chat is absolutely ridiculous. In fact it's so bad I cannot repeat any of it here, because I would get banned.


    So why the double standard? Why is it not acceptable in the forums, but completely unmonitored in the game chat?


    Yeah, yeah I know there is a profanity filter; I know I can turn general chat off, but I shouldn't have to. They bypass the filters with ALT letters or other means and since BioWare failed to put in a LFG channel, Gen chat is the best way to link up with other people for ops and heroics.


    Where is the legacy ignore feature Eric talked about months ago? Why isn't there a TOS within the game chat like there is in order to use the forums (and a way to report people who violate that TOS)?


    If there is a single biggest complaint I see or hear about SWTOR, this is it!


    Just turn General chat off. You have only yourself to blame for keeping it turned on.

  2. I wish they were removed from the Warzone rotation. I see where Bioware was going with this idea but it just doesn't work in my opinion. They aren't fun to do and I really only want to do 8v8 Warzones. The only time I do the arenas is for the daily pvp quests, otherwise I exit out if one pops because it just isn't worth my time and I don't have fun with them. If Bioware wants to add more value to the Warzones feature then they should consider making more 8v8 Warzones. Enough players are doing pvp that I don't understand why this isn't already happening.
  3. Change stuns so their effects are less effective on a player the more times they are stunned while alive, but the full effects go back to normal after the player respawns from a death. This way someone doesn't get into an unfair situation where they are endlessly stunned by multiple players in a row. That can still happen, but each new stun is less effective and more likely to break.
  4. about as likely as getting cross server ques any time soon.


    Hahah, werent we suppose to get that feature within like the first 6 months of swtor? I remember Bioware talking about that very early on after launch. At least we have gotten new Warzones since launch.

  5. I really like the PvP in the Old Republic. Leveling up on doing Warzones is fun, and it seems to me that a lot of players do the same. I haven't seen any actual numbers though, but I would be curious at seeing how many players actually play Warzones and how much they use it as a method of leveling up.


    Right now I feel like there are too few Warzones and it would be nice if we got a couple more. I know Bioware has to carefully balance their content and put their resources where its best suited for the most players. I just wanted to throw out there towards Bioware that I for one am interested in seeing more PvP content and that I find it more interesting then the PvE content currently available.

  6. I have 29 days left on my paid subscription, yet when I log into TOR, it says I do not have a subscription. Everything was working just fine last night, so I don't understand what is wrong. I'm being denied access to content I paid because of this, and wasting away game time. I don't know what to do because I can't open a support ticket either even though I am suppose to be able to.
  7. Personally, I'm looking forward to all the boneheads screaming that they aren't getting something for free.


    They won't be able to do it on the forums without a sub anyway.


    I'll consider the poostorm one of the perks of being a subscriber, just as I will my stash of cartel coins. :D:D


    If anyone is confused, it's entirely Biowares fault. Their wording has been very vague and they've continually had to post new clarifications. It doesn't help either that this information is all over the website, with some of it contradicting other information. It's horrible to not have all of this clearly spelled out and in one easy to find spot. You have to search multiple Bioware posts to figure things out.


    The fact that there are is so much that needs to be explained about this F2P system, just shows that it is way to complex and therefore a really bad idea.

  8. I don't like the free to play option because it is not competitive compared to what else is out there. If I was someone who had never played SWTOR before, and I saw the free to play options, I wouldn't even give it a chance, I would just go else where. There are plenty of free to play MMORPGs that offer the entire game with no restrictions, and nothing on the cash shop to unlock features. The only thing their cash shop offers is vanity items, like pets, costumes, and mounts.
  9. Yes I agree wholeheartedly. For one thing, why on earth no level 20 relics? Why not a complete level 30 set of gear? Why no offhands? Why no level 25/40 speeders?


    One thing that bugs me is that if I PvP to any degree, I end up blowing WZ comms on stuff I have no use for (I doubt I'll ever manage to use all the meds/adrens I have stocked up). Give us stuff to spend them on as we level.


    Yeah, that was one of the things that confused me. Relics and weapons are only available at level 50. Why not something in between that?

  10. ...You make it sound like I'm deliberately trying to ruin your thread. Again, I'm simply offering advice. No need to be a [censored] about it.


    "I don't PvP" how else do you think someone is going to take that then? What compelled you to butt in on a subject you don't even care about? If anything, you're the one being a *******. This forum is filled with people who constantly feel the need to do this very thing, it happens in every single thread. You're not the first person to think he is some sort of literal genius here.

  11. It's not the Prize, it's the sport.

    You PVP because you like competing against other players. For the love of the game.


    Bioware clearly disagrees with you because they offer multiple rewards for competing against fellow players. I just don't think there are enough right now while doing it before level 50.

  12. I enjoy leveling my alts on PvP, and while the Galactic Market is a good way to get gear still, I wish there was more gear to spend Warzone Commendations on. As it is right now, the cap on Commendations is only 2000, I am level 30, and have all of the PvP gear between level 20 and 40 bought. I can't buy any of the level 50 gear, the game won't let me. What I am hoping for is a PvP set for level 30, and to add more weapons and gear overall between levels 20 - 40. Something to spend those commendations on. Like I said, i've hit the 2000 cap a while ago, and have nothing to spend them on, every match I do now is just going to waste for commendations.
  13. We know they're aiming at releasing patches approximately every 6 weeks. The last patch was at the end of September. So if 1.5 doesn't hit this week, chances are high it'll hit in the upcoming week.


    Yeah, I would actually be surprised if it doesn't come out tomorrow. We actually know for a fact that 1.5 is this month for sure, barring any delays.

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