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Everything posted by Tharandil

  1. With the general population dropping I've seen insane price differences among the servers. It seems the least populated servers are the victims of the most outrageous prices on the gtn. Several direct sales on the CM have had some effect but so far I haven't seen prices drop dramatically. For example: Senya's pike (platinum) goes for around 138mil on the GTN. People seem to be greedy. Has anyone ever bought an item that was clearly overpriced? So far I've only bought Shae Vizla's armor for around 48mil and thought that was already steep for a cosmetic armor.
  2. Sometimes they bring back older packs for a limited time on the CM. Otherwise you would have to hunt servers for the gear peaces and transfer a character to that server with in game currency and buy it...
  3. Agreed, unfortunately here in Europe there are people who don't speak English or who wouldn't respond to group chat at all...
  4. Mifcabuge, lvl 38 marauder. Clearly a South Park reference to their Jersey Shore episode
  5. This game runs on the loyalty of gamers to the Star Wars franchise. Personally I enjoy the Raids, PVP and FP's with my mates the most. Concerning your frustration about lack of content, I'd say money would be the primary reason. EA should stick with sports games instead of trying to ruin a game that has the potential to be so much more. I still have hope for a bright future, Keith has restored some of my faith but I'm curious what will happen next. Would be nice to see heavily populated servers again.
  6. Doesn't feel like GoT to me, his betrayal feels too out of character. It feels more like he's a secret double agent, you did escape with most of the Adegan crystals on Umbara anyway. I haven't really read the the novels that involve Theron and the 'Ascendant Spear', maybe there could be a glimpse in his persona as to his ulterior goals and what drives him (besides galactic peace that involves killing millions....) I guess we're hunting "The Order" and Theron next. Maybe hunt down Satele, Jace Malcolm (if you haven't killed him already) and Teff'ith (Theron's surrogate sister). Teff'ith actually send you an email in the aftermath of the SOR prelude, could be nice to see how it works out if you'd hold her hostage.
  7. It is an old bug and quite frankly annoying, still you can give it to some companions as an average source of influence points.
  8. Would be nice to experience a healthy server population for a change. Although a merger could work as a short-term solution but in the long term a continuation of new content, (bug)fixes and a BIGGER BUDGET from EA would probably yield the best result. Most players left because of lack of new content. Fortunately Keith is communicating with the community and all we can do is give constructed feedback instead of ranting on a forum. I have faith in this game
  9. Then why can't they take care of creditspammers? They would have to get their credits from farming.
  10. Ok too bad you can't RE them anymore to know the schematic. Guess I will have to check the GTN. Thanks for your answer
  11. I play mainly on Progenitor, we have a smaller but quite enthusiastic guild. Personally I love to communicate with them through Discord while doing PVP and OPS or FP's. We did DF on SM (couple of nights ago) with 3 pugs: 2DPS,1H. We wiped 4 times on the Gate Commander and another 3 times on the Rancor. Didn't wipe on Corrupter Zero but wiped another 5 times on Brontes, before I called it a night. Problem was mainly the lack of DPS who took care of the ads (even when we explained the tactics) and a lower Healing output of the other pug who had defense mods in his gear ("I don't want to die as a healer so I need defense").. Same thing happened the night before on HM TFB: 3 pugs with decent gear (236) but we kept wiping (6+) on Operator IX because of a lack of understanding the tactics of phase 2. Personally I love to teach other players this game and enjoy playing together. But for now I'm sticking with a maximum of 2 pugs per run. If i have to repair my armor time and time again, chances are I'm going to loose more money on this OP then I'm gaining with it. Maybe a gear requirement could be a solution? What do you guys think?
  12. 3 pugs who joined us on a guild run of ToS (sm). I healed (244 gear). Wiped 6 times on both the underlurker and the commanders because the pugs did not move when the ceiling came crashing down. Hardly ever used other attacks then the basic ones. The slinger was a pain to communicate with because didn't speak at all via chat. I don't mind teaching new players tactics, but they should at least know how to use their rotations and try to listen to veteran players when they point out how they could improve their playstyle (in a constructive way of course). After 6 wipes I've had enough and quit the OPS. No more runs with more then 2 pugs for me...
  13. Maybe an idea to make a Mandalorian themed pack? With the umbarra spider tank coming up as a mount a basilisk wardroid would be a good idea for a mount. Add cassus fett's armor and that of mandalore the ultimate and you'll have a mandalore wars pack.
  14. Can't they use the blueprints from KOTOR 2? They've already added several armor sets from KOTOR 1&2 already...
  15. Besides Iokath he isn't really doing anything so far (story wise), why isn't he in our base organizing the conquest of the republic?
  16. That would be a great idea! Mechanics and rotations are key! How would you otherwise go for OPS or HM flashpoints?
  17. Great thing! Thanks now leveling my alts is a lot more fun. Maybe an idea to keep it permanent?
  18. Did a veteran FP a couple of days ago. Got grouped with a lvl 50 sentinel, a lvl 35 sage and a lvl 16 slinger. I was playing a lvl 70 decent geared commando (Gunnary spec). Umbara popped and personally I don't mind one noob in a GF group. After all this is a team effort and new players should be given a chance to learn as well. However the slinger kept attacking every single mob in the area simultaneously. Before we got to the first boss, the sentinel decided to bail on us. His replacement was a lvl 43 Jedi knight. We wiped over and over again despite me trying to explain the tactics and tips and tricks for this FP. Abandoning them did cross my mind sometimes and I got more Frustrated by the minute. After more then an hour we finally completed umbara. Is it perhaps an idea to let low lvl players que for easier flashpoints? Several have a few challenging tactics and I'm willing to explain and be patient but if you play with more then one new player in a group it is challenging. If they would just focus on their rotation first it shouldn't have to be so difficult...
  19. Came across a guy who's name said: Warrantyexpired
  20. How did you acquire it? Would you know how to craft them/where the schematics are?
  21. If they'd sell CE for the original prize as a digital edition of sorts wouldn't that be a reasonable compromise? Personally I'd love to have the imperial trooper armor, but I understand that Bioware shouldn't just put it on sale, because they'd be screwing over the guys who actually went the extra mile and bought it to begin with.
  22. I thought Dustil Onasi (Carth's son in Kotor 1) was supposed to be dead by Kotor 2 (sith corpse in the sith academy on Koriban), wouldn't his bloodline have ended?
  23. Theron's betrayal seems so out of character, combine it with the salvage of the majority of crystals for the alliance and the stunning of Lana instead of a deadly shot during the confrontation. It seems likely he went undercover. However he did lure the commander and all his allies in a trap, not to mention he would try to shoot his father (if you side with the empire) on Iokath. He'd better have a damn good reason to betray me, otherwise he'll rot in a cell next to Saresh.
  24. What affection level was your companion? Good for you by the way. I don't know if i would have the same confidence with 2 unexperienced players and a companion.
  25. You could do some heroics and claim some blue gear that drops from the crates. Other way is lieveling your influence with Mako (Just go to the vendor on the fleet that sells companion gifts). Another option is to use heroic moment during a tough fight (legacy ability) and lastly read a few guides for your class, they actually give good tips on how to improve your gamestyle and what perks are useful. Vanilla story doesn't have impossible fights, some can be tricky If you don't know what abillity you should interrupt during the fight. I hope you'll find these tips useful, have fun!
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