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Posts posted by DocVandar

  1. Agreed. I am playing the game on a great new rig and so far have had none of the FPS or ability delay issues that others are complaining about, so I am having a great time.


    That said, I am an avid PvPer, who wants to play Republic, and the extreme population imbalance along with Ilum are not very promising. If BW doesn't get these things straightened out soon, I might simply unsub after I finish a few class stories.

  2. In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


    • Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.
    • Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)
    • After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.
    • After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


    Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.


    THIS! Combining space combat with normal ground combat in both PvP and PvE scenarios would be awesome.

  3. /signed.


    Very well written post. Having not made it to 50 yet, I cannot comment on the end-game content, or lack thereof, but based on what people seem to be stating, it seems severally lacking, and a carbon copy of WoW (no big surprise there).


    If BW didn't realize it already due to the fact that it was focusing too much on story, end-game is where an MMO lives or dies. Taking WoW's formula isn't going to cut it either. There needs to be some truly different styles in the end-game content in order for this game to not only thrive, but to straight-up survive. OP's suggestions were all good ones, and ones that had been suggested FAR before this game was launched. BW clearly didn't listen then, but it had better listen now, for TOR's sake.

  4. 1. Population imbalance -- my suggestion; give the Republic exclusive alien-like playable species (Kel-Dor, Togruta, Nautolans, etc.) to incentivize rolling Republic.


    2. Empty worlds -- remove the sharding already!


    3. Lack of innovative end game content -- need to implement multi-player space combat, pazaak and other mini games and fix Ilum asap.

  5. Honestly it sounds to me like you're struggling to play your class properly. Sentinels are glass cannons that can do LOTS of damage if played correctly. You have 1 ability that hits for 2k? I've been hit with back to back 4k's by a sentinel.


    Honestly not trying to sound mean but you really need to learn to play your class better before you come QQing on the forums.


    It's not a glass "cannon" as a cannon implies a ranged weapon that can be utilized at a safe distance from the frey. Marauders/Sentinels are a glass [insert powerful melee weapon here].


    There is nothing wrong with the Marauder/Sentinel damage output, but their utility and survivability in PvP is VERY poor, and should be improved upon. One quick fix would be to give them heavy armor, although I do not know how feasible that would be as far as implementation. A real CC would also go a long way (don't think a knock back ability is appropriate, as we are melee, and force leap is essentially a the mirror opposite of a pull ability).

  6. I am all for a 3 side concept...2 sides in today's MMO is old and just plain bad.


    Unfortunately it is too late to implement an entirely new third faction. This is something that would have had to have been planned from the start.


    I have seen the problem of population imbalance first hand and personally think it is TOR's biggest problem at the moment. I am not at lvl 50 yet, but I have Republic and Imperial toons on several PvP servers and have seen the drastic advantage the Empire will have in Ilum (once it is fixed) and other open-world PvP.


    The best suggestion I have seen thus far to get players over to the Republic, and one that I will continue to push, is allow more alien-like playable species for the Republic only -- Kel Dor, Togruta, Nautolan, etc. I think this is a great way, that has zero effect on actual game play, to incentivize players rolling Republic.

  7. Please make Datacrons account based. ie. any datacron picked up will also benefit any characters made on that server for the same faction.


    So the benefits of this is numerous:

    1. This will promote the making of alts, as this has always been a goal of bioware it seems to fit in line with what they want.


    2. This will promote gathering all datacrons on your main character.


    3. This will remove the "bug" dealing with body types as you can simply pick the datacrons up on an alt and get the benefit for all your characters.


    4. This will ultimately make getting that +4 aim datacron on your sorc that much more fulfilling.


    A good suggestion.

  8. Those not new to MMOs and got burned out (likely on WoW) probably got burned out on the endgame. Since the endgame here is basically the same, the burnout will come much, much faster than it did for them the first time in a previous game.


    I particularly agree with this point. I don't think Bioware realized this when making TOR in trying to take over WoW's success. It's not WoW that is getting stale, it is the formula. THAT is why this game will not have the longevity of WoW. People are already burnt out on it from playing WoW for seven years.

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