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Posts posted by DocVandar

  1. No... in its current state.


    Basically BW is having to take the first few months after release to get features in the game that should have been in at launch. When the game is "fixed" and when BW starts to add new features in the game that don't resolve around ground combat (i.e. interior customization of ships, "real" space combat, pazaak, pod racing, etc.), and when BW sucks it up and starts to merge servers, I may consider coming back.

  2. No I'm looking for World PvP. So I am re-rolling republic side. I'm looking for a server that the pubs ARE outnumbered but not such a low pop that things a very quite.


    People could be looking to re-roll for any number of reasons.


    Would you care to post your numbers?


    I was under the impression that Veela was the server for Republic PvP.

  3. I'd be very very sad if he was really killed at the foundry, seems like a very bland ending to a character like Revan, he is the main reason I am playing the game.


    Ditto. One of the main reasons I wanted to play TOR is to discover Revan's fate. If he in fact is dead (his death not even being a max level flash point), it would be the single most anti-climactic end to a major character in any IP that I have ever seen.

  4. No. He is dead, period.


    If is dead then that is about the weakest demise to one of the best written, most interesting (if not the interesting) character in all of Star Wars lore. I would forever resent Bioware if this was the case.

  5. The game just has no soul...


    I am going to have to agree with you on that one. On paper this game does a lot right. But I have recently cancelled my sub because I simply no longer have any desire to play this game (note that TOR was probably my most anticipated video game of all time, and I have been gaming since the days of the Atari).


    It's hard to put my finger on what the game is lacking, but all I know is that when I first played WoW, I could not stop playing. After leveling a character to about 40 in TOR, my desire to play started to rapidly decrease, to the point where I do not even log in anymore. Maybe it is because of the lifeless, empty worlds. Maybe it is because the basic core game play is the exact same as WoW and I am simply burnt out on that formula. Maybe it is because the game is too linear, and has no sense of exploration or freedom. All that I know is that TOR has failed to deliver for me personally, and all I can think of when playing it is what it could have been.

  6. According to the posting on this forum 4.3 million subscribers have ragequit.




    Glad to see it's doing well. That means EA and BW will have the incentive to keep adding new content.


    If they don't start adding end-game content that differentiates this game from WoW -- whether that be multi-player PvE and PvP free flight space combat, Pazaak, swoop racing, more world PvP, etc. -- I will not be staying much longer. While the game is extremely polished, the entire experience just has that "I've done this all before" feeling to it. It needs unique content to survive, or can guarantee that that 1.7 million figure will start to drop very rapidly.

  7. A well written post, OP, and I agree with pretty much everything you said. The emphasis on story is a great addition, but it is finite, and in a genre that thrives on replay ability, game play always has to come first. Unfortunately, that was not done here.


    I particularly agree with you on the waste of resources used on the VOs and cinametics on the meaningless fetch quests. No doubt that adding a story to the character leveling and instances was a great addition, but when I think of where they could have allocated their resources toward gameplay as opposed to these non-essential cutscenes (let alone the fact that they recorded them in three languages), just upsets me, and makes me think of what this game could have been.


    I will probably unsub next month and wait until BW adds some more standout features, such as a "real" space combat system and cantina mini games. It is sad, because like the OP, this was probably my most anticipated game of all time. Unfortunately, it just feels like a new skin cast over a 7-year old, stale formula.

  8. I haven't quit yet, but several of my friends already have half-way through leveling. I don't know how much longer I plan on subbing.


    This game is simply too much like WoW. Sorry BW, but people are burnt out on that formula, and rather than try something new, you copied it to a "t," and simply added story to it. Is it a polished game? Yes, but the magic that I felt when I first started playing WoW (which was my first MMO), is just not there because I have done this all before. It is no longer original or fun, even with a Star Wars skin on it.

  9. I agree with OP's recommendations.


    However, I think there is another good way to incentivize players rolling Republic, that has been previously mentioned in the General Discussion Forum: exclusive alien playable species.


    If you gave the Republic the option to play species like Togruta, Kel Dor, Nautolan, Cathar, etc., I can guarantee you more players will roll Republic. The best part is, it does not involve any change in actual game-play mechanics, in which there will no doubt always be at least some problems.

  10. Yes. Don't have any characters at 50 yet, and the leveling process is certainly better than any MMO before it. I just hope by the time I hit 50 with a couple characters they have Ilum straightened out and some other non-WoW forms of end-game in play.
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