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Posts posted by ToxicSky

  1. Players did request the option to change appearance, name and so on, which you did provide. I am slightly unsure on the method of payment for this. Despite players are paying for the game, you still wish us to spend more on Cartel Points? That is one change I would love to not have. I could easily pay 10.000 credits per customization-option, or even more! Credits aren't difficult to come over, so you could make it 50.000 credits per option as well, that is hardly anything I would shrug my shoulders about.


    I know that it is difficult to earn money on game-development now, specially on a mmorpg since they seem to be a new one on the market by the second, but everything you make shouldn't be picked out of our wallet. Give us something that cost credits as well!


    On a second note:

    Now when you are done giving us the option to change our appearance; will you now start working on better and more social-features for lone players and guilds?

    Players can gather on ships, but you can't even sit on the chairs, which ruins the authentic feeling for us roleplayers.



    + Change appearance

    - Everything cost cartel-points

    Wishing for:

    More features for roleplayers

  2. About time with the hair-change! Have a sith whom is in serious need of a hair-cut.


    From what it looks like, anything that does not include improving gear (for now, at least) will cost cartel coins. Won't be long before gear ends up in there too.

    I agree that this is rather foreboding, regarding the market. I, for one, hope that they will find a balance in what they throw into their new sandbox/playground and what will be purchasable at vendors.

  3. I*m all for an evening of pazaak.

    Many good points you have there. I have been adding things to a list myself, which I have posted on the forum. You have my vote for these! Well, most of them. I'm no pvp-fan, but I can agree that it would improve the feeling of things. I wouldn't mind going to Hutta and watch a pitfight.

  4. As a web-developer with prospects of creating a guild: Yeah, I'm with you. I have been searching around the web this evening in search of such tools, but only came across a hosting-site for mmo's that have this feature. I like to be able to create my own site for my guild, set up the interface as I see fit and still be able to list my members without them or me having to update the site each day because they gain a level or the guild gains a new recruit that might not stay.


    At the current moment, all one can do is manually update character-data and add a checkbox for "Have you reached max level for character, crew-skills and/or what-not?". Some web-features, please!

  5. Guild HQ-ideas:

    • A room at the Fleet-station, made as an instance. No party-invite required, it is set for your guild only. If you are in a party however, then you can follow a guild-member in. Good for recruitment and events. Make it upgradeable, something the guild can strive for. Perhaps with different themes? And give it a shop, with unique equipment for the guild.
    • Guild-ship: Not the for-most practical idea, but it is an idea. Works as a ship should, but with more space.


    • Hologram-calls to any guild-member. A smaller indicator than the quest-indicator. Turned off during battle, to no disturb.
    • Meeting-room in HQ and Hologram-calls to/from the ship. There is a room for it, but haven't found any use for it.


    Perhaps an indicator for specified channels in the chat when it's minimized, for people with smaller screens. Some people, including me, is playing on a laptop and would like to save up some space (no pun intended) without missing all to much.


    And we are playing in the future. I can understand a mailbox for items, but sending messages and money? I am doing that from my cellphone, I don't think they are that far behind in a sci-fi universe. Some things should be possible on the run.


    And make it possible to take a seat when there are chairs and similar! It gives a good feeling to the game, specially if guild-meetings in a room were to be an idea.


    I have a feeling that the patch for all this would be quite extensive, but it would be worth it. I haven't found one game so far (don't know about GW2, haven't played it) that gives much features for guilds.

  6. Hi!

    I don't know if anyone has written about it before, in which case: I'm still not sorry, some things are worth mentioning at least twice.


    I do think SWTOR is a great game, despite flaws and bugs which appears from time to time. I am sure you are working hard to deal with this, but let me give you a few hints of what would make this game even slightly better, from my point of view.


    Reasons play mmorpg: To play with friends, random players, team up against said enemy etcetera. An mmorpg is not just a character or two running around, killing things, but a graphical community with slightly more action. You have put together a really sweet roleplaying-element with the cut-scenes and all, and your chat works quite fine. But what this game is lacking is more community-features. More for the guilds to manage, easier access to conversations etc. I am no expert in graphical design, so I will not be able to give you an image of "this would be great, do this", but I can give you an suggestion to what look into, and perhaps your awesome graphics-people can ponder a bit.


    Guilds need more options for what to be able to do together. Otherwise it's just a bunch of friends in a secluded list on different places in the universe, sharing a chat-channel. Something few guilds have is some kind of HQ. There could be unique flashpoints, or space-missions. Perhaps even a few lines of code that enable us to put our roster on a website? Something that makes the guilds more attractive. I have recently tried joining guilds, and I have to say that the only thing that gives me is three more people to talk to when my IRL-friends aren't online. Features, community-features: Something to look into.


    I don't know if I've made much sense here. I just feel that there are things missing in the community-part, in the game.


    For others that read this: Write down what you feel would be great to add! All from guild-features to just socializing with your friends. Suggestions of all community-wise features would be great.

  7. I hate to complain since I really do like this game, but sometimes one has to, but I hope some constructive can come from it.


    I just bought a cartel bundle-pack and noticed that the only two items I got was a companion gift, which is nice and all, and a companion customization for a companion none of my current characters got, or will get due to class. I'm going to assume that the cartel market is still in development for new improvements, so I have a suggestion: Why not add some kind of logic-engine that checks what character you are playing, or at least what characters you got active on the server, so at least one item can be of practical use. It would increase the will to purchase these packs radically if the players know that they won't go out empty handed, even if not all items are preferable at least one will come to use.


    And I know I can't get everything I want in a game without putting up some effort and all that, but getting something of value when spending points is always preferable. I would never pay with either in-game credits, nor real money, for an item I don't need nor like.


    As I previously stated, I do like this game, but I also feel that it got room for improvements.

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