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Posts posted by arcadean

  1. I have 168 mods in my gear from the level 56 mod vendor on the fleet. The rest of my gear is under 168 and i went in and had 1936 expertise. So I am gonna assume just like with the 162 gear that you put lower mods and enhancements in your MH and OH. will test


    The bolsterizer on ziost doesnt seem to work right

  2. I think that you now have to finish your class story before you can access makeb. I have flown to the orbital station and nothing and it is greyed out on my mission terminal on my ship. and it doesnt look like the GSI terminals are there anymore. Thanks BW for that crappy change.


    Edit- On Corellia now. will post results after i finish class story

  3. Ok so I am in a voidstar match. We are attacking first, I cap the door within the first minute, we get the bridge and they hold us off from getting the next door. Next round they get the first door longer than it took us to get the first door, then the minute they open the bridge the game ends and they won. What the hell is going on, I mean serious bioware, I havent been much to complain about this game so far but the way you keep going, are you guys related to sony by any chance cause I dont know what it is how can two big companies **** up a star wars game. get your head out of your assess and fix the damn game, hell most of the people on these forums are probably much better programmers than the team you have. **** and go make a single player game, cause you fail at MMO's
  4. I see a lot of ttk is ridiculous because of the relics + adrenals....No it was not...pre 1.2 ttk was fine...it was the change to expertise that was made in 1.2 that made the ttk ridiculous. I should have renamed this post petition the relics and not the adrenals sorry. the relics need to be changed back to on use, period end of story.


    I also see a lot of you dont need them learn to cc to kill your opponent...thats just 1 part of this....As a former WOW arena player all of these pieces to the puzzle are needed to get the kill....cc healer, pop trinkets and burn down target was how you got kills in arenas to win matches, it was all about timing and countering the opposing team. Taking these out is going to make for dumb down easy mode play...popping relics+adrenals isnt easy mode it can easily be countered if you know what your doing....


    Take out the biochem adrenals...thats fine. no reason to force you into a crafting profession. but the relics need to stay on use and the wz expertise adrenals need to have the increased damage and healing added back to them.

  5. Pretty much this. if you haven't been on the receiving end of a PT / VG / Marauder / Sent popping adrenals and stacking relics, I don't understand how you think that was a good thing.


    Oh but I have been on many of the receiving ends of this....Its called burst for a reason....thats the whole point.....People are missing the point here. You arent supposed to survive burst its called that for a reason....you can only do it every what..3 minutes...and you cant stack relics you can only use 1 then the other 20 seconds later...but not at the same time....


    Like I said this should be a stat change not an item mechanic change. If anything I think we can all agree on is that burst is too bursty....tone down the amount that the adrenal and relic provides....for example on the battlemaster power relic..instead of increasing power by 380 tone it down to say 300....make changes like that..


    The whole point of this thread is to revert back to on use not the passive or on hit with the new ones they are going to provide......nerf the amount that the relics and adrenals increase the stat.

  6. I don't agree with you OP. The change was absolutely needed.


    There were multiple times in a single warzone where one player could stack burst to levels that made it IMPOSSIBLE to survive a single DPS rotation. Thats ridiculously dumb and incredibly frustrating to be on the end of.


    Coming in here to claim that because it was there during the last 6 months makes it into an integral part of the pvp meta-game is pretty silly to say the least,


    The bottom line is, it was OP. It doesn't matter if everyone was doing it, that doesn't make it right. Not only that, but it REQUIRED that anyone who is "serious" about pvp level up biochem. The margin of effectiveness gained by having biochem and all those rakata adrenals was so ridiculously large that any "serious" pvper would be a fool to not take it.


    The fact that the DPS burst gained by having them was very outside the normal curve of the SAME class without them, and that to have them REQUIRED rolling biochem combined pretty much guaranteed that a nerf was incoming. And look, here you are on the forums crying about it.


    TL:DR Man up, this was a needed change.


    so basically you are saying that there shouldnt be burst in pvp....So when for example you have to take out player guarding mid for example in alderaan where you have no burst and the players just keep respawning and keep rotating out cause of the lack of burst to be able to capture that node......hmmm how many games have you pvp'ed? You need burst, not for the sake of having big numbers for your youtube video to show off but you need it for that game-changing moment...to say that is SILLY.....now on the other hand that I will agree with you on is that was the burst to bursty.....yes it was...but not at the expense of taking away our choice of when to burst......What they should have done was tone down surge again....give it steeper diminishing returns. The change for burst needs to be a stat change not an item change.


    oh btw dont come into my thread when i ask for both sides CONSTRUCTIVELY and tell me to man up.....thats just plain childish...thank you have a nice day!!

  7. good example....Bioware needs to understand that pvp isnt just balanced around a certain class but a player as well. Taking away on use just makes it easy mode for the rest of the not so skilled player.....but which is better to make the more skilled pvp player base angry or the not so skilled learning to use the on use...I go with the latter.
  8. First off I have to say why in the world would you do this bioware....I mean what is the logic into taking away burst in the game....I am writing this and I hope many of the members in the community who know how to pvp will agree, this is going to make pvp stale and pointless. The whole point of popping adrenals is for the burst to quickly down an enemy guarding a node, carrying a flag etc.....Now with this healers can just sit there and heal all day and not have to worry about the person there healing dying. This goes the same for the warzone expertise adrenals.....you keep the damage reduction but take away the healing and damage....


    Bioware says they listen to the community, since when did any of the community ask for something like this...Dont fix something that wasnt broke. Bioware needs to stop trying to reinvent the wheel. I hate to say it but WOW's resillience works, stop trying to change it cause its not going to work...... well folks lets keep this going with just a /sign if you are against this change or If you have any other examples or input feel free. If you are all for this change then explain why you feel that way.


    **quick edit to my point.... give us back the on use abilties on relics, the adrenals I will agree at not letting them be used as its an unfair crafting skill edge so i will agree there....since you are giving us the ability to craft the warzone adrenals but there again put the increase in damage and healing back on the expertise adrenals.


    I think that what i just listed will do a few things, 1. tone down the burst but still giving us the ability to choose when we burst, and 2 gives biochems another item to craft to be competitive in the crafting area, and GTN.

  9. Its bad enough that, today, the 10-49 bracket is filled with horribads who are queuing on their level 10 Basic Class.


    But with Update 1.3 going "Free to Play" for levels 1-15, we'll have tons more of these horribad, keyboard-turning, use-mouse-to-click-hotbars, emote-during-PvP (no lie, I saw someone actually do a custom emote while in a fight at a turret in Civil War), how-do-you-pass, why-didnt-my-stun-work noobs flooding the 10-49 bracket, to the point where you will not even be able to build up your WZ and RWZ comms on your way to 50 because you smash your keyboard into bits every match where you end up with these dweebs in your PuG.


    Bioware, can you PLEASE make PvP restricted to paid accounts only? Please? With sugar on top?



    So the guy who has the new players guided to pvp in his signature that he made is making this complaint.....So let me ask you this, why did you write this guide?.......Thats what I thought **** and quit crying, so what if they aren't as good as you think you are. This game is probably a first mmo for those trial members. Ok had to set you in your place......anyway what they should do is after the server mergers take those dead servers and make them trial servers, that way cry babies like the OP wont have to make whiny posts like this one.....Thank you have a nice day!!

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