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Everything posted by Atrimentus

  1. I didn't get any answers on this from the FAQ unfortunately. I subscribed for the first time after F2P started and I've seen deals for the SWTOR boxed game. If I buy the boxed game, will it be possible to redeem that code as a subscriber and in turn get 30 days added? Or does the code only apply to new accounts? Note: No codes have been redeemed for this account since its creation in 2010, this is an account I created for beta but I never bought the game after that. I did a trial a long time ago but I can't remember if a code was used but it wasn't from a friend invite. I also want buy it to TRY to get a couple of friends to play the game. It's F2P but I'd have better success if I told them they'd have everything for the first 30 days..and they wouldn't have to download the game - which would probably take one of them an entire day. So if I refer them, they make an account and and then they redeem the codes, would I get the speeder and the 500 coins? Or do they have to subscribe or redeem a game time card?
  2. I was so hyped since the announcement of this game (I think 2009 or 2010) but never got around playing after the beta because of time constraints. Now it's come at a perfect time for me and I've even subscribed after playing for 1 day. I'm having a lot of fun and so far I'm level 16 right now. Really loving the game! The current F2P model is getting a lot of negative reviews and at the very least I hope EA/Bioware is skimming through them. Before I was a subscriber the game did feel like it might have been too restrictive. I would like EA/Bioware to go back to the drawing more and attempt to design a new, better system that can be win-win for everyone. Not so much focus on UI limitations but give more incentive to all players to buy coins to spend on the cartel market. Like new cosmetics, races, companions, extra loot from FPs and OPs, etc. If I was them I would allow F2P players access to all quickbars, the ability to hide helmet, use emotes, more flexibility with field revives, display titles, unify colors, display legacy. I'd keep experience gains the same, and keep the gear equip limitations, limited or no whisper, no sending mail - everything not mention there should stay. Preferred is what needs some work because Preferred players are old subscribers and people who are buying coins (and would buy coins if you give F2P people a better reason to) but are not subbed so these players should be given a bit more appreciation. In my opinion, players would generally be happier to buy $20 of coins to unlock cool stuff like cosmetics, companions, boosts, etc than things to unlock like bank access, quickbars, hide helmet, and so on. Things that are generally given to F2P in other MMOs. In such case, I think people would be less likely to spend more to buy the cosmetics after they've blown money on unlockables. From the current system http://www.swtor.com/free/features, I'd keep this as is: Story Content Sprint Crew Skills Game Login Bank/Cargo Hold Mail Secure Trading Galactic Trade Network Respec Items: Mod Removal Items: Augment Slots Customer Service Support Chat (I'm not sure how much they can't use) Operations, Warzones, Flashpoints, Space Missions (I don't have much experience on this so I can't say what's reasonable). Inventory Quick Travel Emergency Fleet Item Equipping Guilds Vendors Here's what I would modify for Preferred: Character Creation - allow one or more characters and specie or keep it the same and make it a bit cheaper to unlock. Revive - I guess keep this but lower the cost a bit or make it really long CD. Commendations Cap - higher than F2P, lower than Subs Experience Rate - Not 25%, maybe 15 or 10% but no zero (that should be exclusive for Subs) Rest EXP - Can gain but a lot less than Subs Valor - Less than Subs, more than F2P Like I said, EA/BW shouldn't put so much attention to limitations (especially in terms of UI) and instead, they should focus on incentive. So go from restrictive/limitation method to Incentive. Rather than restrict so much from people, give people more variety and more things. Give people the incentive to become Preferred and Sub. And give some more love to the Subs.
  3. The market has changed. Every game that can hold some multiplayer is more viable as F2P model than anything. It's not that this game isn't worth $15 but that there's other alternatives that can match the quality and don't have to pay subscription and there's people who don't play everyday so they might not get their moneys worth. Those are among the reasons why people are not so keen on subscriptions anymore. This came around the time when F2P was becoming the norm so yes that's hurt it. That said, there's a high chance you won't see any more subscription games being released from now on. I started playing the game when it became F2P and ended up subscribing the next day. I'm really loving this game so far and my only wish is that EA/Bioware would tone down on the restrictiveness. I want to see this game grow and continue to get new content and also prove the skeptics wrong. Out with the UI limitations and design something that would give incentive to people to spend money on the cartel market
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