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Everything posted by jakler

  1. Renaming a "Content Update" to an "Expansion"... Yes, it's a simple money-grab. That should go without saying. Are you actually expecting different from the EAWare Experience?
  2. I honestly choked on my drink when I read their e-mail proclaiming the content update to be an "expansion". A good bit of laughing followed.
  3. Instead it looks like a set of armor that a level 15 Sith Warrior would wear... All righty then.
  4. Does anyone know what happens to Nomen Karr if you give him to Baras? I saw that as one of the final options and I was curious if Baras turns Nomen into a full-fledged Sith or if he just tortures and kills him.
  5. Yep. Yet another night of signing on to a half hour login queue (which ended in an error instead of a login). Getting dangerously close to tossing this game away. After the ME3 Extended Cut "Shoot the Starchild and Lose" troll, I don't want to give BioWare any more of my money anyways.
  6. I am all for working out the bugs before implementing the server transfers... but if server transfers and cross-server pvp/pve isn't near the top (if not first) on their to-do-list, it sure as hell should be. This ship is sinking fast.
  7. After just spending over two and a half hours waiting on the 1-49 PvP Queue (and giving up), I am inclined to agree. My server has practically become a ghost town and starting over on a more populated server at this point would be pretty ridiculous. Something needs to be done… heck, anything needs to be done.
  8. I am protesting against the change by not PvPing again in SWTOR. Even if they switch it back, I am done. After all of their recent fails, I can't even believe that I used to love BioWare. It is like they are actively trying to sabotage themselves.
  9. I was instantly pissed off when I read about the lvl 50 requirement. Way to insult your customers, Bioware.
  10. +1 If she really can't be turned, that needs to be fixed.
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